1:25am Jul 18 2013 (last edited on 1:28am Jul 18 2013)
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Oh, I don't know. Probably a 6th or 7th year since the 5th years don't have enough experience working on the Senior team... Joshua is the only 7th year, but since it'll be up for a vote and he's a big jerk, I don't think he'll win. By the way, if he tells you to do anything, the correct answer is likely no; he plays pranks all the time.
She snickered as she remembered remembered a few pranks he had pulled last year. They had been hilarious, even if she had been forced to give him several detentions.
That leaves me and one of the Chasers, Holly. I can't imagine anyone would vote for me, so my bet is on her.
1:36am Jul 18 2013
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"Holly Ornitha? She's good." Azon commented, "And why shouldn't anyone vote for you? I'm sure you're a very good keeper, otherwise they would've replaced you. That position's one of the most tried out for."
1:46am Jul 18 2013
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Meg blushed slightly when he said that she was a good keeper. It was true that people tried to replace her constantly, but she never really considered that unless she was a great Keeper she would have been replaced already.
Oh, I don't know. she said in a small voice. I don't think anyone would listen to me anyways, almost no one listens to me as a prefect either. Most people choose leaders that are confident and outgoing too, and I'm definitely not that. It just seems rather unlikely.
2:38am Jul 18 2013
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Azon noticed Meg's blush and grinned. He loved making people blush, for whatever reason, especially because elves don't blush often, and if they do, it's very subtle. In that way, Azon thought humans are very interesting. A lot less emotionally constipated than some elves he knew, anyway. "Well McGonagall must've chosen you for a reason." he said, "And you said you got the highest marks in your year, that's pretty cool. Hey, what house are you in anyway? I never asked."
((Reckon we should wait for everyone else?))
5:10am Jul 18 2013
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Ebony grinned and stepped onto the train, pulling her luggage along behind her. Finally! Interesting things should begin to happen from now! She thought joyfully, dragging her luggage into the nearest compartment with a spare seat and practically throwing her trunk onto the bag holder, causing the first years that occupied the compartment to jump in surprise. Zeteair, who was perched on Ebony's shoulder, yowled in complaint as the sudden movement upset her balance. "Don't touch my belongings! Or I'll cut your ears up just like mine." She threatened, pointing to her torn left ear and glaring at each first year in turn. She smirked at the faces of the students before turning on her heel and bounding off to find people of greater interest.
Ludwig shook his head at Ebony's enthusiasm and waved farewell to Holly. "Watch out for the people that don't accept you for who you are and for goddness sake, keep an eye on Ebony!"
Holly returned the wave and hurried onto the train as fast as her luggage would allow her. She spotted Ebony darting out of a compartment and off down the train. She quickly walked over to the compartment and looked in at the first years. "I'm really sorry about her! The older students aren't all like that, I promise, most of us are pretty nice." She then rushed off in pursuit of Ebony.
Fleco pushed his trolley through the crowd of people on platform nine and three quarters. They all have people to see them off. Lucky me, I don't have to bother with that! He thought, not quite sure if he was being sarcastic or not. He pulled his trunk off the trolley and dragged it onto the train. He sighed and began to haul his luggage down the train in search of a relitively empty compartment.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:04am Jul 18 2013
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Rina sat down on an empty seat and put her luggage into an empty compartment. Swinan curled up on her lap and purred peacefully. She waved bye to her mother, and started petting Swinan. She looked around she saw lots of students, surely some of them must be nice. She looked at Swinan who had fallen asleep already. She smiled and looked out the window. The seat next to her was empty, she liked the peaceful feeling it made her feel less homesick. Swinan woke up and looked at all the people around her. They didn't seem of much interest to her so she perched herself on Rina's shoulder, keeping a watchful eye over her of course. Swinan was friendly but also very protective, Rina raised her when she was a kitten. Rina closed her eyes and folded her hands she put them on her lap. Her black hair was out loose and Swinan was looking about, not for anything in particular though she was just trying to find something to entertain her.
