2:51am Dec 17 2010
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"Have you got anything like a sword so I can Ram it into there hearts then roast them over a fire with?"She Asked
3:14am Dec 17 2010
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"Hmm, I think I might have something like that" he said as he rumaged through the heap of meatle. Shard picked up a small but sharp bit of meatle "I think this would work like an ice shard" she said and flung it into one of the holows walls. It stuk into the wood and qwiverd "great, and it dosn't break" she said retriveing the meatle. "When we get to the great tree I can make more of those, they might work beter than ice splinters" Shadow said as he pulled out a meatle blade. Shard looked at it "its like an ice blade, but its meatle" she said "why did you make it?" she asked. "Ice blades mealt" he said "this wont" he said and pased it to Rose.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:10pm Dec 17 2010
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Rose bowed to Shadow "Thank you "she said Gratefully I have a feeling I could trust them .
8:01pm Dec 17 2010
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Shadow shruged "don't mention it". "Should we go?" Taya asked picking up the bonk coals. "Aye" he said and took to the air. Taya fluterd after him. Shard grabed as many meatle shards as she sould carry.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:04pm Dec 17 2010
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Rose shot out after them p*censored*ing Taya she churred
8:23pm Dec 17 2010
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Shard flew after them. Taya churred. **** Simon arived in Tyto forest, unaware that he was being folowed. Kludd folowed a safe didtance from the owl, signaling for Stryker and Uglamore to follow.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:02pm Dec 17 2010
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((I am back... anything specific you want me to do blaka?))
10:06pm Dec 17 2010
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(Simon is about to run into Shard, Taya, Shadow and Rose, Kludd Stryker and Uglamore are folowing him, Nyra could be folowing them and then they all meet up. Thought you might want to know 8))
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:13pm Dec 17 2010
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((Cool thanks... sorry for the next one liner but it will get better once i get going again.)) Nyra glided silently in the air above the others, watching every move and waiting for the perfect time to strike. She could no longer trust others to do important work for her, so she decided that she would take things into her own hands.
10:28pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(It's fine) Simon spoted 4 owls flying ahead of him "thank Glaux!" he screched flying up to them. He reconised 2 of them "Shard, Rose! You have to help me! Nyra's after me!" he screched. "Another turn feather?!" Shadow exclaimed. Taya flew up to the whiskerd screech "calm down" she said softly. "Simon, why is Nyra after you?" she asked. "My mate, they took my mate prisner, they were going to kill her" he sobbed "I tried to save her, but they cught me".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:55pm Dec 17 2010
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Rose Shook her head "You should never kill somebodys Mate "she said "You bring misery to those whos mate you killed "she said
12:07am Dec 18 2010
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Shard wilfed to half her size "I would know" she said sadly. "Im so sorry Shard" Taya said. "Aye, those yeepish owls will pay!" Shadow said.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:23am Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 36,303
"I'm Sorry Shard I ...I didn't know "Rose said Sadly looking Back at her "If I could bring him back for you I would"She said
12:37am Dec 18 2010
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Shard hooted sadly "its fine" she said. (Im stalling again XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:03pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(Why don't we bring Glen, Sam, Anna-bello and Rex back into the rp?)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:51pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 36,303
((Good Idea )) "Guys Are we still playing Tag or is it over now ?"Anna-Bello Called Rex Shrugged his wings "Dunno "he said
7:04pm Dec 18 2010
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Geln opened his eyes "im not sure, but weres Sam?" he asked.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:10pm Dec 18 2010
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Anna-Bello looked at Glen "Dunno where is Sam ?"she asked looking around she then looked at her feathers and started preening them
7:24pm Dec 18 2010
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Sam dived for a fish, snaging it in his beak and swalowing it. He turned and began flying back to the island of Hoole. Twilight landed beside Glen "what'ca owlets up to?" he asked. "Im not an owllet" Glen pointed out. Twilight churred.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:35pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Anna-Bello Looked at Twilight then Continued to Preen her feathers .Rex Churred "Ha trying to get the Rabbit blood out her feathers"he said