5:20am Jun 7 2011
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[[ Everyone's characters are accepted. And sorry Full, I tended to scroll by your bios because they were incomplete for quite some time o3o'' All we need is monkey now, if I'm correct? ._. ]]
10:00am Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I could make the monkey as a girl. c:))
11:15am Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 736
(( Twint -.- really? that will make me confused. ah well XD))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:37pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 93
{Periwinkle? o3o Is the monkey taken yet? I didn't see anyone with it...} Name: Kamiko Sohma Age: 15 Gender: Female Zodiac: Monkeyplz? ono Appearance: See above Personality: Childlike and hyper, Kamiko is oftentimes considered annoying by her zodiac family members, with her tendencies to tackle-hug them from behind and climb around on the kitchen cabinets, spilling things on the floor. Following through with the fact that she's possessed by the monkey of the zodiac, she has a passion for bananas and will go to great lengths to obtain them. Crush: Open. Other: Um... nothing really. :D Name: Daichi Itou Age: 17 Gender: Male Zodiac: N/A Appearance: See above Personality: Studious and quiet, Daichi is one of the kinds of people that like to sit back and watch everyone else. He's very intellegent, but socially awkward and has to deal with problems from home. He also has two left feet when it comes to sports, and lacks too much body strength. Crush: Open. Other: He has problems at home. His mom is always pressing him to do better in school and his dad ran out on the family years ago.

7:45pm Jun 7 2011
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[[ Accepted, Arruby. Ohmg, we can start! :D ]]
9:51pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((...I don't want to start, unless you totally want me to. X3 ))
12:44am Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[Toshiro: What did I do this time? ;-; Also. Can I start? 8D Also. Aren't all Zodiacs Sohmas?] The early morning sun filtered through the canopy of the leaves of the trees surrounding the Sohma house. Toshio rose, the first to be greeted by the small amount of sunlight shining into his room again. Waking up the first was something Toshio always did ; the house seemed so empty and quiet, it seemed as if he himself owned the entire house. It was those feelings of power that boosted Toshio's ego. He drew his hand over his ruffled hair in attempt to make it slightly neater. He slid downstairs, hoping not to wake anyone up. Stepping out of the door, he breathed in the early morning air. It was crisp, it was cold, but with warmness that told him that he was where he belonged. ♥ Much to Toshio's dismay, sharp-eared Atsuko heard him bounding down the stairs. She crept out of her room; she was intending to scare Toshio by suddenly pouncing on him. She lightened her footsteps and crept silently behind Toshio, who was thinking hard, looking at the small sparrow on the dew-sprinkled grass . She pounced on him like how a dog would attack a mouse. "Hey, Toshio!" She chirped merrily. Of course, that wasn't the best way to start the day for Toshio, but who cared? Atsuko had her fun, and that was the only thing that mattered. ♥ Sayuri was still fighting with Ryuu. "I'm not a little brat!" She retorted, stamping her feet like a little girl who didn't get the biggest lollipop of the packet. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, and her two pigtails made her look even more like a little brat. ♥ Ryuu laughed. "That's exactly what I'm talking about." The house was now full of noise, but quietened down as they heard their father coming down the stairs. "What's the matter now?" He asked, sighing. "There's never a single day that you two don't fight." As if to prove it, Sayuri stuck out her tongue at her brother, who stomped on her foot. "You didn't have to prove it to me," their father sighed again.

4:14am Jun 8 2011
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Kagetora had escaped from the Sohma household, standing a few yards off. He had risen early and was attempting to stay away from the Sohmas as much as possible. He knew that if he had seen Shukai, Kagetora would certainly lose his cool. Only Sanae seemed to pity Kagetora, but perhaps that was because their Zodiacs were somewhat related. Not to mention the fact that she was as forgiving as any other mother. "Heyyy, there's my buddy!" Kagetora heard a familiar chirp. He looked over his shoulder and saw his perhaps only friend, Robin, looking as cheerful as ever. "'Morning, Robin." Kagetora nodded a greeting. "I think it's breakfast time in the Sohma house." Robin grinned. Kagetora sighed, and yet he couldn't help but smile. Robin had a verocious appetite, and loved whatever food the Sohmas would whip up. "Come on, I think Sanae would be in the kitchen." Kagetora beckoned Robin, but his friend made a face. "You know how Sanae gets when she's even near an oven, Kagetora." Robin said. Kagetora laughed. His sister was the worst cook in the household, and was practically banned from the kitchen. --- Sanae wasn't actually in the kitchen, but lingering in the living room. She could already hear voices, at least four of them. Sanae bounced off the couch she was dozing off on and poked her head around a corner. "Good morning, Toshio and Atsuko!" She said cheerily. [not sure where they are, actually xD] "I was thinking of making breakfast! Since, you know, I'm not sure who is. And maybe it's my turn! It's been such a long time---" Sanae started twittering like a bird again. --- Maya walked quietly through the streets, a camera slung around her neck. Her parents were off on a tour, and told Maya that she could do anything she wanted in this town. It was safe, anyways, no chance of her being taken off. She had snapped a few photos, but nothing really interesting had appeared yet. She sighed wearily, already bored.

