9:46am Jul 28 2010
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(( Okay :) , I like that :P )) Rainfeather looked at the tom, he seemed a bit shocked however, "That is good," she meowed to him and padded out of the camp, she stepped lightly in the sandy ground hoping not to scare any prey away.
9:53am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Of course Eklipse)) Blackwolf nodded to Rainheart and padded over to Wavepaw. "Good morning sleepy head. I'm going to show you the territory alright? That's the first thing I want you to learn. And pay attention. I will ask you, after we travel, a little quiz and I want you to awnser to the best of you're ability." twitching his tail he kept his eyes on the new apprentice. Painfullsilence nodded to Rainheart and lowered his head. Truth was he was slightly attracted to the she cat but he was scared she didn't like him like some of the other cats. Keeping his head down he got up nodding his head and nodded to the fresh kill pile then to the entrance before heading off. ((Playing a mute cat is alot of fun. 83))
9:56am Jul 28 2010
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Sunflare watched her for a moment, wondering if she felt the same way. He flicked his tail. 'Nah.' He thought, starting off with a slow walk, then charging forward. "Race you." He yowled as he pa-ssed Rainfeather. Sunflare grinned. No matter how Rainfeather made him feel, Sunflare would always be a little bit competitive.
10:31am Jul 28 2010
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Wavepaw looked at Blackwolf, "Okay!" he meowed happily, he ran past his mentor, his light blue eyes shining and his fur sticking out at all angles. Rainfeather gave him a head start, them pelted after him her long legs whipping herself forward as if a pack of dogs was behind her, This feels great! she thought as she ran behind him, she hit a steady pace behind him and then leaped at him and lightly nocking him off his feet , "I got you!!" she teased, her white tail high above her head, approving what she just did.
10:50am Jul 28 2010
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Blackwolf padded towards Wavepaw more calmly and purred with amusement. Looking ahead he padded past him. "Follow me."
11:26am Jul 28 2010
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Whisperkit grumbled good naturedly as the other kits meowed loudly and threw themselves into a fighting bundle. Rolling onto her back with her long legs in the air, she scratched her back on the soft moss of her nest. Wonder when i'll become a apprentice? She thought, grinning widely. Rolling back onto her paws, she padded from the nursery and watched the clan action. Soon i'll be among them, after all i'm one of the oldest kits. She thought happily, sitting down and curling her fluffy tail over her paws. Something suddenly pushed her side gently, almost sending her tumbling. Whipping around, she purred happily to see her mother, Falconwing standing over her, a proud look on her pretty face. "Stop standing around like a warrior Whisperkit, head high and posture stiff. You'll get enough of that soon enough." Falconwing mused, a flicker of sadness on her heart. She never knew where Whisperkit had come from, finding her alone out in the sandy dunes. "You'll be apprenticed soon enough." She meowed quickly, seeing the question in the kits eyes. Padding from the suddenly happy kit, Falconwing tried not to look around to much as the exited the camp alone, wanting a bit of privacy in her thoughts. I'v raised three kits, Silentheart, Starpaw, and Whisperkit, yet none of them are my own. "Is that the reason i'm here." She asked the sky, wondering if her warrior ancestors were even watching. "To raise kit's she-cats did not want or left behind?" She asked sarcastically. "Apparently i'm going a good job at it." Sitting beside the shady bushes on the outskirt of camp, Silentheart watched the every day hustle and bustle of clan life, calm amber eyes scanning one cat to the other. Lifting one large paw he licked some of the dirt from one claws that had gotten caught after hunting that morning. Is this how it's always going to be? Sitting around and hunting, like kitty-pets? He thought furiously, long tail flicking in annoyance. Wonder if Stormclan is doing the same thing. As soon as the thought crossed his mind he shot it away quickly, not wanting to think of his other blood clan. I'm loyal to Tundraclan! Not Stormclan. Or am I? The thought always perturbed him. Slinking upon a small shrew burrowing in the sand not a few tail lengths from him, Panthergaze took a quiet step forward, eyes never leaving his prey. It was the first morsel he'd seen all morning. I wonder what's going on? I'v never seen prey so low. Leaping, he quickly caught the shrew just as a shadow loomed over them. Picking up his prey quickly, the lean warrior bolted towards the protection of a nearby bush. Wings buffed over head as the large eagle slashed it's claws mere inches from his back. Huffing in the shade of the thorn bush, Panthergaze snorted in annoyance as the eagle swooped out of sight. Blasted birds. He fumed, starting back off towards the camp.

11:33am Jul 28 2010
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Wavepaw followed Blackwolf, his expressions were exploding inside of him . "I can't wait till we get there!!" he meowed., Froststar came up behind Falconwing, "Hi" he meowed then looked down at Whisperkit, "How old is she?" he asked as he watched her.
11:44am Jul 28 2010
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Falconwing jumped with a slight yowl of surprise, sighing with relief as she spotted Froststar. "Oh, hello Froststar. "She meowed lightly, dipping her head in respect. Looking over at Whisperkit, she purred helplessly to know that Froststar even knew the little kit existed. Not many do, her not being clan born, or at least I don't think she it. Jerking her eyes from the kit, she glanced back the her leader. "She's about six moons old now I believe. I'm not exactly sure because I did not know her age when she was found." She looked more close at the kit. She looks large enough to be apprenticed. "Is there something wrong?" She asked uncertainly, really hoping he wanted to just know so he knew when to apprentice her. Not know so he knew if she was old enough to be left on her own.
