Our fates have been overshadowed with Pokemon DNA like the moon overshadows the sun in an eclipse...

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11:53pm Jun 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Thats fine, Lake.:)


11:54pm Jun 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 34
Absol's fine. ^^

11:58pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 3:15pm Jun 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
  • Name: Wind
  • Gender: Male
  • DNA: Absol
  • Deion
  • Personality: Based of the side of my that no one knows about x_x
  • Pokemon: His own Absol (morphed with) Gardevoir, Turtwig, and a Weavile
  • Abilities: He literally controls the air. Speed and gravity are little of a problem for this boy.
  • History: Amnesia. He doesn't even remember


Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

8:39am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,052

Name: Becky

Age: 14

Gender: Female

DNA: Beautifly (interestingly, Beautifly is her partner pokemon, too).

Personality/Powers: Can communicate telepathically with bug type Pokemon. (she often talks to her Pokemon this way).

History/Background: ...

Pokemon: A Beautifly named Nyra.

Picture/Physical Deion:

Adopt one today!

11:13am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Please read my rules, Becky.:)


11:46am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Hurr. Can I use a Zoroark and Linoone? ouo;;



12:05pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Sure, Rika. ^^ 


12:32pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 11,785

Name: Linuon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

DNA: Linoone

Personality: He's a sweetheart. <3 He's shy and a bit of a wimp. He hates fighting and violence and simply refuses to go along with it.

History/Background:(if desired.)

Pokemon: He has a couple Linoones and for some weird reason he also has a mean ol' Charizard that is with him almost all of the time. ouo

Picture/Physical Deion:
Linoone Gijinka

Name: Abyss. He has long since ceased using hios real name

Age: 17

Gender: Male

DNA: Zoroark 8D

Personality: Um... He's very tempermental. 8D Just to put it bluntly. He hates people and is a vicious fighter. :U

History/Background:(if desired.)

Pokemon: His personal Zoroark (Which he was combined with) and a female Zorua named Kamikaze. c:

Picture/Physical Deion:



((If you want me to make a girl, I can make a Mienshao. :U))


1:19pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
You're fine with the guys, Rika. Me and Moons will even it out.^^


8:35pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
We can start when Moons gets back home for the day. :3 Sorry to keep everyone waiting.


9:30pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 34
I'm home! And get me Serperior set up as taken. And would you kill me if I used Salamence? I kinda want a dragon guy now. I have backups if you still say no, though. XD Still debating using Derek though. Serperior girl's gonna be awesome though. ^^ Got her done in driving school.

9:45pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 10:17pm Jun 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 34

I...guess I'll go ahead then. And yes, Sorina's birthday is important. o_O

Name: Sorina

Age: 16 (Birthday 4/25, Taurus)

Gender: Female

DNA: Serperior

Personality/Powers: Quiet, but not shy. Fierce temper, and a short fuse to match. Sorina can be pretty cold, and quite calculating, and very intelligent...when she's not about to rip someone's head off. Generally hates people, too.

History/Background: Sorina was caught when she was 13, though because she was put into solitary confinement so many times, she's rarely been seen. She has no real friend (or any at all, actually), mostly due to her temper and her usual being in solitary. At this point, she only honestly wants to get out of the colluseum.

Before she was caught, she still led a very lonely life. Her parents abandoned her at the age of 9, leaving her to fend for herself for some time. She lived on the streets during that time. Eventually, she was put into foster care, where she was, more often than not, abused. After some time of this, she ended up being put with a scientist, who promptly sent her off to be changed and thrown into the colluseum.

Pokemon: None

Picture/Physical Deion: Her hair is a golden blonde, with a few green highlights strewn throughout (due to her DNA). It's long, hanging all the way down her back. Very straight. Her eyes are dark orange, like her DNA Pokemon. She has a long Serperior tail (with which she can morph her legs if she so wishes), and good control of her powers that come with the DNA. Wearing beat up, torn, faded jeans, and a ripped black T-shirt that shows off her stomach (which was ripped on purpose). No shoes.


And I'm still waiting on your okay for Salamence, Muff-imotou-san! (Yes, that is my nickname for you here. XD You are like a little sis to me, you know.)

Edit: I'm a moron. I forgot to say what she's wearing. XD

 Edit 2: Bigger idiot. I forgot half her background. XD This is what I get for writing it on sketch paper.


9:51pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177

I guess you can use Salamence. I'm still attatched to Luke, but I need to get over him. o_0 Still trying to decide on my guy character as well at the moment, and I need to get my ditto girl bio up.  


9:53pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 34

Well, it's either Salamence or Honchcrow. I need another hot winged guy. You can have this one. XD Then I might make a Simisear or Zebstrika guy. I think I want a 10-year-old guy...

 ...remind me to make an age chart later. That might be a good idea. o_O


9:57pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Then go with Salamence. You know, charizard is open now too. Just don't make him like Lukey-kun. D: -huggles plushie- 


10:01pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 34

I don't want a Charizard though! XD That's your thing. And honestly? I totally forget what Luke was like. You two ran off for so long I don't even remember much of the first Bella. -_-

 And hm. I think I forgot his personality. ^^; How old should he be? I have enough 16-year-olds. 17 this time, you think?


11:05pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 34

DOMO ARIGATO MR ROBOTO! DOMO! *totally snapped*

 Anyway, time for Salamence guy...I gotta get out my iPod so he can have a name. XD

Name: Mathias (goes by Matt)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

DNA: Salamence

Personality/Powers: Normally eerily silent. But he's not a bad guy- he just doesn't really like to talk. He's not shy either; he's just the kind of guy who requires being talked to before he'll talk. If you get him to talk, he's actually a pretty sweet guy, and very kind. Loves people, and especially loves Pokemon. Can fly, if he wants, but actually kinda prefers being on the ground. Also, really talented musically. (Can play several instruments, including ocarina and guitar.)

History/Background: Lived on a Pokemon ranch with his parents, who were breeders. He was nearly captured at age 11, when the scientists raided his home, killing his parents and several Pokemon, and they seized many of the others. Matt managed to escape with his beloved female shiny Rapidash, Blaze, who he still has with him. He left to become a trainer after this, and managed to become a pretty good trainer. But also, after this, he began to never talk much.

Eventually, he fell in love. His affections went to a girl named Talia, who travelled with him for some time. When he was 16, and she 17, they were attacked by the scientists. While he was easily and successfully infused with his love's Salamence's DNA, Talia wasn't so lucky. She died shortly after being infused. It was after this that he became like he is now- silent. A lot of the life went out of his eyes, and he's still really reluctant to become very attached to people, though he still loves being around good people. He also now carries Talia's Salamence's Pokeball on a chain around his neck, and the Salamence inside.

Pokemon: Female shiny Rapidash named Blaze, and male Salamence named Pyro.

Picture/Physical Deion: Long, chesnut brown hair, tied back in a medium-height ponytail, reaching just past his shoulders. Deep green eyes. Wears a buttoned black long-sleeve shirt and dark jeans, with a chain belt. No shoes. Has the wings and tail of a Salamence, and has just the top spikes poking through his hair like horns.


11:36pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
We can start now if I can find the others.o_0


11:47pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Join? :3 With a... can I get back to you on that? .-.; I just wanted to know if I could join before you guys sped off. XD; ))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:48pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Go though and read my rules real quick, and then sure.:3 -pokes- You forgot something in your post. ^^

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