7:18pm May 21 2009
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Posts: 834
Demitra was tired yet bored. She grabbed out of her pocket, her iPhone 3G. She looked at Iliad. "You mind if I plug this in?" she asked yawning after; ~
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7:19pm May 21 2009
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Meredith began to smile. "You're not too bad...." she said, "Hmm...you'll start off as our personal assistant.." she continued with a smile.
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7:26pm May 21 2009
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Posts: 58
"You'd better get back in there before your daddy begins to worry." Raven replied with a smile. ((I have a plan that will create a lot of drama! Woot, go me! ))
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7:28pm May 21 2009
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Meredith smiled. She went inside the limo and waited for Leslie to get in. ~
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7:35pm May 21 2009
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Leslie followed quickly after Meredith. She slid into the side. "Raven, I hope you have a ride planned, cause our ride is full. We have Taylor Swift in the back of the car, and she takes up a LOT of room." Leslie smirked. Iliad shrugged. " I don't mind." He said, looking at the iPhone. Then he truned his eyes back onto the road. "Nice."
7:39pm May 21 2009
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Posts: 834
Demitra browsed her iPhone for a song. She picked one it was 'Gotta be somebody - Nickelback', she slipped it into the slot; "Thanks" she answered.
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7:43pm May 21 2009
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Iliad sighed. "I don't like those twins. The Geuideboniis I mean. They are so snobby. Damn those rich twins." (Do you mind if I use the words damn, hell, or shit? If not, just say so, and I'll cover them up using stars or something.)
7:46pm May 21 2009
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Posts: 834
((I don't mind I'm just not allowed to use f***)) "Yeah..." Demitra added, she looked at the her side's view. "Meredith keeps on bothering me about it!" she coninued; ~
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7:47pm May 21 2009 (last edited on 7:48pm May 21 2009)
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"About what?" Iliad asked, now curious. (I can't use that word either. Or at least I prefer not to.)
7:50pm May 21 2009
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"It's a long story...." Demitra answered; ((G2g. Bye bye! P.S Tomorrow at schoot just at 9:15 (res time) me and my class are going to Stonewall Quarry!! for a field trip))
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7:51pm May 21 2009
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"No problem." Raven replied as she walked over to the limo she bought with her own money. Hers was long er and black with silver trim. "Besides, I've got all of my firends wiating." She replied as she struted off to her limo.
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7:55pm May 21 2009
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(Wow. That's cool. In my time that would be 10:15, BTW.)
8:07pm May 21 2009
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Leslie smirked. "Right. Come on driver." She snapped. "I don't want Daddy to cut our allowence for tis week to $150 because of you."
8:43pm May 21 2009
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((i can't really do any thng else right now.... i'll try to be back on later tonight, but no promises...))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
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4:27pm May 22 2009
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5:37pm May 22 2009
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5:40pm May 22 2009
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((BRB. Shower then maybe eat :3))
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6:08pm May 22 2009
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6:28pm May 22 2009
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((Still can't do any thing...))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
6:34pm May 22 2009
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