11:58am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf purred and showed him to the borders of the two clans. "This is the border of Stormclan. They are strong and good hunters. But we a swift unlike they are. Remember that if ever there is a battle between us and them." looking over the border he sniffed the air and looked down at his apprentice again. "Take a good sniff. Memorize the scent. It'll come in handy in the future." when Wavepaw had done so he nodded for the apprentice to follow. "Now we shall head to Nightclan's border so you may know how far to go from there. And to memorize their scent."
1:33pm Jul 28 2010
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(( Is it alright if she gets apprenticed? Stray? and if so does anyone want to mentor her?)) Froststar looked at Falconwing, concern flooding through his eyes. "I will have her apprenticed today, " he meowed thoughtfully. "Okay," meowed Wavepaw, "Why do StormClan have to smell so vile...?" he asked waving his ginger tail back and fourth.
1:38pm Jul 28 2010
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ooc; This roleplay is doing well, I hope it is successful!
1:43pm Jul 28 2010
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Whisperhead quickly trodded out of the medicine den with a leave wraped around a few poppy seeds. He carefully made his way over to Soulfeather and saw that a kit had already been born. He quickly set the berries down next to Soulfeather "please eat these" he said simply as he guided the kit to Soulfeather's belly, he was thankfull that the kit had already been warmed up enough. If she had a next one, they would have to work to keep it warm and to jumpstart it's heart. Hyperkit rolled in the sand excitedly. She knew she was going to choose Goldwing as her mentor, and she couldn't wait till she was an apprentice. She sat up at the sight of her leader and purred "Good mornning Froststar!" she mewed happily curling her tail around her paws. ((sorry i was gone so long, i was sleepin *yawn*))
1:50pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf chuckled "I don't know why the carry such a revolting stench either. But I thinks it's because they don't clean and stay out of the rain."
4:15pm Jul 28 2010
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ooc; Its alright Frightt, as long as your not gone for like 2 months. :) bic; Wavepaw looked at Blackwolf, anger filled up within him. "We probably smell like fox-dung to them too, you know!" he spat, then realized what had come over him, "I-I am sorry..." he meowed quietly, "I was from StormClan.... at birth..." he confessed hoping that Blackwolf didn't hear him.
5:34pm Jul 28 2010
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Falconwing grinned widely, mentally jumping around like a kit. "Wonderful Froststar." She meowed happily. "I was worried she'd be rejected for training because of her unknown origins." She mused truthfully, ears drooping in shame. I should have known better. Froststar is a fair leader. She thought at herself in annoyance. "She'll be delighted." Looking around, she noticed Whisperkit watching the two of them intently. A purr of amusement came from her throat. ((Any cat will do Eklipse. (: ))
5:53pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf nodded to Wavepaw. "It's alright. I'm sorry to have said that if I offended you in any way."
11:17pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
4:07am Jul 29 2010
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Sunflare quickly got up and pounced on Rainfeather. "Not fair. You didn't warn me." He said, with a twinkle in his eye. He paused for a minute, then got off his clanmate, his ears picking up the familiar scuffling of a mouse. Sunflare stalked it, his tail twitching in anticipation. After a sudden leap and a quick bite to the neck, the mouse hung limp in his mouth. Sunflare quickly set it on the ground, proud of his quick catch.
5:34am Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Chewing on the berries, Soulfeather smiled. "Thanks, Whisperhead." she licked her kit lovingly, murmuring, "I'll name you... Rosekit." she wrapped her tail protectively around Rosekit, gently pawing her. Rainheart smiled at her niece and sister. "That's a beautiful kitten, Soulfeather." she congratulated, and walked out of the den. She met Painfullsilence halfway and re-thought everything over. He was despised by the others because he was a mute, but did they know his kind intention and soul that laid below the fur ? She murmured, "I don't blame you. Your father was the one that killed the kit. Nobody said it was your fault."
7:21am Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Whisperhead nodded his head "Yes, she is quite lovely" he said agreeing to what Rainheart had said about the kit. He turned and started out of the den "Send someone to fetch me if you need anything more" He said before he dissapeared out of the den. He squinted his eyes against the sunlight that was washing over the camp. His stomach had finally won him and he dragged himself to the fresh kill pile and picked out a plump mouse and carried it over to the outside of his den. He layed down and softly began to eat till his fill. Eversince he had became medicine cat, he had found the medicine den to be the most warming place in the whole camp. He guessed most past medicine cats agreed with his thought. The fresh herbs and berries that waved in his nose when he entered always made him thankful for what Starclan had given him. Hyperkit soon found word that a new kit had been born. She danced excitedly around in a circle at the thought of a new playmate. She quickly thanked Starclan for the new arrival and purred in pure joy. She spotted a moss ball a few feet away and crouched down, as she had seen the others do. Her 'hunter's crouch' wasn't the best, her tail and rump hight in the air, and her upper body touched the ground. She gave a small mew of triumph as she tackled the ball of moss and rolled around with it.