12:33am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 177
ooc:// We're starting, so we gotta use ooc now. :3 Thanks Guys. bic:// Luna sighed as she sat on one of the ledges, bored. They'd kicked her out of the offices and hall ways to keep an eye on the other experiments in the holding room, and she wasn't happy about it. Of cource, they haden't been happy when she'd used her charizard to perch on the ledge, but there wasn't much they could do about it without losing a finger or two. Thorfax was perched next to her, sound asleep with his head tucked under his wing. The silly beast. He was supposed to be the toughest pokemon in her roster, yet here he sat, sound asleep. He was such a goof ball for a pokemon of his nature. Bella was on the ground, sitting against the wall near the place where Luna was sitting high above. She looked around nervously. Luna had taken her in, but she wasn't really into working for these people. She haden't been in one of their labs yet, and she was trying to keep it that way. They knew there was a ditto, but for now, they were preoccupied with experimenting on someone else to really notice her. Since Luna was above, and had ordered her not to follow, Bella was stuck on the ground alone to fend for herself. It wasn't the fact that she couldn't fight; it was the fact that she was alone, with no one to talk to, that scared her. She was pretty shy. Shaking slightly, she released her persian and clung to his fur like a scare little child. On the opposite side of the room, Nix stood on a ledge, leaning against the wall behind him. He yawned, almost wanting to take a nap. This was a dismal place, and he was disgusted with the way people were treated. Yet, he accepted it. He was becoming fond of his wings, and he thought he could grow to like these powers if he could only escape from this nightmare of a prison. Besides, it was only a matter of time before they found him and threw him into a fighting match, and he wasn't quite sure if he was ready for that.

12:39am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Awesome. <3 Btw, Linuon's bi, too. He just doesn't know it yet. xD;))
12:48am Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 12:49am Jun 10 2011)
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Posts: 177
Ooc: Oops.Ignore this post. I didn't see that my other one went through.
12:53am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 34
The tall, slim form of Sorina stood nearby the fountain, her tail lashing. She hated it here, but at this point, she was itching for a fight. She picked at her fingernails to preoccupy herself for now, to avoid attacking someone else and eventually being put back in solitary. She'd only been back out with the others for a few hours, and was already angry again. She wasn't for any reason in particular, either, she was just mad. Mad at the scientists, mad at the others, mad at life. A growl escaped her lips. Meanwhile, Matt sat in a corner, gazing at an open locket. His eyes were sad. Around his neck hung the Pokeball on the chain, after having stolen it back recently. He'd been here now for three months. For him, it had only been three months of horror. He sighed quietly, the only sound to escape his mouth in the last two hours. Ooc; I guess that'll do. XD
1:09am Jun 10 2011
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((Are my charries accepted? ^^))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:14am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 177
ooc: yes, they're fine.:) I'll run add them to the list on the first page. ^^; Feel free to post intros whenever. I want to get this rolling tomorrow.
1:31am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 34
Ooc; I'm off to bed. Sorry. Bleh, I don't wanna go to bed yet. I promise I'll be home earlier tomorrow!