1:12pm Jul 18 2013
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"Mason, come on!" Melanie dragged her little brother along by his wrist. Mason was stumbling behind her, trying to keep his grip on the cage his owl, Piper, was in. Melanie's cat ran alongside her feet, having as much trouble keeping up as Mason was. He called out a weak goodbye to his parents, who looked nervous to see them go. They barely made it through Platform 9 /34 and onto the train before the doors shut, sealing them inside. Panting, Melanie led her brother to the last empty compartment and sat down with a huff. Mason followed suit, setting Piper's cage down on the seat next to him. "Merlin, I told you we could buy Bertie Bott's here! You did not need to spend so long at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." Melanie complained, annoyed at her brother for making them tardy. Now there was no way she would find her friends before they got to the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. Their compartments were no doubt already filled. Plus, Melanie had promised to look after Mason while he got used to Hogwarts. He had stuck to her side like glue in Diagon Alley up until the point where he had discovered the Wizard Wheezes shop. "Sorry, but did you see some of the things they had? Only true geniuses could have thought up of those items." Mason defended himself, pushing his glasses back up to his nose. He looked embarrassed, ashamed that he had irritated his sister. Melanie reached over and ruffled his already messy hair. "No worries," She assured him, feeling guilty for snapping. Lucy jumped onto Melanie's nap, circling for a while before nestling down into it and closing her blue eyes. Stroking the cat's head, Melanie said, "You're gonna have lots of fun here, Mase. I promise. I'll look after you."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:46pm Jul 18 2013
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Posts: 4,754
(( yeah, I just need to post this reply because I'm going to be gone for the rest of the day and this might be the only time I have WiFi. ))
Oh, I'm in Griffindor. She pulled off her witch's hat to reveal a red and gold banana that was holding her blonde hair back, the colors of Griffindor, then placed it back on her head and looked shyly at the ground. Most people think the sorting hat made a mistake with me though, I don't have the courage that most Griffindors are famous for. They call me a Huffledor or Griffinpuff because they think I should be in Hufflepuff. I think Griffindor is the best though, I couldn't imagine being in any other house.
4:30pm Jul 18 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[Are they still on the train?]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
4:32pm Jul 18 2013
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Posts: 4,754
(( Yes, I think so Spirit. ))
5:40pm Jul 18 2013
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Azon grinned and pulled back his sleeve to reveal his elven bracelet in red and gold. "I'm Gryffindor too, what do you know?" Azon said, and laughed. Aseia fluffed herself up and stretched her wings. Azon noticed, and said, "Oh, this is Aseia, my owl. Forgot to introduce you."
((Yeah, we're just waiting for the last few people to get on the train so we can leave the station haha))
6:07pm Jul 18 2013
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Posts: 4,754
That's really cool! I've never seen you in the house before, but I'm not often in the commons so it's understandable.
Soren fluttered down and perched on her arm. Meg winced, for he had dug his claws into the same sore spots that he had created earlier today.
Nice to meet you Aseia. This is Soren. He's named after a character in one of my favorite book series.
7:54pm Jul 18 2013
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Rina watched the hustle and bustle of people everywhere, she looked at the empty seat beside her. People were talking and taking care of pets. She sat up straight and opened her eyes to get a better look of her surroundings. Her cat sat down in her lap and licked it's paw. Almost all the compartments were full. She smiled, hopefully it would be a good school year.
8:27pm Jul 18 2013
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Marie got on with Ivan following behind. They had left with no one who cared. She sighed as she seperated from her brother and took her seat. Luckily no one was their in it. She put her luggages up top and she sat their. She reached over and pulled the door closed so her cat couldn't get out. She lied her feet and legs on the seat she sat in. Resting herself. She had been up all night making sure she had everything she needed.
