7:03pm May 18 2009
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Demitra looked at the sun setting, she saw a few stars in the distance.
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7:08pm May 18 2009
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Iliad smiled. He put his arm around Demitra's shoulders, still keeping one hand on the wheel. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
7:09pm May 18 2009
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Deomi sat in Daiki's car, waiting, the dance had started, they would be late, but that was okay with her. she looked back at Iris and smiled.
7:09pm May 18 2009
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"Yeah..Back home it feels like you can almost put your hand out and grab a star" Demitra said as she looked at Iliad;
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7:11pm May 18 2009
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Iris smiled back. "I like your dress!" Iris exclaimed, finally seeing what Deomi was wearing.
7:12pm May 18 2009
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Iliad looked back at Demitra. "Where is "home" exactly?"
7:13pm May 18 2009
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Deomi smiled "thanks" she looked at Daiki, then back at Iris, "so Enkai never asked you?"
7:14pm May 18 2009
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"How do you know about that?" Iris asked, her eyes narrowing. She sat up straight. You could see some shadowy dark mist swirling around her body.
7:16pm May 18 2009
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Deomi grinned sheepishly "im sorry, its jus." she paused, not wanting to spoil the night "kind of obvious"
7:17pm May 18 2009
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"It's by County Arch Academy" Demitra said as she looked at the sun and the stars.
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7:19pm May 18 2009
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Iris looked at Deomi coldly. She turned her head the other way, staring down at the road. "No. He didn't. But I think he has no idea that I have feelings for him." She said sadly, forgetting that she was angry at Deomi for knowing.
7:21pm May 18 2009
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"And that is in..." Iliad thought for a minute. "Mexico or something?"
7:25pm May 18 2009
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7:25pm May 18 2009
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"England..." Demitra said.
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7:30pm May 18 2009
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"Oh!" Iliad laughed. "Forgive me, I'm terrible at Geometry." His phone beepd. He grabbed it, flipped it open, and found that Iris had texted him something. This is what the text message was: ___________________ Idiot. You're so stupid. Not Geomotry. Geography. Smart one. ___________________
7:34pm May 18 2009
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Posts: 834
"That's Geography" Demitra corrected; ((G2g. Maybe we can finish the dance tomorrow))
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7:35pm May 18 2009
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(Ok. )
7:38pm May 18 2009
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((if yummi leave, no fun lol should we finish it 2moro?))
7:47pm May 18 2009
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(Yea, I guess. But can you still reply to what Iris was saying? I have to go soon though.)
9:43pm May 18 2009
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Deomi sighed, she knew how that felt, "you should say something." deomi answered without thinking it through