Our fates have been overshadowed with Pokemon DNA like the moon overshadows the sun in an eclipse...

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11:14pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

Rose wasn't there though, he came crashing down on thin air. She had moved the instant he disappeared, jumping out at a fourty degree angle backwards, knowing that the attack would be coming towards her. In an instant her hands were out again, fire dancing from them towards the male as soon as he appeared. Fire in itself wasn't a harmful thing. It was a uncontrollable thing, something that didn't like to be willed into obeying. Only those who could speak its language could really master it.

Her weight was slightly of as she landed on the back of her heels so she arched her back, hands coming in a half moon way till palms landed on the ground and her legs followed behind, doing an nice back spring till was successfully upright, hands up in a casual ninja looking way.

"Nice try, but you need to be more creative then that." Rose said simply, beginning to circle the boy, one hand up, palm facing him and the other under it, palm towards the ground. My turn now.With the speed of a Blaziken, she pointed both of her hands towards her back, fire shooting out of it, propelling herself foreward like a jet as she shot towards him almost invisible in her haste. As she neared him only a fourth of a second later, she bent down, flaming boot kicking out at his legs.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

11:28pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 11:28pm Jun 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

[double post x_x]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

11:34pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177

"Oh." Bella was quite for a few minutes.

"It doesn't get any easier, does it?" She asked quietly, looking down at the floor.

"Being here, I mean. Ive been changed for a year, but Ive only been in this place for a few days." She shuddered slightly. So there was no escape to this place? 


11:49pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Linuon felt his cheeks grow warm again, ducking behind his Charizard's wing again. Then he steadily peeked out again, his ears pulled back. "I'm...Linuon...." he said softly, his voice betraying how timid he was. Streak, on the other hand, moved to nuzzle the Flareon and then move to stare down at the Pikachu for a couple moments before suddenly licking his nose, his ears perked forward.

Eli, on the other hand, skittered back down to curl up in his Trianer's arms to hide, obviously sharing the same personality as Linuon himself. He poked his head out from behind Brisingr's wing as well, chittering softly at the Haunter morph. He then ducked back into the cover of the dragon's wing, seeming to be pretty embarrassed.




((I dunno how to bring Abyss in. xD))


12:36pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 34
Matt shook his head a little. "No, it really doesn't," he sighed. He looked up, and glanced around, at some of the others in the room. "There's no telling how long some of the others have been here."

3:40pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177

((I think its time a grabbed a few characters and had a colosseum battle. Those are always fun. And I need something to do with Luna and Nix. ))


Bella looked down.

"I see..." She said quietly. She didn't speak again; She didn't know what to say. She simply rested her head on her knees and stared out blankly. Might as well get used to the place. She was probably going to be here a while, unless she got the chance to go outside for a fight. If that were the case, then she could probably just fly off or something.

Luna patrolled the perimeter of the room, still bored. A poochyena follwed at her heeles, looking wary of people, but not afraid.

Nix was back on his ledge, stretched out with his head propped up with his hand. He had his eyes locked on the Mightyena girl. He knew she was with them, therefore he automatically hated her. There was something wrong with people who were go worried about themself that they'ed do anything to save their own skins. He didn't know who she was or what she was doing there, but he knew he wanted her gone.  

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