8:23pm Jul 27 2010
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((Electro: Is Nordrick a loner? ))
8:29pm Jul 27 2010
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(( Oh and all is accepted!! We can start now! ))
8:33pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 8:33pm Jul 27 2010)
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ooc: that is Froststar!
8:34pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 779
Nordrick is a loner))
8:36pm Jul 27 2010
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Territory: - Sand...everywhere! xD
- Roughage Spots
- Foliage Islands
- Ponds
- Creeks
- Rivers
- Ocean on Coast
- No two-leg houses, but odd dens (Tents/Trailers)
Prey: Mice Small Birds Squirrel Snake Lizard
Predator: - Birds of Prey
- Stray Dogs
- Wild dogs
8:36pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; okay
8:42pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 9:19pm Jul 27 2010)
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Nightfall padded into the sunlit camp, looking around the camp for the dawn patrol to return. Her jet black fur quivered as she looked around the camp. Everything was unusually peaceful. Where is everyone? she asked silently, half expecting an answer. She blinked and padded out of the sand covered camp, waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting prey. She took notice to a plump mouse, then gathered up all the strength in her legs, then pounced, leaping onto it, then quietly finishing it off. She padded back into the camp and dropped it on the fresh-kill pile. It is getting low... she thought, Possibly not enough to feed the Clan.
9:18pm Jul 27 2010
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Sunflare came out of his den. He yawned, stretching and looking up at the sky. "It's such a good day today." He purred, happy knowing that he was one of the first to wake up. Sunflare paced around the camp, wondering what to do. "Perhaps I should wait for another warrior to wake up, and we could go hunting together." He mumbled to himself, his tail twitching and his ears flicking non-stop. --- Rainflower came back from hunting. She dropped her two mice into the fresh-kill pile, satisfied with her catch. She swiped her tongue over her right paw, and started cleaning her face, hunting had not tired her. Rainflower padded around the camp, bored. Her paws itched to do something, but she would have to wait for every other cat to wake up. --- Dreampaw was, unfortunately, one of the first apprentices to wake up. She didn't like that. She opened one lazy eye, scanning the apprentice den. All the others were asleep, some snoring. Dreampaw sighed, and closed the eyelid again, hoping that sleep would take her away once again.

9:35pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 9:38pm Jul 27 2010)
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Painfullsilence padded out of the den his silence and scarred pelt enough to make any cat cringe in fear of their lives turning like his. Looking about he let his head down and his ears droop a bit. Blackwolf growled at the battle scarred tom crouching before him. "Who are you?! And what are you doing on our territory. Get out of here!" his tail lashing and ears flat against his head the other tom lowered to the ground in fear. The loners pelt was scarred and light brown with dark stripes. He was speechless and looked like he would die from a heart attack. "Are you deaf?! Get out of here! Now!" Blackwolf looked none too happy.
9:52pm Jul 27 2010
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Gras.spkit felt something crash into his side knocking him to the ground. He looked up shocked to see the happy face of his sister ontop of his. He heard a small giggle escape her as she 'pretend' bit down on his neck. Gras.skit kicked up on her stomach, he was bigger and practically lifted her off of him. He smiled slidding out from under her and let her flop onto the ground. Ladykit giggled getting up. She pounced on the moss ball her and her brother always played with and threw it towards Gras.skitlaughing as it hit him in the side of the head. She ducked as the moss ballwas smacked back towards her. She walked towards the entrance of the nursery. She looked around to see if Ravenbone was around.
10:03pm Jul 27 2010
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Goldwing padded out of the den. Smiling as she sat down and licked her chest fur a bit just to look little more awake. "Hmmmm beautiful day today. I wonder what I should do." purring she looked about.
10:31pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 880
Hyperkit crawled out of the nersery and took a large breath of air. She just loved to be outside on a good day like this, though she wished she could do more besides lay around camp and do nothing, she smiled as she thought to herself of how much a good apprentice she was going to be. She would listen to every word her mentor gave her, and wouldn't stop training until the move or @ssignment was perfect. She licked her paw and drew it over her eye to get out a piece of fur in her eye. Carefully she blinked open the eye again and yawned, looking at all the others that were already awake. She noticed Goldwing was awake and pounced over to her. "Goodmornning Goldwing!" she said happily giving a mew to the she-cat. She sat down purring up at her. Whisperhead yawned as he peered out from his den. He noticed cats were beginning to awake from the hopefully good rest that they had. His sleek white coat bristled as he streached. He blinked his bi-colored eyes at the area around him and silently made his way over to the fresh kill pile. With a frown he noticed that the pile was a bit low. He wished he could do something about it, but thought better of it and would leave the hunting to the warriors and apprentices. He sat down next to the fresh kill pile and gazed around. He hoped it wouldn't be long before the dawn patrol returned with, hopefully, jaws full of fresh kill ready for everyone in the clan to enjoy. He purred at the thought of peace in the clan, though he knew nothing would be peacefull forever.
