5:28pm Dec 20 2010
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5:47pm Dec 20 2010
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Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:59pm Dec 20 2010 (last edited on 9:38pm Dec 20 2010)
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Name: Suri Age: 2 years (old enough to fly) Gender: Female Spiecies: Northern Saw-whet Owl Mate if you want one: open Other:
6:23pm Dec 20 2010
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Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:26pm Dec 20 2010
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((What Happened to RBO1?)) Rose Screached again "GIVE IT BACK AND TAKE YOUR DEATH LIKE A REAL OWL !!!"She hissed Tugging at her Sword *** "You shouldn't go comparing owls with some Owl that they are not"Anna-Bello said
6:55pm Dec 20 2010
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(Nothing XD, but I didn't want to kill the owl that Rose was fighting with XD) RBO1 (random barn owl 1) shreed and pulled harder. **** Twilight roled his eyes "but he is".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:57pm Dec 20 2010
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((Oooops, my bad.... )) Nyra swiftly twisted her body and caught Taya as they collided. She bents her neck forward and slashed the other owl's face, just narrowly missing her eyes. "Get away from me you owlette." She screetched with rage, disgusted at the thought of touching an impure being. "Kludd, catch who you can and keep them alive for the moment. I have a few hopes and dreams to crush." She said, unlocking her talons and pushing off with amazing speed, twisting around and flying back around to meet up with Kludd. She then locked on to her new target, Shard. "You dare attack those who I treat as my own family. You will surely pay for a crime like that." She screetched, rushing towards Shard.
7:04pm Dec 20 2010
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Rose Let out another Screech and With one Swift Movement Pulled the Sword from the other owls Battle Claws "How did I do that?"she asked her self then Swag the Sword at the other Owl . *** "That may be at the moment"Anna-Bello said getting the last of the rabbit blood off her feathers
7:19pm Dec 20 2010
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Taya shook the blood out of her eyes and swiped Nyra's tail feathers with the burning pine needles, singing them. That will make it hard for her to steer! Shard spun and locked tallons with Nyra, then, like Shadow, went into a dive, still holding onto Nyra "die yeepish Hagsfeind!" she screeched. Shadow wilfed does she even know what a Hagsfeind is!? Taya wilfed aswell. RBO1 swerved out of the way, the sword missing his head by a hair. Kludd dived after them. (A Hagsfeind is and owl-crow they are capable of useing nachtmagen (bad magic, originateing in the time of legends) but were wiped out.... or were they? XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:14pm Dec 20 2010
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"I'd take that as a complement, saying as some were quite powerful." Nyra leered, though she was not ok with that name. Those creatures were mutts, not full owl but some mixture that was too horrid to think about. As the ground began to come nearer and nearer, Nyra tried to pull away from Shard but was locked firmly into place, and her singed feathers limiting her movement. "Kludd, what are you waiting for." She screetched warningly. Keeping her eyes locked on her current threat.
8:41pm Dec 20 2010
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Klud shut his wings, speeding faster towards Nyra and Shard. He spred his talons wide and grabed Shard's leg with a crack. Shard shreed and let go. She began to circle Kludd, he left leg hung limply. Klud lunged. Shard held a metal splinter in front of her. Kludd vered, not wanting to be impailed.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:59pm Dec 20 2010
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"Thank you my dear." Nyra said, hiding the pain perfectly as usual. Then she raised her voice loud enough for all the surrounding owls to hear her. "Listen to me and listen well. When you flee from the wrath that faces you, you will find that there is nowhere left to run. For when I find all the secrets of Ga'hoole and I will, dont you doubt that for a moment, I will watch it burn along with those feather-brained old fools you hope will protect you! Then you will wish you had just been good little owlettes and stayed at home where you belonged." She screetched, gaining altitude quickly but much slower than usual. "Kludd, we must go. Let them run and hide, they will find us when I set down the first ember to their homes." She screetched, watching as those on her side rose into the air and taking off in their different directions.
9:36pm Dec 20 2010
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(We NEED Nyroc XD) Name:Nyroc Age: 2 months (old enough to fly) Gender:Male Species:Barn owl Mate:Nope Other: He has fire sight, although he doesn't know it. He is Nyra's son??? If not, then Kludds. (that sounds so random XD) "Yes general mam!" Kludd said flying up to her. "You will not win this war!" Shadow bellowed "an emberd king will come, and your owls will fall, like the Hagsfeinds from the time of legends". Taya hooted in agreement "the ember of Hoole will come, I have seen it". "Seen it?" Shard asked. "Im a flame readed" Taya said.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:55pm Dec 20 2010
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((Nyra's son... well I guess so. Sorry to say I dont know him. Should I XP)) "Filthy birds, their confidence in such foolish things makes me sick. Some one take lead, I must coast behind another, saying with this injury. I am ashamed with my self for being so careless as to even recieve it in the first place." Nyra hissed, her slightly unsteady flying giving away her problem. "The ember of Hoole. What rubish. I will burn everything before their ember will appear." She hissed to her self. (Just as a note(Just in case.) Coasting is when you use the person in front of you sort of like a tow. They take the wind buffer and the on behind doesnt have to steer, but rather is pulled along by the lack of wind on them.... get it?))
11:05pm Dec 20 2010
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(Have you read the books? If not then you won't) Kludd flew in front of Nyra. Uglamore folowed. Stryker folowed. RBO1 stayed and lunged at Rose.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:11pm Dec 20 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((No I havent, but I want to. Are the books as good as the movie at least?))
11:25pm Dec 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(They're really good)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:50pm Dec 22 2010
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Rose Screeched "DIE!"She Hissed Swinging her Sword At RBO1 . ((Fails so much I die ))
10:57pm Dec 22 2010
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(Yorgismorgi-repecheep is driveing me INSANE!! Constant cheep! cheep! FEED ME! FEED ME! XD) The sword hit RBO1's neck, his body fell. His head plumeted after him. Nyroc watched from a rock where is mother?
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:00pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 36,303
((Petra:Nyroc I ate her !)) Rose Flew to Taya but said nothing her Sword Stained with the blood of the Random Barn Owl .