4:26am Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[Standing at the porch-door. Toshio's pissed off, apparently :P ] Atsuko grinned. It would be interesting to watch the kitchen on fire yet again. "Sure, Sanae," she said. Toshio just walked away as usual, into his room, Atsuko assumed, to shun the world again. [failpost. Has to clean my room :c ]
8:29am Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi woke up and started getting ready for a new day. After doing her morning things she was dressed and walking down stairs. She decided to cook for the family this morning, she normaly doesn't so no one knows how she cooks and if shes good or not. When she had finished cooking for everyone she set it all out for people to eat before she walked back to clean the dishes. She wanted to be a cheif and a fashion designer. She had the skills in the kitchen and she loved making clothes she was wearing some that she had made and was proud on how they looked. Jamie woke up and was trying to wake his brother up but with no luck. "Come one James wakey wakey eggs and bacy."He sang to him before laughing when James fell out of bed trying to get to the food. "Did someone say eggs and bacon?" He asked sleepily as he looked around for the food. Seeing this made Jamie fall on the floor with laughter as he tried and failed to tell his brother there was no food. After he calmed down he looked at James "theres only egg and bacon if you make it bro" he said smirking at him as James huffed angerly as he got up to go make his presious food.

9:50am Jun 8 2011
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Shukai had actually been awake for quite a while, but had decided to wait until that stupid cat had left the building to venture out of his room. He shoved his hands into his pockets, navigating the halls with a soft sigh until he ended up outside. He took a deep breath of the air and moved further out to enjoy the nice day. He moved his hair out of his face. He closed his eyes before he moved to go sit on the vast porch of the Sohma house, staring off into space as he pondered about his past. He wasn't at all sure of what he was even still doing here...but he supposed he'd figure it out later, when it really mattered. All of his cousins were certainly company enough, he supposed...but he wanted more, even though he was a lonely kind of person. He wanted...friends..not jsut his family to talk to when he decided to finally be social.
10:17am Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Uh, just like the human experiments RP, Fox, I'm starting to think that Kazumi here is also a Mary Sue. A person who can sew her own clothes and make meals? It seems a bit too much :/ ]]
11:27am Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((but i can do that. O.o. I cook meals and make clothes when i can XD but i added that for her thinking of Ayame XD he is the snake and loves fashion haha but i thought that a mary sue was someone who condridicted themselves? shes just a loner.))
6:23pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ No, a Mary Sue is a perfect person, or someone who's so imperfect she's perfect. I personally don't favor the 'lonely' personality, because you say as soon as she warms up to someone, she becomes everything a Mary Sue is. Kazumi is also 'hugged by boys', meaning she's so pretty and stuff she can get hugs from people she doesn't even know. I can say more, but basically, a Mary Sue is kind of what Kazumi is :/ Either that, or you could really elaborate more, since 'she's quiet and shy' isn't good enough for a personality. ]]
6:29pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 736
(( Hate to be picky also, but it says nothing about her talents in teh bio. Also, don'ca think its a bit closed off? Cooking a meal for an entire family of twelve, when sanae had already said she might cook? It can limit other RPers.)) Mizu rubbed her eyes as she peered into the mirror. "Summer finally." She muttered to herself, getting changed into a fresh T-shirt pants, and slinging on her shirt that was hanging over the mirror. Clipping her bangs and the har that fell over her ears into a clip, she exited her room and crossed the courtyard to the main house hold building. "Mornin Kagetora... Robin." She said, punching Kagetora in the arm lightly glancing at Robin and shaking her head. She wasn't too keen on Robin, She didn't hate him, however she also didn't like him. He had once nearly fell on her in public, only being saved by a swift leap onto him by Hana, another visitor to the sohma household along with her brother, however he always tended to stay a way from the girls any way, so didn't really pose as a problem. "Should we go make sure Sanae doesn't destroy the rice steamer again hey?" She said jokingly. It still confused Mizu to this day how a steamer could be broken, but Sanae had made it happen once, so whoose to say it wouldn't happen again. "Anyone for