8:38pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((lol Red, I've done a LOT longer, but my all time favorite was from a highschool rp, heres how it went: Luke sat by a tree. xDDDDD))
8:39pm Feb 19 2010
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Dagger laughed, "BUT!" she began, holding the wriggling pup down with her paw, "you have to be quiet or I will sned you back!" Her voice was stern but gentle, and her eyes were serious.
8:40pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 867
"Here we go!"Tetra woofed as she found the last herb she needed,picked it up in her jaws turned back,heading to camp,when she remembered about Yoru and ran to the tree which was a long way from where she was.When she got there,she looked up to the branch where Yoru should've been.Instead,she found an empty branch,"Yoru!"she howled angrily.The old wolf pup had left in search of adventure once again.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:40pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 867
((lolz! x3))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:43pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked up at the Alphaess and nodded her head very quickly making it look like she was goign to be dizzy with the speed.
8:52pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 867
"What is this place?"Yoru woofed to herself,not knowing she was walking into another wolf's den.She smelled something curious and went more inside,the scent getting stronger.Before her eyes slept a black wolf with green stripes running along his back,slightly bigger than her sister.He was silently breathing,and Yoru decided to get closer.She stepped one paw at a time,but got too close,and the wolf opened his jaws in a huge yawn,stretching his legs,his tail over his head as he did. Dharc opened his eyes and saw a black wolf pup...An older wolf pup."What're you doing here?!"he woofed at the pup,eyeing her closely.He smiled at the speechless pup."What's your name?"he decided to change the subject to not scare the pup."Gah!Never mind!"he woofed,giving up,seeing the pup wouldn't speak up.He left his den in search of prey.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:09pm Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 10:12pm Feb 19 2010)
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Name: Hibiki (I was told it means Echo/Sound. I think it's most likely Japanese. :D) Gender: MAle! Age: Adult Rank: Civilian Looks:
 Crush//mate: OPen~ Other: I made this picture with a template. You no steal. You want hte link, though, and I'll get you the template I found. :D Name: BlueBelle (Nickname is 'The Clumsy Flower' since she's pretty...well...clumsy. xD) Gender: Female~ Age: Adult Rank: Civilian Looks:
 Crush//mate: OPen~ Other: I made her picture, too. c:> Name: Rika (I designed her to be a wolf version of me. :D I used a Create-A-Wolf thingy, though. xD;) Gender: Female Age: Pup~ Rank: Er. Pup. .3. Looks:  ((Only without the wings. :D And the leg-warmers. xD And collar.)) Crush//mate: Too young at the moment. c: Other: She was abandoned a few months earlier and had learned to fend for herself. Since she had been weaned, she lived off of meat, mostly what she could find that was left over from another's kill. She taught herself how to hunt small things like rabbits and squirrels after a little while, quickly figuring out the best way to sneak up on them, thanks to her small size. She's a bit smaller than other pups her age, though many believe that's because she didn't have a proper diet and couldn't grow enough. And she's pretty withdrawn at first, very quiet and preferring to watch rather than interrupt, but on the inside, she's the sweetest thing you could ever hope to meet. ((The black things under RIka's eyes are markings and there's one under both of her eyes. :D And just tell me if I went overboard. D:> -pokes her wolves- And, like in her bio, Rika has no wings in this RP. c:))

10:16pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((rika, send meh teh link for teh template :D and which make-a-wolf thinger did you use??))
10:24pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I don't remember. .3. And hokai. :D How about I just post it here? P: ...HOw shall mah dahlinks pop in? ;O))
10:35pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((just post eet here :D just have them jump in :D))
10:02am Feb 20 2010
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Dagger smiled and turn, padding out of the den after hearing other pack members moving around. She dipped her head in greeting Dharc, smiling pleasantly. ((epic fail x.x))
11:39am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((OH SHIZ! I spaced, Onii, I'm sorreh...))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:47am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 11:58am Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,943
Name: Ra Gender:Female Age: 4 years Rank: Betess Looks: Hisst. Crush//mate: None... Other: Is a bit miffed that Dagger has senority, yet is younger than her.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:42pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi followed her. ((sorry im brain dead and have a tooth ache and its making the right side of my face hurt))
2:15pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 867
Dharc smiled back and looked over to Kazumi,"She's going with you?"he asked.Hearing some gr*censored* rustle,Dharc glanced back and saw Yoru on top of a rabbit."You caught something..."he woofed,not knowing if she actually had the will to make the kill. Yoru looked up at Dharc and bit the rabbit's neck,ending it's suffering."I was hungry!"she wailed as she began to rip at the rabbit's flesh.She ate part of it,then grabbed it and went back to Tetra,ignoring what would happen if she got to her."Tetra,I.."she stopped as she saw that Tetra wasn't there.Yoru looked everywhere,but couldn't find Tetra."Tetra!Where are you?!" Yoru howled and remembered that she left Tetra when she wasn't supposed to.She started to howl in sadness and loneliness.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
2:25pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked up at Dharc wagging her tail but kept quiet like Dagger wanted her to.
2:31pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Rika padded through the camp, her little paws carrying her quickly as her bright pink eyes glanced around. She looked a lot younger than she actually was, always getting mistaken for a pup that was totally dependent on a mother when, in fact, she could care for herself quite well. She sat down, ears twitching as her blue-tipped tail swished back and forth. Having cared for herself for many months, she hadn't been ab;e to develop her social skills, so she wasn't really sure how to start a conversation and make friends. She looked up at the sky, her eyes reflecting the light in just the right way to make it seem like the markings below each eye were really her tears, staining her fur black for eternity. Hibiki happily plodded through the pack's camp, his steps light as usual. He was generally a very happy wolf, his lime green gaze always bright and cheery. He had lived here with this pack as long as he could remember and was able to greet almost everyone by name, minus the new arrivals that had just joined. He flicked his violet tail back and forth, a smile on his muzzle. BlueBelle stepped through the camp as well, blue tail waving with her every step. She walked gracefully, though she tended to take a tumble quite often, though she had never known why. She pricked her ears forward as she heard a sad little howl, her black and red bangs falling into her furry face. She trotted towards the sound, ears flattening a bit out of worry.

3:15pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled and tumbled with her brother, Fang.
7:47pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Dagger glanced at Kazumi, then Dharc, "I guess she is." She said with a shrug.((another fail by meh x.x))
7:51pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hrrhrrhrr. Rika shall watch the other pups play! :D But will join in because she's never played before. .e. And my ADHD meds have been messing with my emotions. I swear I almost started crying because the Internet wouldn't come in. ;x;))