4:49am Mar 29 2012
Normal User
Posts: 301
rap jumped out of jack's arm and said "Maleck come out now!"
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
4:56am Mar 29 2012
Normal User
Posts: 301
"i know your in there come out now rap, shadow, lily help
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
1:21pm Mar 29 2012
Normal User
Posts: 516
(Maleck's name isn't known either. He's just known right now as The Stowaway. By the way? Where's Spirit?)
11:29pm Mar 30 2012
Normal User
Posts: 9,781
(Accepted and sorry for my absense...) (I finished my book 'Dragon and Thief' today!! Epic ending!!)
Shadow and Lily looked at the human and Shadow stepped forward,"This stowaway is not like others of our kind. He takes power from his host instead of just laying on their skin like the rest of us. He is a much more violent type of our dragon.",she explaned.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:37am Mar 31 2012
Normal User
Posts: 301
"i know him.... his name is maleck... come out maleck!!!!" said rap " we go back a long way we were in a fight since we were kids.."
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
12:55am Mar 31 2012
Normal User
Posts: 9,781
Lily watched the K'das very closely and wondered about the stowaway,"Was he some type of a hybrid K'da?",she thought to herself.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:51pm Mar 31 2012
Normal User
Posts: 516
Maleck forced his claws out of Volkenagrim's back. Volkenagrim snarled out of pain while most would yell in agony. He fell to his hands and knees and watched as Maleck charged out of his back. Maleck stood a bit smaller at about 7'9" than most K'da. But that was due to him being without a host for so long. Yet was showing signs of being possibly up to 9 feet tall. Evidently Maleck didn't really know Rap. "We DON'T go a long way... You mistake me for another of MY kind!" He roared at Rap as he then reared his head down as he charged his horns at him. Volkenagrim was gasping for air as he felt Maleck leave him. He was deathly pale and he looked ticked. He stood up tall and straight and turned around to face Maleck. His eyes flashed a blood red for a brief second.
4:02am Apr 1 2012
Normal User
Posts: 301
"I know you Maleck now come out and fight like a man!"
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
7:18am Apr 1 2012
Normal User
Posts: 516
(Raptorguy for the last time, Maleck's name isn't known to anyone. He's just known as The Stowaway....) The Skeletal Dragon snarled as he then charged at Rap. His claws reaching forward to slash at him. His red eyes glared and glowed with rage. His tail thwacked Volkenagrim, knocking him ten feet back. When he was knocked back, Volkenagrim let out an "umph" sound. He was then knocked unconscious.
4:04pm Apr 1 2012
Normal User
Posts: 9,781
(Yeah Raptor.)
Shadow ran over to Rap and shoved him out of the way then ducked down to dodge the stowaway's claws and horns. Lily ran over to Volkenagrim and kneeled down,"Volkenagrim!",she yelled in fear of him being dead,"Are you ok?"
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:41pm Apr 1 2012
Normal User
Posts: 516
Volkenagrim stirred and woke up. He saw Maleck standing his ground at both Rap and Shadow. He then nodded his head and snarled. Evidently he proved his point. He's not a friendly sort of Skeletal Dragon and highly aggressive. But was now weakening. The skeletal dragon turned around to face Lily. He saw her next to his host. Then he let loose a grave warning. "Keep away from my host.... Or be slashed...." He snarled. Then he walked towards Volkenagrim and lifted him off the ground. Volkenagrim winced in pain. But he quickly recovered. He punched Maleck in the face. The jaw of Maleck cracked and was forced out of place. Maleck just moved his hand and put the jaw back in it's proper place. "You're brave foolish creature... One whom resembles a human but has differences in many manners." He growled. "No normal human has the strength to be MY host." He then placed Volkenagrim down and sneered at how the man stood his ground against the monster. Then Maleck went back inside of Volkenagrim. Volkenagrim snarled in pain but made a sigh of relief. "Be glad I don't like creatures dying of starvation." He growled at the Tattoo on his back.