1:57pm Jun 10 2011
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It was quiet in here, to quiet for her liking, for anyones liking but the shyest of people. Well... not so much people anymore.... Experiments, genetically altered freaks. Not that she didn't enjoy it when fire danced at her finger tips without burning anything, or when she could litterally jump hundreds feet in the air in a single bound. No... those things were cool, enjoyable even. If she hadn't been stuck in this death trap, she probably would have loved every minute of it. Well...except for the fact that she was a mutant. Sighing, she reached up to run her hands through her long blond hair, the hair that used to be chocolate brown before the transformation. These people, these monsters did this to every one of them, every creature in this cursed box with her. I used to be Rose, now by default, I am full of Fire. Ember Fire." She shook her head, pushed her legs over the ledge that was maybe hundred feet up. ------------ Wind fingered the razor blade that was pointing out of his head. With a little shake and a force of will, a air slash in the exact shape flew out of the point, smacking against the wall with a swoosh. Of course, nothing could break through the container. At least, none of them alone could. Even those ghosts couldn't get through... Stupid genetic scientists and thier stupid experiments. He had been perfectly fine being normal. Standing up from where he slouched on the ground, back against the wall, he placed once hand on the steel wall, frowning at it and then each person near him, a unhappy gleam in his eyes. He wanted excitement for goodness sakes, he wanted something to live for and this by golly.... this was not it. [Fallen shall come later]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:18pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 177
ooc: Yeah, time to get this going. bic: Nix yawned again as he scanned the room. Time to stirr things up a bit. Spreading his wings, he lept off the ledge to glide down and reign terror on a few other the other people. He really didn't care if it got him into trouble at the moment. As he started a turn close to the ground, he failed to see that a girl's persian had spotted him. Jake, purring, saw the feathers, can couldn't help himself. The big cat jumped up, and ignoring the fraintic call from his trainer, took off. He ran, leaped, and caught hold of the guys feather tail and dragged him to the ground. Nix screamed, but he didn't see anyone come to help him. What was wrong with these people.Didn't anyone care if he was about to be eaten? Now on the ground, he scrambles to get away, but the cat simply jumped again, this time landing on his wing and pinning it to the ground as he chomped down. Seconds later though, he was released, and got up to see a human girl dragging the cat away. "I'm so sorry about this..." She said fraintically. She turned to glare at the persian, who simply purred. Luna was laughing at the scene from her perch above. There was no way she was going to help him now.

7:28pm Jun 10 2011
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Rose watched from a distance, amusing herself by watching the twitch of the persian's tail. It had been a boring day, a boring week, maybe month. Nothing exciting had happened and she had fallen low enough to be entertained by anything that moved. It came as a surprise to her as the big cat sprang up and ran straight foreward to clap its teeth on the tail of another genetic or so she called them. Instinct made her stand and step of the ledge she sat on, falling gracefully towards the ground, ready to help whoever it was but by the time she had landed, everything seemed to be sorted out. Crossing her hands, she leaned back against the enclosure wall, eyes amused.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:55pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 177
Nix was shooting death glares at the girl. "Keep that thing on a leash, wont you?" He growled as he got up and looked at his wing. There was a bit of blood leaking from the teeth marks, but it wasn't too bad. It seemed the cat had only been playing. For now. Ticked off now, he strode off in search of a place to nurse his wounded ego. Bella flinched at the hard words and nodded, then walked away, calling the cat to follow her. He glanced back at bird boy, but decided it wasn't worth the fight to go after him again just yet. He followed her back to the wall and resumed his duty of being used as a life sized stuff animal. Bella was mortified at her pokemon's behavior, but now that she thought about it, the attack had been sort of funny. She giggled, but kept her face buried in the fur of her pet so that no one would see.