Ivan had said goodbye to her sister and took a seat. No one was their. He sighed as he rested his luggages at his feet, and the cage that held his own nest to him. He hung his head and put his hands togather, twittling his thumbs. He wasn't sure if he was happy or not. Being back at Hogwarts would be good, and fun, but it wouldn't feel right knowing all of his family was now gone. He sighed again and looked at the owl, he looked straight at him and kept quiet. He shook his head and looked back down.
Chester told his mother and father good bye, and got on the train. He began to laugh as he took a seat. A girl was across from him. He smirked and pulled his luggages and his owl cage in. "I'm Chester, and you are?" he asked and put his luggaged up, but kept his owl cage out. He let his owl out and it took her place on his shoulder.
[He meets Rina]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:55pm Jul 18 2013
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Posts: 1,752
Rina looked at Chester, "hi, I'm Rina. Nice to meet you Chester." she said. Swinan glanced at Chester and meowed. "oh that's my cat Swinan", she said. She smiled, and looked at Chester. He seemed nice. Swinan purred and fell back asleep. Swinan hadn't gotten much sleep last night.
9:28pm Jul 18 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Chester smiled and nodded. "Pleasure is all mine." he said. The owl flew over to greet Rina and rested on her shoulder. Chester chuckled and shook his head. "Thats Red, she say's hi." he chuckled and shook his head. "Red, shoulder." he ordered and the owl flew to his shoulder and pecked at his ear. "Once we get their you can go hunting." he growled towards the owl. He looked back at Rina and sighed "Sorry, she's just excited..." he growled and looked at the bird.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
2:20am Jul 19 2013 (last edited on 2:31am Jul 19 2013)
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Twilight reached down and opened the carriers that held Frey and Selene, "Now that we're on the train." she muttered, "You two can roam." "What about Link?" Violet asked, cocking her head. "I think it's best if he stayed with you." Twilight replied simply. Selene looked up at the two girls before wondering off to see if there were any interesting people to greet. "She's going to get lost." Violet said, "Or worse, catnapped." Leon shook his head before calling Frey to sit next to him, "This is going to be a good year." he said quietly to himself. He petted Frey and looked out the window, "I really am going to have my hands full with those two. I thought it was bad last year." "We can hear you." Twilight said with a small frown. "I'm still going to have my hands full." Leon said, "I mean you're in Slytherin and I'm in Hufflepuff. Violet still has to be sorted so she could turn up anywhere. I had enough trouble keeping track of what you were doing." Selene stopped outside of a compartment door and started to yowl. (Can be any compartment.)
3:29am Jul 19 2013
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Finlay meowed loudly at the cat outside the compartment, which made Madison jump from her daydream. "Finlay, what's up?" she asked, turning around. She heard another cat yowling outside. "Oh." She opened the compartment door and looked down to see Selene. She looked around up and down the train to see who could be her owner, but Madison couldn't see anyone that showed any interest in the cat. "Who do yeh belong to, cat?" she asked it, bending down to stroke its fur.
Azon tried to think what book series Soren could be from, but he didn't know, so he enquired, "Which book series is that?" He knew he should probably know, even though he didn't read much, and was rather embarrassed to have to ask.
8:04am Jul 19 2013
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Posts: 1,752
Rina smiled "oh it's fine, Swinan would be excited. She's just tired" , she said. She found the book she was reading and continued off her bookmarked page. She wasn't really sure to say, she never really talked to other people. Her cat walked on to Chester's lap. "oh sorry, let me get Swinan", she picked up Swinan and set her gently on her lap. She looked out the window and started petting Swinan again, trying to get her to go back to sleep.
11:39am Jul 19 2013
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Oh, it's a series called The Guardians of Ga'Hoole. He was named after the main character who was a male Barn Owl, so I thought it was rather clever. The books were so popular they even made a movie after them. Most kids here probably didn't read them though, they're a Muggle thing.
Soren cooed at the mention of the book ti tle. Meg had spent many nights reading the books to Soren, and he actually seemed like he liked them.