some ramen?" ~~~~ Ichigo bounded down the stairs slipping at the last step and crashed to the ground. "Gahh!" He yelled before laughing as he rolled over. Sitting up he inspected his headphones. "Thats going to leave a mark." He chuckled, returning them to his neck and rubbing his forehead where a bruise would soon accumulate. "Hey, Atsuko." He slouched his arms over the two girls, Sanae and Atsuko, looking rather rediculous due to them both being taller than himself. "Sanae, is the kitchen still here?" He added onto Atsuko's comment about fire. ~~~~ "Haha, Dachi, you can't catch me!" Called back Hana with a cap in flailing in her hand,he long hair also wavering as she sped down the street. "Hana! Hana give it back!" He yelled, feeling like he could scream at her, although that would look childish and make the situation akward. Running down the street she spotted a girl with a camera around her neck. Feeling as though she was helping her brother, she let go of the hat several yards from her, slowing to a halt, and speaking to her. "Hi, there's gonna be a boy in a few seconds, Tell him I have gone to the Sohma's please? Thank you." She smiled, dipped her head in grattitude, spun onto her toes then turned the corner. Dachi, panting now realised what his sister was doing, picked up the hat, gave an akward smile to the girl before looking away and pulling his cap over his eyes.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
6:53pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 93
((Sorry this is so late; I had school and studying, and my mom dragged me off to Chik-fil-a. ono)) Kamiko shot up, sending sheets flying. Okay, that was a good dream and all, but... time to start the day! The lively monkey threw on random clothing and scraped her hair back into a knotted, messy hairtie that was coming undone. She was practically wriggling with excitement. "One... two... HUP!" she shouted the last part, bursting through the door and sliding rather ungracefully down the stairwell, crashing into the porch door below. Ignoring the fact that she'd gone down too fast (and as a result had hit the door a little too hard) she began to giggle madly, rolling on the floor and clutching a stuffed giraffe. She rolled into the kitchen and sprang to her feet again, searching for the fruit basket that was stored somewhere around there. She pursed her lips; it wasn't in its usual place. She'd probably put it somewhere else again. It was way too hard to remember these days. Springing onto the counter, she used the sink to hoist her self rather ungracefully up onto the top of the cabinet, crouching like a frog. With a surprised bl ink she noticed Kazumi standing there, washing the dishes. "Hey, Kazumi~ Have you seen the bananas? Actually, I might've eaten 'em... oh well. What's for breakfast?" She shifted her position on the top of the cabinet, matted and uncombed hair brushing the ceiling as she crossed her legs. ------------------ Daichi closed his schoolbook and stretched, stuffing the books into his bag. His homework for the weekend was done. He bit his lip, averting his gaze from some classmates passing by the park. A few birds flitted around that morning, but the sunlight was still cold and he was shivering slightly. "Wasn't there anything else I needed to do?" he mumbled, shifting through the dark folds of his bag. Apparently not. He wandered out onto the sidewalk, keeping his head down. A hood covered his hair, protecting him from prying eyes. His stomach churned as he immersed himself into the crowd.

7:21pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Uhm, what's happening? XD How canI post?))
11:03pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 411
(Oh dear oh dear where should I pop in?)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:59am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ It's easy, you guys. Everyone's just posting their intros now. Have your characters wake up, stroll around, or just interact with any of us. Maya needs a buddy xD ]]
2:11am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,576
Deciding that it wasn't of any use to fight with Ryuu anymore, Sayuri went for a stroll down the neighborhood. She had just passed Maya's home, a girl in her class. Out of pure boredom, she went to knock on the door. ~ Toshio heard the rest of the family awake, and heard that Sanae was going to cook breakfast. He lazed on a bed, and looked at his room. It was like a pigsty. Everything was strewn everywhere ; his schoolwork was half-done, on the floor next to his clothes. His shirt was torn, there was a footprint on his report card. Nobody knew what happened. He tenderly rubbed the bruises on his arm, the scar slashed across his back. The small scar on his scalp that was covered by his red hair. That scar was like him, the hair was like the world around him. He was covered by the world, forbidden to be seen. Forbidden to be heard were his cries.