1:17pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 88
Can i join? if i can jaoin, can i be one of the kits about to be born?
2:54pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 779
ummm you're sig is stretching the page.))
3:01pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 3:03pm Jul 31 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 88
i know. i changed it. 
3:30pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 880
((um.. the pictures are kinda stretching the page to :/))
12:24am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Rainheart looked around, shaking out of her staring spree. "Dreampaw..." she called, "It's training time.." she hoped that her apprentice was looking forward to training as much as she wanted to meet her apprentice.
1:54am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 779
Painfullsilence came back to camp. A plump thrush and a small mouse. He was nervous more nervous then anyone else. He had coughed up blood and was in terrible pain. Dropping the mice down he padded towards Whisperheads' den hoping the medicine cat wasn't in too much of a t*censored*el with any warriors. Thinking about HOW he would get the medicine cat to understand his situation. But all that was to be awnsered when he went into his twelfth coughing fit of the day. And just like the last blood erupted from his through and out his mouth.
3:12am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[TayJaid, please remove those two images. They're kind of messing up the RP. If you want to join, post your cat's bios instead of describing it. This is not a freeform/freeplot RP.]] Dreampaw's keen ears pricked when she heard her name. She scanned the area, quickly spotting her mentor, Rainheart. "Ah... Training time again." The apprentice sighed, flicking her tail at Coalpaw to signal a goodbye. She quickly weaved through a few cats, and ended up in front of Rainheart. "Good morning, Rainheart." Dreampaw said smoothly, hoping that she looked enthusiastic. --- Coalpaw watched as Dreampaw went to Rainheart. He shook his head, slightly jealous. "I wish I could train now, too." He mumbled, wondering if he should stand up and wander around the camp, searching for Nightfall. He then heard his name being called. Coalpaw looked around, and saw Nightfall crouching near the apprentice's den, looking for him. Delighted, Coalpaw bounded towards his mentor, sitting right behind her. "I'm right here, Nightfall!" He crowed. --- Sunflare felt proud to watch another kit become an apprentice. "I know that Whisperpaw will be a great warrior some day." He purred, getting up and waiting for Rainfeather to do the same. [[Bleh, short.]]

3:36am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,576
"Good morning, Dreampaw," Rainheart smiled. She was delighted to see that her apprentice responded so quickly, so efficiently. She would make a fine warrior if she keeps this up, she realized. She was going to get on with training when she heard Painfullsilence's coughing. As she realized he was coughing up blood, she quickly meowed to Dreampaw, "Look. Painfullsilence is in pain, and as a true Tundraclan cat we must always care for the other cats. Let's go help him." she walked over to Painfullsilence, realizing that he couldn't explain what happened to Whisperhead, and spoke up for him. "He kept coughing up blood, Whisperhead, and it's for quite a while already, around the tenth time so far."
8:02am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Dreampaw looked up at her mentor, realizing that she was feeling concerned over this cat. 'Hm... It is strange for a cat to cough up blood.' Dreampaw observed, her eyes reflecting no feeling whatsoever. She silently followed Rainheart to Whisperhead, slightly intrigued by this cat's sickness. 'Perhaps it would be necessary to show concern...' Dreampaw thought. She widened her eyes and gasped. "Is Painfulsilence going to be alright?" The apprentice asked, staring up at her mentor with large kit-like eyes.
3:28pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 12:15am Aug 2 2010)
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Posts: 779
TayJaid can you please type a diion of your character so it's not so hard for people to read others posts. ^^;; I don't mean to be bosy it's just kinda hard to read.))
6:37pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 880
Whisperhead walked over to his stock of herbs and decided that Poppy flower would be the best solution. He softly picked up the flower head and carried it over to Painfullsilence. "Please eat this, it should help the cough a bit, if not come and see me again" he said simply as he sat down infront of them, curling his tail neatly around his paws.
11:01pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Oh dear, TayJaid, please could you edit one of your posts and Type a deion like Electro said? And what is that green thing? Anyway, Please use the Bio I typed up for all the people to join (On page 1), and who is the queen you have to mother the kit you would like to play? Now that everyone has an Idea of what your character looks like you could remove them. yea, once I read your deion, I can accept you..)) BIC Nightfall, turned her head, "Oh!! Hi!" she meowed, "Okay, lets train Now." She padded over to the camp entrance, "Right, lets go."
