8:03pm May 26 2011
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(( She just scared. xDD And hungry...Not a good sign. o.o Her weakness is rubbing behidn ehr ears. Though, she hates it when people do that to her. xD It like she transforms into a puppy. Lep thumping, tongue lolling, bright eyes and all. xDD Even if she was having a mean fail. ))
8:26pm May 26 2011
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Posts: 20
[[Mist really doesn't care lol. She'd adopt all of them in a heartbeat. She's just...interesting, and Snype? He's not allowed to love anyone DD: We have so few owners...I could make another, and another if need be lol. In slow RPs like this i'm a monster *has played 7 at once before*]]
8:28pm May 26 2011
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8:39pm May 26 2011
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"I'll get you some water little guy" Kasey said standing up and walking over to an employee at the store. After a couple minutes the employee came over to Snypes cage and quickly opened the door shoved a water bottle and slammed the door shut being sure to lock it. Kasey looked at the employee kind of weirdly for the mans reaction twords the creature but soon resumed his squating posion in front of the cage. "Need help opening it?" Kasey asked. He wanted to know what the boy as saying and felt bad that he didn't understand it's squeaks and screeches. Paige was getting eager to get addopted with most of the other pets getting attention but she was left alone in her cage alone as if she were a bag of trash. Ok well she didn't look her best, or smell her best but it wasn't her fault she wasn't let out of her cage for even a simple showere once a week. She sat up on her knees closer to the front of the cage hopeing maybe that would entice a potential buyer to come vistit her. She tryed to keep her hopes down but with all the people here she couldn't help her tail from flicking around wildly behind her. Her hazel eyes were scanning the people outside the cages hopeing one, atleast one would came over to her. ((By the way Paige is a fox hybrid))
8:43pm May 26 2011
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(I wanna make a cute little clouded leopard hybrid. :U)
8:45pm May 26 2011
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(( Do it so Kohaku can huggle eet. U: ))
8:46pm May 26 2011
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(((YAY! Some of you are still on!))
8:47pm May 26 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((I'll post in a moment. xD -Is feeling quite lazy- :c))
8:53pm May 26 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yeah you better post! >:D -has been waiting- ))
8:55pm May 26 2011
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(( -kinda bored at the moment- ))
9:03pm May 26 2011
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"Cole..." Kella repeated. Then, the 'girl' grinned. She liked that name. It had a nice flow with hers. Kella and Cole. It reminded her of a camp name. "Kella and Cole's Corrupted Camp". Oh, the alliteration. Again, Kella found herself grinning.
"I... I c-could be better," Kella said shyly, still playing with her time. On the inside, the girl was cursing at herself, cursing her genetics that gave her the slight stutter when she was nervous. "But, I c-could be w-worse!"
Shawn snapped his hand back as the animal growled at her. Calyx seemed to hate him already, and that made Shawn smile. "Aren't you fiesty, now?" The teen said, a teasing note to his voice. he grinned at the 'animal' and squatted back down to it's eye level.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, sweetie," Shawn added, not bothering to set his hand upon the cage again. After the growl he recieved last time, he wasn't sure if it would bite him or not. Which led Shawn to think of shots. Would they have to recieve rabies shots? Did they get 'doggy diseases' or regular human ones? OR, would they get a new cross-breeds of illnesses? The strange ideas that ran through the boys head get weirder and weirder by the day...
9:09pm May 26 2011
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(I'ma descibe him. :U Trying to find a pic while on my phone is NOT working out. :P)
9:10pm May 26 2011
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Calyx narrowed her eyes at the human. Stupid, she thought. This human is mentaly retarded. Great. Her tail swished to and fro, obviously annoyed. Now that it was eye level with her, it only made her blood boil further. Oh how much she wanted to rip his throat out, but alas, her cage was holding her down. It was obvious that this thing wasn't going away any time soon. Her mind wandered, as him as her 'owner'. By the way she was acting he would probrably....No, he wouldn't....The mere thought of a leash made her shutter. "Sweetie is not my name, and you should know that. Its on my name tag, imbecile." She hissed through gritted teeth. "I'd advise you not to come any closer, I have a horrible disease that would eat up your insides and give you worms," She smirked, showing her sharp canines. She sat down confortably, her tail less flufed up. This human wasn't a threat. There was no need to be careful anymore. Though her ears remained flat upon her head.
9:15pm May 26 2011
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"Oh, I'm so sorry Calyx," Shawn muttered, rolling his eyes. How fun could that be? Two disrespectfulls in the same room. Hah, that'll be a laugh. Shawn narrowed his eyes on the beast. "And don't feel special, I call everyone sweetie, darling." Shawn added, a smirk appearing on his face and a laugh seemed to catch in his throat.
"Hope you don't mind if I adopt you," He said, tapping the top of the cage as he stood up. Shawn guessed that as soon as that animal was out of the cage, he would be dog meat, not that he wouldn't enjoy that or anything.
