9:04pm Nov 7 2010
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9:10pm Nov 7 2010
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((Any suggestions of what I could post?)
9:12pm Nov 7 2010
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Shard circled a cactus "we need to find somewhere to rest for the day or we might get mobed by crows" she said landing on a spined branch "good it all ready has a holow and we shold all fit in" she said climbing into the cactus
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:13pm Nov 7 2010
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(Maby the gard can get mobed by crows?)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:14pm Nov 7 2010
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((Doesnt sound very exciting... besides he was a random dude, my real charry has nothing to do for the moment X3))
9:18pm Nov 7 2010
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Rose perched on top of the cactus "You know your more likely to be Mobbed by me and Taya then the Crows "She Churred looking out into the distance "Wow this desert seems so deserted today"she said
9:27pm Nov 7 2010
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"If I can survive ditching the pure ones I think I can handle being mobed by miny owls" Shard chured "Shard we will mob you, we will, but not now we need to rest then get to Tyto forest" Taya said glaring at Shard
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:28pm Nov 7 2010
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(Hmm, i'll try to think of something Kludd can say)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:47pm Nov 7 2010
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"General mam" Kludd said bowing his head "the water is being garded, the turnfeather won't get past us, and if she tries we will kill her" he said "more owls have been sent to find any other water source, the tratorous owl will die"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:55pm Nov 7 2010
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"Good, good. It brings me great pleasure to hear that my dear." She cooed turning around to the owl known as Kludd. "Prepare an escort. I want to watch the turnfeather die." There was an evil glint in her eyes that couldnt be placed with any known feeling.
10:06pm Nov 7 2010
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"Yes general mam" he said Flying off to find Stryker. When he reterned a few barn owls folowed him "we fly there now" he said "Stryker you lead the way" (Stryker is the top lutenant of the pure ones(don't ask why I put him in cuse I dont know 8D))
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:14pm Nov 7 2010
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Nyra spread her wings out as she hopped into the air gracefully. Her speed and agility was something that most of her followers respected her for. "Yes, please lead the way Stryker."
10:27pm Nov 7 2010
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"Yes general mam!" he replied takeing to the air. Stryker circled the oasis and landed on a date tree "we are here general mam" Stryker said bowing his head. A yuong leaser sooty flew up to them "gen-general mam, we wern't expecting you t-to come" he stamered wilfing and bowing his head. (Nyra can kill the sooty when Shard doesen't show up)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:36pm Nov 7 2010
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( cool )
Nyra looked around the surrounding land but saw no other evidence of owl activity. "Are you sure the turnfeather is still here?" She asked, her talons digging deep into the wood of the branch she was perched upon.
10:44pm Nov 7 2010
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"Um, um, general mam, m-may I say s-something" the Sooty stutered wilfing "I-I-I think that-that m-maby t-the turnfeather maby s-she...." he stuterd trailing off
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:52pm Nov 7 2010
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"Are you suggesting that the turnfeather isnt here?" Nyra's voice was soft but demanding, full of a dangerous tone that wouldnt even begin to express how annoyed the general really was. "I was told that this is where my turnfeather was. Where they would die by the talons of those she betrayed." Her light voice had become a hiss by the time she finshed her sentence.
10:59pm Nov 7 2010
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"n-n-no g-general m-mam, I-I think that-that m-maby s-she w-was drinking-drinking f-from-from c-c-cactuses" by now he was stutering so much that it was hard to understaned his eyes were wide with teror (she can kill him now)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:18pm Nov 7 2010
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(GTG, be back on later)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:53pm Nov 7 2010
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Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:27pm Nov 8 2010
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((sorry.. I kinda fell asleep so ya...))
Myra screetched in rage, lunging forward and taking the sooty by the head. "You useless feather brain! I should have known better than to leave this job to the likes of you." By the time she had finished her sentence, he voice had become a hiss. She clamped her talons together, feeling the warm, crimson liquid leak from the victim's skull. "Find me that turnfeather." She ordered Kludd as she leaped into the air, her wings reflecting the sunlight. She needed to know that the traitor was dead, even if she had to hunt the bird herself.