11:04pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Whisperpa tried to keep the smile of delight from blooming on her face, but failed. Small tail quivering, she ran forward to touch noses wirth her new mentor, Larkwing. "I'll do my best." She promised. Hearing to other cats call out her name, Whisperpaw felt her ears flush in embar*censored*ment. "Whats first?" She asked excitedly. ((Fail post...)))
11:23pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Larkwing looked at her apprentice, interest sparkled in her sky blue eyes. "We can start by looking for some food for the elders, I will teach you how to hunt and maybe you will catch something... Then we will explore a little bit of the territory, and leave the rest for other days." she meowed Thoughtfully, I think I am just as exited as my apprentice! she thought as she led the way out of the camp. She padded Up to a large tree in the middle of the territory, "This is called the Sky tree, a forrest used to be here, and this is one of the tree's that survived whatever go rid of it." she meowed, then padded closer to it, "It is okay for catching squirrels. But we will try a different spot for hunting."
1:58am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Coalpaw eagerly bounced to the entrance. "What are we doing today, Nightfall?" The apprentice asked, excited. "Hunting? Battle training? Patrolling?" Coalpaw mashed up his sentence together, so the words sounded like they were connected. His tail twitched with excitement and Coalpaw felt his paws itch with desire to run around. 'I wonder if Dreampaw feels this way too!' Coalpaw thought, then considered it. 'Nah, she's always so lazy.'
2:25am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 880
Hyperkit licked her paw and rubbed it over her whiskers that were twiching due to how excited she was after seing the ceremony of a kit becoming an apprentice. She knew that soon she would get a mentor, hopefully Goldwing, and would become the best fighter in her clan! Though she knew she wouldnt be the best, she just had to tease herself by saying things like that. As long as she continued to think she was the best, she knew that, in her mind, she could and will be.
7:05am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 79
Hello guys. :)
Cookie peas?
8:36am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Hi! :] Nightfall padded up to him, "I thought we could try some battle training," she meowed then padded out of the camp, "A little fox defense should work nicely today." Once they arrived at the training hollow, "Okay, so," Nightfall meowed, " I am going to pounce on you, and you have to try to knock me off my feet, Do it any was you would like..." she meowed, then "Ready?" she asked, then sprinted at Coalpaw, not waiting for an answer,keeping her tail strait she leaped into the air and landed on him, "You have seen what I am going to do, now you should try to defend..." she padded back to her starting point, she ran, jumped then (Now Coalpaw's turn :) )
3:18pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Whisperpaw bounded after her mentor, whiskers quivering in delight at acually being able to exit the camp. Looking around the territroy, she squealed slightly as the warm sand sucked at her small paws and laughed. Following Larkwing she gasped at the sheer size of the tree and itched to claw her way up it, then again she'd probably never be able to get back down. A new scent, reminding her of the meat Falconwing used to bring her, Whisperpaw sniffed harder. "What's that Larwking? Is that some of the prey we will be catching?" She asked, not knowing what a live mouse smelled like. Falconwing sighed sadly as her last adopted kit padded from the den with her new mentor. In a way she wondered if another kit would be thrown her way, and wished one would. She'd miss sleeping in the warm nursery with a kit beside her. It gave her a purpose in life besides the same one all of the other warriors had. Pricking her ears, the calico she-cat chuckled as Panthergaze padded back into camp looking ruffled and annoyed. "You might want to see Whisperhead, Panthergaze." She meowed, seeing a small cut on his shoulder where it looked like talons slashed in. The white tom only scowled and dropped his catch on the fresh-kill pile.

11:15pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Coalpaw let out a very small squeak when his mentor landed on him. "At least wait for me to answer!" He whined, then leapt at Nightfall with full force, landing neatly on her back. He clambered off her, wondering how much damage he did. "Would that be enough to fend off a fox?" He asked curiously, tilting his head to one side. [[By the way, Sunflare is currently stuck. Check my first post on this page.]]