Painfullsilence padded into the clearing and smiled. He hadn't coughed as badly as before but there was the occasional one. Padding outside he went to hunt for the clan and hopefully not get into a fight.
Sitting besides the camp entrance, ears drooping slightly as he glanced around for his not to be found mentor, Silentpaw felt slightly left out from clan life. Sure he'd lived there for a while, but he still felt as if he did not belong. Starpaw, his brother, had a place in the clan being the medicine cat apprentice, but he himself was just a apprentice. Suddenly another pelt brushed his and he instantly felt better to be beside his tiny brother. "Come on, let's go gather some herbs. At least it will give us something to do." Starpaw meowed softly, blue eyes shining with sympathy. Of course he'd know how I feel, he's the only one besides Falconwing. Together the young cats padded into the forest, scanning for herbs and just enjoying each others company. "Starpaw, do you really think we're made for clan life?" Silentpaw whispered, not surprised to see the shock in his brothers eyes. "I know you have a place here, and I don't want you to feel like i'm forcing you to leave. But would it not be nice to worry about inly our selves back at our birthplace?" He asked lowly, eyes slitted slightly. He did not expect, nor did he get, a reply from Starpaw.