Our Love ❤ Fruits Basket

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2:49am Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 736
((Tld, Hana did))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

4:59am Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,406

((it didn't ask for what she can do and as for what she can't do. She can't sing, dance, paint, draw, play an instrament. So the only thing she can do is sew and cook. For the other bit the hugged by someone it wasn't meant as in she's thinks shes pretty it was meant as in friendly hugs you know like what you give your friends even the ones that are boys? that type of hug.

but if you want i'll change it from shy and quiet to mean and cold XD))


10:09am Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ Dude, Twint, Maya is a tourist oo''

Well, fox, you didn't mention it as a friendly hug, and nobody gives random 'friendly' hugs to quiet people they don't know. I'm just saying that it's highly unlikely, along with Kazumi' entire personality.]]

"Is that your sister?" Maya asked the boy, looking as the girl ran off. Her hands were still around the expensive camera in a protective manner.


"Morning, Kagetora, Robin, Ichigo, Mizu, everyone!" Sanae paused when she saw Kazumi, who had already laid the food out for them. "Umm, I was going to cook, but I guess it's okay!" Sanae felt rather hurt, with her sister instantly whipping up a meal after Sanae had told the household that she would cook for the large family of Sohmas. 

"And Mizu, I told you, that steamer did not come with instructions!" Sanae said haughtily, attempting to defend her imaginary position as 'best cook in family'. "I challenge you to make a better lunch!" Seeming oddly triumphant with the challenge, Sanae placed her hands on her hips and grinned. 


Kagetora gave Mizu a cold stare. Since when did the Sohma household even bother talking to him? Robin nudged his friend.

"Don't bother her, Kagetora." He said. Robin was a bit like Kagetora, and was left out of the Sohma household most of the time because of his clumsiness. It seemed like the fancy family didn't appreciate spilled goods. Only Sanae seemed happy, but maybe she had a bump on her head when she was young, and was stuck in that mood. 




11:04am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Aww. Nobody wanted to talk yo my little mouse. ;c He's not gonna start a convo...he needs to get forced into one.)


12:07pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,406
((Her personality has been changed.))


12:25pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 736

Dachi rubbed his collar bone underneath his shirt as his hands were becoming clamy. "Yea, that's my sister, she, erm, is kinda energetic." He said blaintently. His feet seemed stuck to the floor un-able to move. "So, your not from around here, are you?" He asked, looking down the street that lead to the Sohma household. 


Hana had ran down the street, and soon enough gained entry to the Sohma house hold. She skipped from stone to stone untill reaching the house. "Robin!" She screamed, Seeing the brunette inside the building. She ran and lept onto his back.  "Hiya Mizu." She smiled. "Is Sanae up yet?" 


Mizu frowned at Kagetora; sighed, then softened her brow. "You always act so cold. I give you the chance, and you don't take." She looked over her shoulder and chuckled at Sanae's remark before turning back to the boys, tucking the stands of hair behind her ears. "Not everyone here hates you, ya know?" Mizu was intruded by a shrill scream from outside. Followed by Hana runing through the door. "She's over there Hana." She indicated to the ginger haired girl, turning to go eat the food kazumi had cooked. 

"Food's food." She shrugged to herself, picking up the bowl and heading outside into the tea garden. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

3:41pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 93

((...I just realized there are two Daichis. o.o' Is it okay if I change mine's name?

I'll have Kamiko talk to the mousie if you want. o3o))

Kamiko wrinkled her nose and sneezed, sending dust floating from the tops of the cabinets. From her vantage point she could see outside one of the windows; the mouse, Shukai. She slipped from the cabinet and crept out the door, pausing to judge the distance before glomping her reserved cousin from behind. "Shukai! G'morning! How're you?" she asked loudly, before bouncing off to sit on the railing. "Happy there's no school today? Man, it sure feels good to be free, huh?"


Daichi stopped walking when he noticed someone who looked vaguely familiar. Hana, a girl in one of his classes. She was running like crazy.

"Hana! Where're you going?" he called, curiosity getting the better of him.

Charm Fursona

3:47pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 11,785

Shukai let out a yelp as he was 'attacked' from behind, violet-ish eyes growing wide as he stumbled a bit. He exhaled loudly when he saw it was only his cousin, Kamiko. "Hello, Kamiko... I'm well, and yes, it does feel nice to not have school," he said, his eyes moving to focus on a butterfly fluttering about nearby. He cocked his head ever-so-slightly, something only those who knew him well would notice.

HE only did that when he was thinking about something in a rather serious manner, but it was so slight that most people never even knew that it happened. Not that Shukai minded, of course.


5:38pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736
((Heh heh, Arruby. Oh, by the way, hana is two years younger than him 0.0 I don't think they will be in the same class, unless its a sport class.))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

4:56am Jun 10 2011

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Posts: 5,998

"Hi, Hana!" Sanae said merrily. "Don't bother Robin. I don't think he likes surprises." She grinned. [[ Perhaps Hana and Sanae could be like, BFFs?! o3o ]]


"Ugh, get off me, Hana." Robin groaned. He was an only child, and couldn't stand anyone younger than him. The only person Robin truely looked up to was Kagetora, as the two had been friends since they were kids. 


12:30pm Jun 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736

((Yus! they should!))


Hana grinned when she spotted Sanae. She patted Robin on the head, then releasing her grip and dropping to the floor. She started to skip towards Sanae before spinning on her toes and speaking to Robin and Kagetora. "Dachi will be here soon." She told the boys, returning to Sanae. "Hiya." She squeaked, jumping up and down on the spot infront of her friend. "I just have so much energy to day." I think I have a bit of energy today." She said. 'a bit' was an understatement, as there were few days when Hana would ever stop moving.



Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:45pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Bump ]]


12:38pm Jun 13 2011

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Posts: 736

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois
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