8:08pm Jun 10 2011
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Off as far away from the others as possible, Knight jumped back and did a flip in mid-air to avoid Zero's - his Zangoose's - claws as they slashed at him. It was a regular thing. Knight was very small for his age, only around 4'6", so he was only slightly taller than Zero, making the Pokemon a good sparring partner. It was a good way to keep in shape for battles and it also helped pass the time. Knight had no interest in socializing with any of the others. A new friend one day could be at your throat the other. He had no interest in setting himself up for betrayal. Zero lunged again, slashing his claws at Knight's head. The Choroneko dropped on all fours in a crouch to avoid the blow, his tail sweeping under the Zangoose's feet to knock him over. Zero rolled and slashed again at at Knight's arms and legs and his attack was once again avoided by the teen pouncing into the air and then onto him. He had hoped to pin Zero down, but he was pushed off and the two rolled to their feet, staring each other down and waiting for the other to make a move. ~~~~~~~~ Nyx chucked to himself slightly as he watched the Murkrow morph get pounced on and get his feathers all ruffled, quite literally too. The Haunter morph - that what he called all the experiments: Pokemorph, because they'd been morphed with Pokemon; simple but catch, he considered it - was currently sitting on the stone rim of the fountain, his feet pulled up close to his behind and his Pikachu curled up in a ball in the v-like space between his legs and stomach. Jolt was dozing quietly, his ear occasionally twitching from his dreams. The Pikachu was still young, so he got into a lot of mischief then slept afterwards. Nyx's other Pokemon, a matured Flareon named Blaze, sat beside his master, watching the scene with what could be described as a bored ex pression. He hoped for everyone's sake that something would be done about these crazy people who'd taken Nyx, Jolt, and himself off the streets. Nyx had often said to the Flareon that life wasn't so bad. He got clean clothes, a dry place to sleep, and a meal and water each day, which was more than he could rely on out on the streets. The food here was actually better than some of their dinners...
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:37pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 34
Ooc; I'm home. And I wanna say this now- we use the term 'Pokemorph' to term characters who can actually morph into Pokemon. 'Shifters' is my fancy word for it. Just...FYI. *always been a big stickler for that*
And sorry about being here so late again tonight. Almost had to kill my best friend. She's coming to my party (from across the state), and we couldn't get a plan down for her to stay over. -_-
Sorina couldn't help but smirk from the action across the room from her. Only Pokemon... She shook her head. A tinge of sorrow crossed her mind, as she realized again how she longed to have a Pokemon of her own. A companion, a friend.
8:55pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 1,586
Rose shook her head slowly as the boy walked away from the other to, though she could tell by the silent shaking, that the girl was finding the whole thing just as amusing as she was. With a quick sigh, she raised her hand and called up the fire that she controlled so easily since the change. Just messing with it helped her think a little bit straighter since trapped in here could turn just about any normal person crazy after a while. As she contemplated whether or not to go check if that guy was ok, she spotted something that diverted her attention away from the guy. Something a bit more interesting... something she might want to be a part of. A fight, or at least, a practice one. Grinning, she placed both hands palm down behind her and pushed of the wall, stepping towards the fight with a firey spark of interest lighting her eyes. She was after all, part Blaziken now, and fire was in her nature though before if you had asked her, she would have been more of an air type. She loved the skies... now that didn't matter to her as much. "Would you like to fight someone a bit more of a challenge?" She asked quietly, in her normal soft tone, though it held a ring of confidence. ----- Wind sighed to himself and physically forced himself to stand move, to bored to really do anything other than walk around. Specifically, he headed towards a make-shift tree. Contemplating a nap if he could get it. Usually the absol part of him wanted to be active and move around, and he did have that sense that some absol's did about when people were in trouble and how to fix it but from the scene that happened earlier, he only got a little bit of worry, not enough for him to need to do anything about it. ----- Fallen on the other hand, was on his back, staring into the eyes of the pokemon that he had been bonded with. A raichu's tail was curled up around his neck, and the large body sat on his chest, a weight that he didn't mind having. He was practicing actually, on his friend here. Practicing controlling and expelling the electrical currents that ran up and down his spine. Raichu didn't mind since he was an electric and thier DNA being the same... the electricity was in a wierd way, his own as well.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:28pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((*huffs slightly* Pokemorph is what the creator of the RP Nyx was first in used. Is it really that big of a deal? If Nyx came up with it on his own I really doubt a Scientist would bother to come up to him and try to correct his vocabulary. Everyone's using different words anyways.)) Knight blinked and looked up at the girl who'd approached him, staring at her curiously for a moment. It was rare for anyone to approach him. Most didn't even notice him because he was so small and knew how to, well, blend in. While Knight was distracted, Zero, who practically had no morals in a fight, took the opportunity to wack Knight over the head, earning a loud yowl of "Ouch!" and a swift kick in the face that had come to quick to dodge. He growled, his paws over his nose as he lumbered away to sulk. If you ever caught Knight off guard, he'd hit you back twice as hard and twice as fast. Sometimes the Zangoose wondered why he tried to beat Knight. Knight glared at Zero as the Pokemon moved away. They didn't always seem to have the best relationship, but it was still a good one to them. The like each other as much as they liked to hit each other. The Choroneko rubbed his head and returned his attention to the girl, giving her a suspicious look. "I'm Knight," he said, "If you want to fight me, my rules outside the actual arena are no killing or badly wounding in a way that could make either of us preform weaker inside the Arena, which would end in death anyways."
