7:44pm Nov 5 2010
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"Oh "Anna-Bello chittered "Interesting "she then gave the rabbit to her brother and took of into the air ."Strange"Rex chittered then started ripping the rabbit a part
7:51pm Nov 5 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Nov 5 2010)
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"hey, I want some to" Glen complained alighting on the same branch as Rex "by the way im Glen" he said to Sam "and this is Rex and Gwennyth" he said gesturing to Rex and Gwennyth
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:57pm Nov 5 2010
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Rex Looked at Glen with a smile on his beak "Have some if you want "He chirped.Anna-Bello landed in a tree she pulled in her wings and fell asleep.
8:59pm Nov 5 2010
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((*is trying to find a spot to jump in))
9:01pm Nov 5 2010
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((You could wake Anna-Bello up and start an argument and then they start fighting ))
9:02pm Nov 5 2010
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((My charrie is evil, she lives alone >XD))
9:03pm Nov 5 2010
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((At the moment Anna-Bello is alone and a sleep LOL))
9:43pm Nov 5 2010
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(emerald, i'll make a charactor thats one of Nyra's owls and they can have a conversation) Glen pulled off the rabbits leg and began to tear it apart Sam flew up to the branch and tucked his head under his wing "General mam, the turnfeather excaped somewhere in the deasert of Kuneer, she just disapered we dont know where she went" Kludd said bowing his head in reaspect to Nyra "what should we do?" (a turn feather is a trator) Name:Kludd Age: 3 months (old enough to fly) Mate if you want one:(none so far) Other: He was kidnaped by the pure ones as an owlet and is one of them now
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:54pm Nov 5 2010
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Nyra hissed with displeasure, watching as a few surrounding owls shrunk back from her rage. "She wont last long in the desert for there is hardly any water. Send out a few warriors to gaurd any water source that is out there. The turnfeather will perish in the heat without it, serves her right for betraying our trust." Nyra hissed again, slamming her clawed foot down on a rat that was stupid enough to scurry by her. (Bleh, short.))
10:06pm Nov 5 2010
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 Name:Rose RingFeather Age: 1 year Gender:female Mate if you want one:none yet Other:She lives in the deasert of Kuneer in a cactus
10:13pm Nov 5 2010
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"yes, General mam" he screached rasing his wing in a salute "you!" he screched pointing a talon at a barn owl "get all the sootys and send them out to find any source of water, once they have found it they are to 3 owls are to stay and send the rest of the owls back and get someone competent to gard the water! understand?" he shreed at the owl "yes sir, right away sir" he sweeked cowering. "well, im waiting!" he yelled, the owl wilfed and flew off (The pure ones consider sooty owls incompitant. Wilfing is when an owls feathers tuck in tight to their boddy, when they are scared they wilf)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:14pm Nov 5 2010
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(Rose beter watch out for pure ones XD lol)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:21pm Nov 5 2010
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Rose poked her head out of her cactus of a home Are they coming ?she thought frightened I betrayed them I'm going to die I know it I know I am .she ducked her head back in and made herself smaller which is hard to do considering shes only about four inches tall"Oh no oh no "she chittered quietly.
10:26pm Nov 5 2010
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(petra the turn feathers Shard. You could be a st. Agoleous turn feather whitch is basicly the same because the pure ones are working with st. Agoleous 8))
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:29pm Nov 5 2010
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((OK LOL ))
10:41pm Nov 5 2010
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(Shard and Rose are turnfeather buddys XD Sooooo raaaandom lol) Shard flew from the cactus folowed by Taya "to Ga-hoole" Shard muterd under her breath. After a few minutes of flying she picked up sounds that only a barn owl could hear, she heard the pounding of a heart and someone chittering "oh no oh no" she tilted her head and saw a cactus she alighted on one of its branches Taya folowed this was where the sound was coming from
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:51pm Nov 5 2010
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"Don't Kill me !"Rose said with a high piched Sreech"Please don't Kill me "she was terrified someone had just landed on her home No No I'm Dead Dea I'm Dead.she thought how could it end like this ?
11:02pm Nov 5 2010
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"Kill you, why would we kill you, what are we pure ones?" Taya asked pokeing her head into the holow "do I look like a Tyto to you?" she asked Shard chured "I bet I do" she said "not helping!" Taya hissed (the pure ones will only kidnap Tytos (Barn owls, Sootys and Masked owls) St. Agoleous dosn't care what owls they get they moon bl ink them all)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:06pm Nov 5 2010
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"Neh Get away !!!!"she screeched in the same high pitch as before "You could be St. Agoleous For all I know so get away "she screeched pushing her self up the back of her hollow I don't trust them ....I want them to Get away ,Get Away now .she thought
11:21pm Nov 5 2010
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"Were not any of St. Aggis scamps" Shard said " and if you wont beleive that, then there an't much we can do for you" she said " your a turnfeather arn't you?" Taya asked St. Agoleous only kidnaped owlets and thretens to kill an owls family she must be a turnfeather she knew very well what they did to turnfeathers her mother had been one she remberd the night they had found her she shuderd blinking back tears
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P