11:02am Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 11:00pm Aug 1 2010)
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Froststar looked at the she-cat, obviously proud, he dipped his head, then he bounded toward Hight stone, then leaped to the top, shaking his blue/ silver fur. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highstone for a clan meeting. " his voice ecoed around the clearing, then he waited for some of the hunting or patrolling cats came out. Wavepaw looked at his mentor,gratitude flowing through him, "Hey....?" he meowed, "Do you hear that? Froststar is calling a clan meeting!" Staring up at his mentor, he asked, "Can we go please please? This will be my first as an apprentice!" Rainfeather flicked her ears toward the camp, "Great catch!" she called, then listened, "A clan meeting! Sunflare come back to the camp with me!" she meowed then pelted back to camp before he could argue. Cardinaltail padded out of his den, he watched as His Clan leader called a meeting, We must be getting a new apprentice, I bet. he thought, then sat down, excitement pulsing through him, I was only made a warrior a moon ago.. But I still remember this! Windflight padded out of the nursery, her kits were to be born soon. "Rosekit is beautiful," she meowed, "I can't wait till I get my own kits..." she murmured, then flickered her attention to high stone, Where froststar was standing.
11:37am Jul 29 2010
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Silentheart flicked his ears as Froststar called a meeting, mentally grumbling in annoyance at being woke up from his quick nap. Guess i'll have to go hunting after this to make up for my laziness. Yawning, he padded over to sit at the edge of the group, surprised to see Falconwing bustling a delighted looking Whisperkit towards the Highstone. Guess it's time for her to be apprenticed. he smiled slightly, having looked at Whisperkit as a little sister. Starpaw padded out o f the medicine cats den and sat right outside of it, ears flat in frustration. I'd do anything to be in Whisperkit's position, to become a warriors apprentice. Whisperhead is a good mentor, but I don't want to be a medicine cat. He scowled, looking dejectedly at his tiny paws and thin legs. At least she'll have a batter life then what I will. Falconwing smiled in delight as Froststar called the meeting, bolting over to the nursery to find the kit. Whisperkit was sitting at the front of the nursery trying to peer over heads, eyes blue eyes stretched wide in wonder. "Come on Whisperkit, time to become a apprentice." Whiskers twitching in humor as her kit bounced around happily, Falconwing nudged her towards the Highstone.

11:47am Jul 29 2010
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"Whisperkit, come forward." meowed Froststar, "this is a proud day for TundraClan, by naming apprentices we show TundraClan will survive and remain strong. Whisperkit, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Whisperpaw." Froststar meowed, calling out the old ritual, "Larkwing, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Whisperpaw's mentor. I know you will p*censored* on your courage and ability to Whisperpaw, and teach her the skills that will make her a brave warrior of TundraClan." Froststar looked down at his Clan as they cheered Whisperpaw's name, over and over. Then Larkwing and Whisperpaw touched noses to complete the ceremony.
1:00pm Jul 29 2010
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Whisperhead sat near the edge of the clan and called the new name that had just been given. Once the ceremony had been done, he stood once more and made his way over to Starpaw. "Cheer up, being a medicine cat isn't all that bad" he said as he tried to cheer up his apprentice. He had noticed that his apprentice wasn't too excited in being a medicine cat. "How about we go and i'll teach you some battle moves?" he said simply as he gave a small purr down at him.
1:54pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 2:20pm Jul 29 2010)
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Blackwolf looked down at Wavepaw and nodded. "But we should hurry. Come on." turning tail he rushed to camp. His apprentice most probably at his paws. When they got to camp he headed to m*censored* of cats. Goldwing padded towards the group of cats smilling as she heard Whisperkit being made an apprentice. When she got to the group she sat beside Hawkmask and smiled at her as Hawkmask smiled back. "Whisperkit will make a fine apprentice." Painfullsilence smiled at Rainheart his ears becoming hot from a blush creeping on his face. When the meeting was called he padded over noding for Rainheart and sat there among the others and smilled at the kit. To him all these kits were like his siblings. Though he never went to close to them he was a proud cat of him sister to be made an apprentice.