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:30pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 177
Luna looked around the room. More of the experiments were starting to move around. Perhaps it was time she left her post and joined them. Mingle with commoners. All it took was a gentle touch, and her charizard was awake. "Lets go, Thorfax." She said, hopping up onto his shoulders as the beast yawned and stretched his wings. He lept off the ledge and flew in a gentle glide until he reached a spot big enough for him to land. Luna slid down his back, and nodded to tell him he was free to go. Yawning, he took off and landed back on his ledge to resume his nap while Luna walked around, looking for something interesting to watch. Bella watched with wide hopeful eyes as Luna flew, but her face well when she realized the girl wasn't going to come and talk to her. Maybe it was time she got up and went to make some new friends. She looked around, wondering who might be nice enough to approach. Nix was sitting against a wall, grounded for the moment. He was going to let his wing rest a bit before he tried flying again. His eyes scanned the crowed, almost daring someone to mess with him.

9:40pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 34
Ooc; Sorry, I didn't mean it in a derogatory sense. I just wanted to mention my opinion on the whole matter of terming. ^^; Again, sorry. I don't really care what term you use. Just know that that's what I'll use. Bic; Sorina debated going to talk to Nix, but ended up deciding against it, despite how much fun it might be for her to battle with him. She ended up sitting against the edge of the pool, glancing around. Matt still sat curled in his corner. He looked to be on the verge of tears now, as he closed the locket and slipped it back into his pocket, unable to look at it anymore.
10:20pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 177
As Bella was looking around, the big cat took it into his own paws. His trainer was sad. He wanted to make her happy. Jake lept to his feet and took off running, looking for someone. "Jake! Come back!" Scared, Bella panicked and morphed into a persian and took off after him. Because of the nature of her DNA, she wasn't a perfect copy, but she was close enough. She was smaller than her pet, and the eyes were brown, instead of matching his. The cat wasn't human, so he was very simple minded. His trainer was sad, so he had to find someone else sad. Because they would be the same. He looked around and spotted a dragon boy who smelled like he was sad. Twitching his ears and tail, the cat approached Matt, stopping a few feet away to meow at him.
10:20pm Jun 10 2011
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The blonde snickered, giving the pokemon a nodding approval look though it had been a cheap shot. If she had turned her back to an opponent in a fight with one of her pokemon, she would deserve a wallop as well. "You can call me Ember, or Rose I don't care which one since they are both part of my name anyway." She shrugged holding out a hand as if offering to shake it but deciding otherwise as he continued speaking and returned it to where they lay before across her chest. "I am simply talking about a sparring partner, nothing more. Or maybe a pokemon battle, I don't care. Its just to quiet in here for my particular liking." She sighed and took a step back, though it was more of a leap since she ended up at least fifty feet from him. The length of a trainers battle field and whether they would be fighting each other or have their pokemon do it for them, this was the length it would happen at. [Hey Grave, I can't see the pic you posted of him. Link doesn't upload it. Is it possible for you to rmail me the url?]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
10:25pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 34
Matt jumped a little, startled as he looked up. He moved to move over to Jake on his hands and knees, and gently petted the Persian's head. "Hey there," he spoke quietly, his voice soft and sweet. "Where's your trainer?"