((8c I didn't want to do it I swear. 8C Jasper made me.
Jasper- Hey! >8c))
Name: Galen
Breed: Whippet
Gender: Female
Looks: Galen is a very slim dog, and is very quick on her feet. Unlike most whippets, she has long straight hair that is a beautiful golden color. Her hair is spiky and is always all over the place, making her seem to look crazy. Her pupils usually are different sizes, one small while the other is big. Her eyes are a light blue color, adding to her crazy look. Her tongue always seems to be lolling out of her mouth. She has small jagged teeth that are like tiny needles.
Personality: Galen is crazy and hyper. She usually freaks whoever she is fighting out. She never can stand still and always is moving in some manner. She also has a very short attention span. She is also always on edge, and jumps to the tinniest sound.
History: Ever since she was a pup she was fed a tiny bit of caffein, and it kept building up to more and more so she built an immunity to it. Now she is fed over ten bowls of highly caffeinated coffee, or injected with caffein to keep her twitchy and crazy. She just recently got into the dog fights.
Additional Info: She has a disorder known as Jumping Frenchman Disorder. It adds to her twitchiness. It also what makes her so afraid and on edge. That and the caffein.
Intro: "Oh no! Oh gees!" Galen said in her voice that sounded a bit like when someone was clenching their teeth together. She was pacing around her kennel, all of the bad things that could happen were playing in her head over and over again, adding to her anxiety.
"Here girl, have some ore' coffee!" A human said, pouring some coffee into her bowl. He smirked slightly as he watched her drink it.
"What er you doin'?!" Another human exclaimed, running behind the first one, "Dogs are allergic to coffee!"
"She has an immunity you dolt." The other replied. "The best part is that the coffee makes her crazy. It really adds to her fighting spirit!" He chuckled evilly, then walked away.
"AURAGH!" Galen exclaimed. "They're drugging me! I'M GOING TO FREAKEN DIE!" She fell on the ground with her paws over her head, it looked as if she was having a seizure.
Name: Halley
Breed: German Shepherd Pit Bull mix.
Gender: Female
Looks: Playing_dead____I_think_by_ribunny123.jpg -Actually my dog- DO NOT STEAL ASDFGHJKL;
Personality: Playful and happy most of the time. She counts everyone as a friend, and doesn't like to fight much. However, when someone tries to fight her, she unleashes all of her held in anger and fury, although that side of her is rarely shown.
History: Unknown
Additional Info: Her personality is a lot like GrandMaster Wigglytuff if you've ever played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
Intro: Halley walked into the fighting place on a catch pole. She smiled at the snarling dogs, as if they were smiling at her. She made sure to say hello to each one.
The human that brought her in put her in a kennel, sighing and shaking his head. "This ere' mutt is going to die right away." He walked away.
Halley watched as the human walked away. "Goodbye! Have a nice day!" She said, smiling at him.
((I may make a few more bios later. ;D))