4:37pm Jul 29 2010
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Larkwing looked at Whisperpaw, My first apprentice! she thought then smiled polity. "How about I show you the territory, then we can try hunting." she meowed the light blue eyes shining.
8:56pm Jul 29 2010
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Sunflare rolled his eyes as he pelted after Rainfeather, quickly matching her speed. "At least warn me first, mouse-brain." He said between gasps for air. --- Coalpaw's ears pricked up when he heard Froststar. "Ah, another Clan meeting?" He sighed, padding over to watch. "Perhaps it's time for the kits to become apprenticed." Coalpaw thought, excited about the new apprentices. --- Dreampaw opened both her eyes when she heard Froststar. "Ugh..." The apprentice moaned, slowly getting up. "And I was having such a nice dream." She complained, padding ruefully out of the apprentice den and joining Coalpaw. Dreampaw never really liked this apprentice. Too hyper, too active. Not one of the traits that even mildly resembled Dreampaw. --- Rainflower heard her leader, Froststar. "Another clan meeting!" She mewed excitedly, wondering if the kits were going to be apprenticed, or perhaps a seasoned apprentice will finally become a warrior.
9:12pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((I'll be gone from the 30th to 7th on vacation. I will probably not be able to post in that period of time, sorry.))
10:06pm Jul 29 2010
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(( Its okay stray :) ))
10:09pm Jul 29 2010
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ooc; Tld, Who would you like to mentor Colepaw and Dreampaw? I really only have one cat that can Train because my other warriors are to young. =Nightfall
10:23pm Jul 29 2010
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[[I don't really mind any cat c:]]
5:34am Jul 30 2010
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[[Could Rainheart have an apprentice? C: ]] Rainheart's eyes gleamed proudly as Whisperkit- now Whisperpaw - received her apprentice name. She had always looked up on this kit, the bravest, and finally she could see the kit with a mentor and an apprentice name to be proud of. "Whisperpaw! Whisperpaw!" she yowled. Soulfeather heard the commotion from the nursery den. "Whisperpaw," she murmured silently, almost a whisper. She knew how much her sister wanted to see this kit become an apprentice- and was delighted that she finally saw it. She grinned as Windflight's silhouette slowly advanced outside. "She's gonna have kits," she realized.
6:16am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 880
Hyperkit purred at the thought of being where Whisperpaw was now, but this was Whisperpaw's time now!. She told herself as she smiled at Whisperpaw and mewed the name along with the others. She was sitting near the front, middle and was glad that she had a good view of the ceremony. One day she would have to do this and she needed to know how. She quickly caught on and remembered all the steps.
10:17am Jul 30 2010
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ooc; Okay! Rainheart can have Dreampaw as an apprentice, Nightfall can have Coalpaw.
11:47am Jul 30 2010
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Painfullsilence smiled and his tail swayed from side to side in happiness. Getting up he breathed in through his mouth only to go into a coughing fit. W-what the? T-that's never happened before. At least...I think. Looking about he hoped no one noticed.
12:24pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 779
12:33pm Jul 30 2010
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Whisperhead listened to the cough that Painfullsilence had just given. He frowned at the thought of a sickness in the camp once more, but quickly brushed the cough off. Maybe he just swallowed something the wrong way.. He thought giving a glance at Painfullsilence. He stuck the worries of sickness in the back of his mind for the time being.
6:43pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 779
Painfullsilence padded around the camp for a bit the occasional cough. Becoming bored he got up and went hunting.
2:54am Jul 31 2010
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Rainheart's stare bore into Painfullsilence's back as he stalked away to hunt. "Since when did he cough?" she murmured. She decided to follow him, to see what will happen next. Her footsteps were light and unheard by Painfullsilence, thank Starclan.
11:01am Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 11:01pm Aug 1 2010)
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Nightpaw looked inside the apprentice's den, "Coalpaw!" she called, "We are going hunting this mourning!!" Hopefully her apprentice was awake.... Somewhere.