Shawn grinned one last time at Calyx then headed up to the front desk. He pulled out his wallet, then asked what he needed to buy: A cage, dog food, a leash, and a collar. But, with a scoff, Shawn ignored everything but a collar. He didn't want his little pet to run away, and not be returned.
A moment later, Shawn walked over to Calyx's cage once again. "Calyx," He said, putting emphasis on the word. "What is your favorite color?"
9:28pm May 26 2011
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That's better, the young hybrid thought. Calyx swished her tail again, but stopped abruptly when he called her that retched name again. This time he added something even worse to it! She let out a snarl, biting at the bars on her cage. She let out a string of curses before putting a hand to her forehead. She let out a sigh. Just put up with him a bit longer, Calyx, she told herself. She turned around in her cage and layed down. It looked like it was going away. Her ears folded up and she turned around in her cage. Her tail was fluffed up and her eyes had a somewhat crazed look in them. "Your going to what?!" She practicaly screamed. She huddled in back of her cage. "Back, you creature! Back!" She wailed.
9:29pm May 26 2011
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Posts: 20
Snype blinked in surprise at the kind offer, taking his claws away from his damaged throat. As if more water would really do any good. The damage was anything but permanent, but for now, his vocal chords would not work properly. he had goten in a bit of a tussel with one of the night guards the evening before when he had enticed the man to let him out. Of course, the little rat had tried to escape, and was sorely punished for his folly. However, this boy, this boy was interesting. He was compassionate, a fatal flaw in dealing with someone like him. So Snype nodded enthusiatically, exposing the bruised flesh around his neck by putting his twisted fingers through the bars. His black eyes watched carefully as the kid, who he could now see was much taller than he, walked briskly up to one of the workers and spoke to him his hushed tones. The clerk, looking rather put out by such a request, stormed off to the back to get the trouble maker some water while Snype simply watched, a mischievous grin on his be-speckled face. He would just wait until the man opened the door, then BAM, he'd bust outta' there like there was no tomorrow! But when the time came, he was not quick enough and was hit in the face with a water bottle instead. Letting out a small cry, that really only sounded like a hiss, he fell back on his tail and sat there, looking furious, but helpless to do anything about such treatment. Well, there went his chance. The kid would proably just walk away now, looking for another, more suitible companion, and...But wait, he was still there. Miricle of miracles, was he getting another chance at escape? The scrwany teen shuffled a bit closer to the bars and picked up the fallen plastic bottle. Wasn't the use of crap like this the reason he'd been turned into a worse kind of freak in the first place? Oh, what the heck...He tried his hand, or claw rather, at opening the lid, but it was stuck, and he was too weak from lack of proper nutrition to open it. With a small growl, he tried again, this time with his oversized teeth. Even if the other boy wanted to help, there was no way he could reach through those tiny bars...
9:36pm May 26 2011
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"Oh... Do you not have a favorite color?" Shawn then asked her, doing a little 'Aww' before the question. "I guess I'll have to get you a red one. You seem like you enjoy blood drawing..." Shawn chuckled at his own little joke. He then left the 'animal' to huddle in her cage. He figured that she would warm up to him soon enough!
The teen wandered through the isles, picking up the collar that seemed almost too perfect: Red leather with small spikes. Oh wasn't that a laugh for him. He walked up to the counter, paid for the collar, then Calyx. He walked back to the cage mummbling unaudible words. "You know how much you cost me, darlin'?" He said, shoving his wallet back into his pocket. "More than my life is worth, that's for sure..." ((Fail. D|))
9:41pm May 26 2011
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(( Will post tomorrow. D; ))
9:46pm May 26 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"I'll be right back Ok" Kasey got up again and walked over to the front desk and asked the erson what he would need for a pet. He took the mans advice and went around picking up a chain color and a matching leash along with a box larger than Snypes cage at the moment and a dog bed. He perchased the items and walked back over to Snypes cage with the key to open it. He crouched down where the crate would oen and got the leash attched to the color because the persone at the frot counter told him Snype was a runner. He had the color ready and opened the crate sticking his hand with the color in and quickly put th color around his neck and opened the crate all the way. "Ready to go home?" he asked
9:52pm May 26 2011
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Name: Cloud. He has no other name that he can remember.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Hybrid/ Owner: Hybrid (Clouded Leopard-
Appearance: Cloud is a small boy with big blue eyes and silvery hair tipped with darker grey. His skin is pale and has faint spots as-sociated with Clouded Leopards. He is thin, light, and lithe, built much like a cat would be. He also has a childish-looking rounded face, along with the dark-splotched silver ears and tail of a clouded leopard. His fingernails are lengthened and sharpened into claws, and he has the fangs of a young cub. He is a rather cute hybrid, to say the least. Oh yeah, he's only about four feet tall.
Personality: Shy and sweet, and not very good in large crowds. He prefers being a rather good-sized area to a small one, since he was combined with a wild animal.
History: Blegh. XP
Other: Um. Not really. :U