6:33pm Aug 3 2010
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Larkwing smelt the air, "Yes, now, watch how I do it and be silent..." she meowed then stalked lightly toward the mouse sniffing around in the sand. Tensing her mussels, she sprang, landing on the mouse and killing it with a bit to the neck, "Now," she meowed, burring the mouse, "You try the stalking position." Nightfall, looked up at her apprentice, "Uh..." she muttered, then got up, "Yeah......" she meowed, her black pelt fluffed up in embarras.sment. "But, when it runs after you like that, slam you paw into its legs like this," she explained, claws unsheathed, she slammed her paw into the side of some ferns, "Or, you could use your legs." and padded back to her starting spot, "now try again." she meowed than ran at Coalpaw. Rainfeather got up, and looked at Sunflare, "What do you want to do now?"
8:06pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 779
Painfullsilence took the herb and nodded to Whisperhead. Padding away. He smilled a Rainheart and Dreampaw in thanks.
8:33pm Aug 3 2010
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Whisperhead nodded back and watched as he padded away. He looked at Rainheart and Dreampaw with a small smile "your very kind helping him" he said as he stood and turned back around to the herbs he had been sorting that lay in the back of the medicine den. He very carefully pushed the Juniper berries and other herbs into neat piles.
10:35pm Aug 3 2010
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ooc; Bump bump =]
10:37pm Aug 3 2010
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Wavepaw padded up to Painfulsilence, "Hi!" he meowed, looking at his friend, "Whats that for?" wavepaw pointed to the herbs in Painfulsilence's mouth.
5:44am Aug 4 2010
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Rainheart smiled back at the two cats, then whispered to Dreampaw, "See? Being kind is worthwhile. Probably you'll get your warrior name soon." she hinted.
9:35am Aug 4 2010
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Coalpaw waited for a moment, and at the right time, where he presumed his mentor was about to pounce, Coalpaw whirled and struck out, his paws darting out underneath Nightfall's thundering paws, intended to trip her. --- Dreampaw looked back up at her mentor. "Mmm... Perhaps." She murmured, watching the strange warrior Painfulsilence walk off. [[Bleh, short posts.]]
10:20am Aug 4 2010
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Nightfall fell off her feet landing to the ground, "That was great!" she meowed, then stood up. This apprentice is skilled, her will make a great warrior..... Nightfall thought and then looked around her, "I think you should go back to the camp, and get some fresh-kill." she meowed, "I will stay here and hunt..." not Giving Coalpaw a chance to argue, she ran off. Later Nightfall padded back to the camp with one mouse and a snake, setting the Mouse on the fresh-kill pile, she sat down beside the warriors den and began to eat her snake. Windflight padded around the nursery, her while and gray tail, trailing behind her. Then she spoted her medicine cat, "Whisperhead, when do you think my kits will come..?" she asked, her voice very frail.
3:44pm Aug 4 2010
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4:26pm Aug 4 2010
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Painfullsilence smilled at the apprentice and shook his head. He then put his paw beneath his throat to remind the apprentice that he was mute. Blackwolf padded about the camp proud of his apprentice and went to get himself some freshkill.
5:51pm Aug 4 2010
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Whisperhead padded up to the female and looked at her large belly "have you had any pain? Or felt any movement?" he asked as he sat infront of her. He as.sumed it wouldnt be long due to her large belly, but if the kits were moving around then it would be within days.
12:59pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 1:00pm Aug 5 2010)
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[[Anyone have a mate fro windflight?]] Wavepaw looked at him, "I know you are mute!" he meowed, "That doesn't mean I can't talk to you!" he meowed, then looked at him, "Should I only ask you 'yes' and 'no' questions?" he asked, not sure how to communicate with a cat that can't talk back to him. Windflight looked at her black paws, "I have been feeling a little movement...." she confessed, then looked up at him, "Oh, I am afraid........ Will the kits die? Will I die? How many will there be?" she questioned, then realized that Whisperhead couldn't answer those questions. "I am sorry.....I am so nervous..."
2:13pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 88
Hey eklipse can i be one of windflight's kits that are gonna be born?
5:25pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc; Of course! Just post there bio's. :D
6:19pm Aug 5 2010
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"No one can tell what will happen to the kits, or to you but thats part of being a mother" Whisperhead said with a small merrow of amusement. He had never seen anyone so worried, but he wasn't surprised by it. "It shouldn't be long until their born, maye in a few days or so" He finished with a small smile.
11:18am Aug 6 2010
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Windflight looked at him then sighed, "I guess so," she meowed, then padded out of the den, "I am going to get some fresh-kill..." she meowed, then padded toward the oddly small pile.
1:39pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 880
Whisperhead didn't know what else to say to her, or what he could to try and cheer her up. He hoped that Starclan would let the kits live. He frowned at the fresh kill pile and started to regreat ever being a medicine cat, but he quickly shook the thought away and he knew that he was ment to be the medicine cat of his clan.
11:39am Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 779
; Wont be on today. It's my birthday and I feel old.))
1:02am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Aug 9 2010)
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Name: Reedkit Gender:Tom Position:Kit Family:Windflight, other kits Crush:Too young Mate:Way too young Additional info: Birth clan: The clan that windflight's in Personality:This kitten likes to use his front paws to drag himslef around on the ground in the nursery Looks:Very light brown with light brown stripes all over  Name:(again whatever Windflight decides) Gender:She-kit Position:Kit Family: Windflight,Reedkit Crush:too young Mate:Way too young Additional info: Birth clan: clan Windflight's in Personality: Rambuntious Looks: tortoiseshell
11:18am Aug 9 2010
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ooc; Windflight decides........ Reedkit?