10:50pm Jul 27 2010
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Goldwing looked down at Hyperkit and purred happily at the little she kit. "Good morning Hyperkit. How are you? You look as beautiful as any she kit should." eyes soft she smiled at the kit. I hope I get her as an apprentice when I get to become a mentor. She's just such a good cat to e around. Hearing the sound of scraping she looked up to see Painfullsilence sitting infront of them. Surpressing a shiver of fear at the tom she nodded back. "Goodmorning Painfullsilence." Painfullsilence heared the sound of the two she cats and padded over. Hoping the kit wouldn't be scared of him he scraped his claws on the ground letting the she cats know he was there. Being mute was not easy and he didn't like it. Smiling at the cats he nodded to them.
10:53pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 10:56pm Jul 27 2010)
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((can i still join??)) nvm, im in too many rps XD))
11:10pm Jul 27 2010
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Hyperkit's eyes lit up "you really think so?!" she mewed in glee as she pounced around in a circle. She begant to calm down when Painfullsilence came up. "Hi Painfullsilence" she said with a small dip of her head at the tom. She hadn't thought of Painfullsilence as scary or creepy. She looked at everyone as equal cats, no matter what they looked like. Though she couldn't help but feel a little akward around him, but she knew she would get used to the sight him.
1:20am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Painfullsilence smiled down at the kit and nodded his head. Pawing at the ground a bit he thought they might of felt awkward with him there and infact Goldwing did. She was really nervouse with this tom because she thought he'd attack her or he was her omen of death.
3:14am Jul 28 2010
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Rainheart's eyes flickered open as the pale morning sun's rays danced into the den, forcing the cats to wake up. She looked at her sister, Soulfeather, beside her, and her sister's mate, Ravenleaf. She then padded out of the den, realizing she wasn't the only one awake. "Good morning, Nightfall," she meowed, then turned her head to the others, "Good morning, Sunflare, Rainflower, Dreampaw, Painfullsilence, Blackwolf, Hyperkit, and Whisperhead." She blinked at Goldwing. "And good morning to you too, Goldwing." Her eyes flickered to the fresh-kill pile, then turned to face the others. "Anyone up for hunting?" she was purely excited, for she knew that hunting today was going to be just great. Soulfeather awoke next, and poked her nose to Ravenleaf's. Ravenleaf twitched for a while, then turned over and went back to sleep. She chuckled under her breath, and realized her sister was there, wanting some cats to go hunting with her. "I could, Rainheart," she volunteered. Ravenleaf noticed the warmth of his mate was not by his side, then frantically ran around trying to find her. He relaxed when he saw her in the clearing, and volunteered to hunt with her too. Rainheart was pleased at the enthusiasm of her family. "Alright, let's go." she meowed. She beckoned with her tail for them to follow her, and disappeared into the hunting grounds. Only today she noticed that Soulfeather wasn't interested in her mate anymore, however more loving, and noted that she was having a large appetite, and her weight was heavier. She suspected pregnancy, for these were the symptoms, but could also be a false one. Let nature take it's course, she thought. Soulfeather then started panting although not much hunting was done, and Rainheart chose to bring them back to camp. After a while, a cry was released from Soulfeather and Rainheart rushed in immediately. "Get Whisperhead!" she yowled, after realizing blood coming out from her tail area. After a while, a tiny russet colored kitten was born.

8:41am Jul 28 2010
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((NOT TO APPRENTICE CHARACTERS: You need mentor's, choose them please :) )) Rainfeather woke up and began to stretch her long legs, her silver pelt glowed lightly as the sun shone down and warmed her. She looked around the camp, her Ice blue eyes blazing. Then her eyes spotted Sunflare, "Hey," she meowed as she walked up to the tom, "You want to go hunting?" she asked smoothly. Froststar heard some of his warriors murmur outside of his den and he padded outside after a quick groom of his thick blue silver pelt. He looked over the cats in his clan, They are quite healthy, we are a strong clan. he thought happily. Then sat down and watched them.
8:44am Jul 28 2010
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(( Electro: Can Wavepaw be mentored by Blackwolf? )) Wavepaw ran around the camp, I can't wait till I get to train!! Only being a new apprentice, it is natural to feel like that, or at least that is what FrostStar had said.
9:32am Jul 28 2010
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Sunflare jerked around when he heard Rainfeather's voice. He gave her an extremely blank look. "Do you read minds, Rainfeather?" He asked. "I was just about to go hunting." Sunflare purred, happy that he found a friend to hunt with. He twitched his ears nervously, wondering why he felt almost dizzy when he was with Rainfeather. Sunflare certainly didn't feel this confused around his other friends and clanmates. [[I'm going to make Sunflare new to love, and a bit dense. :d I like my characters that way.]]