5:54pm Apr 1 2012
Normal User
Posts: 9,781
Shadow walked over to Lily and leaped into her skin and let her head find it's resting spot on her shoulder,"You better watch out.",Shadow whispered into Lily's ear.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:17am Apr 2 2012
Normal User
Posts: 301
rap jumped on the stowaway breathing fire. jack ran over to lily and called to rap "come on we need alift let's get out of here!" rap then jumped off the stowaway and Jack jumped on rap like he'd been doing it all his life then reached down to lily and said "need a lift?"
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
4:56pm Apr 2 2012
Normal User
Posts: 154
HUMAN Name: Cortney (using my name) Guru Age: 14 Gender:Female Looks:Dark Brown Hair, Blue eyes, Wears Black w/ Black Cloak Personality:Mysterious History:Orphan Other:Oh, yeah, and she's a vampire(is that okay?) The Name of the Dragon You are the Host of:Violet Crush:Ethan Jackson DRAGON Name:Violet Age:Young Adult Gender:Female Looks:ta:image/jpeg;base64,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style="line-height: normal; "> Personality: Quick History:No Recorded History Other: Name of your Host: Cortney Guru What you Look Like in Tattoo Form:Breathing fire down your arm Crush: None Mate:None
5:56pm Apr 2 2012
Normal User
Posts: 64
8:41pm Apr 2 2012
Normal User
Posts: 9,781
(Thanks AJohnson17 and sorry Corky they must be regular humans.)
Lily shook her head as Shadow leaped from her skin again and unfolded her wings,"I think I'll stick with Shadow.",she said as she got onto Shadow's back.
"Epic fail to help your host,Rap.",Shadow said through mind conversation.
(Did I metion the K'da can talk to each other throughtheir minds? Well they can.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:18pm Apr 2 2012
Normal User
Posts: 516
Volkenagrim was hit by the flames instead. Yet when the flames cleared, he didn't seem injured at all. It seemed that somehow, the host was being taken over by Maleck the parasite. Almost slowly becoming a dragon himself. But still remaining entirely human. "Nice try at getting the so called Stowaway.. But he's got a name. And it's a dangerous name at that. A name that means, Malice.... And Malice can mean 'Death'." He growled low at Rap and Jack. "His name is Maleck.... Though my name isn't so nice either.... Now I'll be going at that, so I'd prefer all of you; to leave me be....!" He then sighed and began to walk away. His pace was tall and strong. Despite him being drained by Maleck's parasitism. His black and red tipped hair billowed in the gentle breeze. Evidently a great silence before the storm of night.
9:29pm Apr 2 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow looked at the human and walked inbetween them,first getting Lily safely off her back of coarse. "Hey! Just because that stowaway is possesing you doesn't mean you have to listen to him! That's what all the passengers onboard our ship did when he forced them to be his host so he could get around the ship without being known.",Shadow said as Lily walked,slowly up to the possesed human and frowned.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:38pm Apr 2 2012
Normal User
Posts: 516
Volkenagrim turned around as he stopped. "Actually that's not what Maleck is able to do with me. He's not able to fully Possess me like the others. My Soul is too strong for him to possess. I've been a Loner for a long time. Over 100 years in fact. I'm a normal human in all ways but one. I've a terrible Curse on me. I've had it since before my birth. So Maleck and I fit... He's cursed. And so am I. Leave it at that." He then turned away and headed towards the woods nearby. He then looked up at the trees above him and closed his eyes. He felt the breeze and could hear the voices of his curse in them. He could hear thousands of whispers of numerous souls. It was a wonder he wasn't going mad. He then lowered his head and walked into the path leading to the dark murky woods.
9:41pm Apr 2 2012
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Posts: 9,781
"Sure,the stowaway has a curse alright...",Shadow said with a slght eyeroll as she motioned for Lily to get back on. Lily obeyed and got back on her back.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.