2:49pm May 20 2009
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((Demetrie can follow Amber outside... If you want to find more out about her Yummi...))
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3:55pm May 20 2009
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Meredith snickered and shrank into a size of a push pin, anyways her powers were wind and growth which made herself shrink. She spoke into the microphone, "We're waiting Demitra...." Meredith smiled. ~ Demitra looked around then at Iliad.
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3:58pm May 20 2009
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Amber looked over the balcony, her head resting on one of her hands as she watched the cars pass by on the street below and infront of her. "Why does every one hae to fight? Why does every thing seem to revolve around fighting..." She muttered to herself, choking back tears as shee looked up at the sky and at the full moon.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
4:01pm May 20 2009
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Demitrie looked at Amber, "..I guess that's how life is...." he said
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4:08pm May 20 2009
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"No... It's how people make it... Life would be so much more peiceful if people would just let go of their pride.... Status is nothing but a rank... A rank is nothing but a judgement... all of it builds up pedistols that promote more pride..." Amver replied, still holding back tears.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
4:09pm May 20 2009
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Demitrie glanced at Amber and he shifted his hand into her hair;
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4:58pm May 20 2009
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6:14pm May 20 2009
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BUMP *ish bored*
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7:05pm May 20 2009
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Iliad was shocked. "You sing? I've seen you play guitar, and you're really good. But singing? Wow." he laughed. "I like a girl with many talents." Iris was getting annoyed. "You do know, I can squash you just by putting my foot on you, right?" Iris laughed. Before Meredith could answer, Iris melted again. When she reapeared she was next to the hotel holding the ballroom that was holding the dance. She was in the dark alley next to the hotel. She started looking for something in her purse. The cigaretts. "How did these get in here?" she asked, scowling. She didn't smoke. She threw the cigaretts far into the forest. Then she slowly pulled off her shoes. She rubbed her feet. "God. I need to stop wearing thse things." she mumbled.
7:08pm May 20 2009
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Demitra bit her lip then smiled. She started to look at the stage and microphone.... ~ Meredith turned back into her normal size, She rolled her eyes at the couple;
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7:32pm May 20 2009
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Iliad stuck his toungue out to Meredith. "Show me. Show me your talents." he whispered in Demitra's ear.
7:37pm May 20 2009
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Merdith rolled her eyes again and went off to where Leslie was. ~ Demitra took a breath then she took steps to the stage she adjusted the microphone then she took another breath. She snapped her fingers and her black guitar apeared, She took one more breath before singing her song. "I never gone with the wind Just let it flow let it seek me where it wants to go till you open the door theres so much more i never seen it before i was tryin to fly but i couldnt find wings but you came along and you changed everything
you lift my feet off the ground you spin me around you make me crazier crazier feels like im falling and i'm lost in your eyes you make me crazier crazier crazier
watched from a distance as you made life your own every sky was your own kind of blue and i wanted to know how that would feel and you made it so real you showed me something that i couldn't see you opened my eyes and you made me believe
you lift my feet off the ground you spin me around you make me crazier crazier feels like im falling and i'm lost in your eyes you make me crazier crazier crazier
Baby you showed me what living is for i dont want to hide anymore orrrreee
you lift my feet off the ground you spin me around you make me crazier crazier feels like im falling and i'm lost in your eyes you make me crazier crazier crazier crazier craizer" She sang. Her song was done. She did it in public? wow;
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7:41pm May 20 2009
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Iliad smiled. He ran uo to the stage, and took Demitra into his arms. And he kissed her. Daiki watched. "Eh... a sight for sour eyes." he sniffed. (I just saw an advertisement were a beaver at a human. I laughed my butt off. Beaver was cute)
7:44pm May 20 2009
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((LOL! xD I luv woodland animals!)) Demitrie looked at the stage, "Yuck!" he said as he covered his eyes;
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7:47pm May 20 2009
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(Lol. What's Demitrie gonna do about Iliad kissing his sister in public? xD) Iris watched from the door. She started aplauding. "Great job. Yea. Um. Ok. Bye." she said, dissapearing once again. "Back to the ally." she laughed under her breath.
7:50pm May 20 2009
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((Probably just bug her about it and cast a spell on her for the shrinking incident xD G2g. Bye! Bye P.S I will make a curse on that homework of yours xD))
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7:54pm May 20 2009
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11:20pm May 20 2009
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((*Sight* Amber wants to sing... But she doesn't know what.... But she is to sad to say any thing right now...)) "pride consumed my father, leading him to an early death... The people who killed my father because of his pride raped and murdered my mother... Thus forcing my brother and myself to change....." Amber said as the tears broke though, the started to make steady rivelets down her cheeks.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
3:10pm May 21 2009
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3:50pm May 21 2009
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bump Deomi smiled, Demitra was a great singer. she looked for iris, wondering if she had come back.