7:56pm May 23 2009 (last edited on 8:00pm May 23 2009)
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"Can't you tell me?" Iliad laughed, tightening his arm around her sholders. Iris saw Raven with the snobby twins. She whipped open her own iPhone. When she had first seen Demitra with hers at the beginning of the year, Iris had wanted one just like it and bought one. She quickly called Raven's phone. "What the hell? Why do you talk to those twins? They just make you look bad." she said hottly.
3:29am May 24 2009
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Posts: 58
((Ok... Guess Raven answered her phone.)) "What I do is none of your concern... Besides, I'm having fun... What's wrong with that?" Raven replied with a smile, even though Iris couldn't see it... Raven was a trickster, and when it came to fooling people, she was probably the best at it... She was an exelent actress and a scary-good liar.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
11:24am May 24 2009
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Iris growled into her phone. Stupid twins. She snapped her phone shut, deciding that Raven wasn't going to ssay anything else.
12:00pm May 24 2009
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Posts: 58
Raven mumbled something under her breath and texted Iris. ---------- Don't EVER hand up on me again. ---------- Raven then left it at that. She was going to tell Iris her plan, but no,, not now, not after the girl had hung up on her ((I think this rp should be started over................. Or the other people need to come back.................))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
4:04pm May 25 2009
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Posts: 834
BUMP ;P Demitra looked at Iliad, "Well...." She began; ~
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
4:17pm May 26 2009
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Posts: 834
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
8:24pm May 26 2009
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Iliad smiled and poked her. "Come on..." he begged. "I want to hear it? Please?" Iris clutched her phone tightly. --------------------------------- Yea, sure. ----------------------------------
9:00pm May 26 2009
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((sorreh family stuff, what happened while i was gone?))
4:44pm May 28 2009
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(they're on their way back to the school. Daiki is in the car with deomi.)
4:46pm May 28 2009
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(they're on their way back to the school. Daiki is in the car with deomi.)
4:46pm May 28 2009
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(they're on their way back to the school. Daiki is in the car with deomi.)
4:47pm May 28 2009
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(sorry, tripple post. D:)
5:12pm May 28 2009
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((nice triple post lolz)) deomi looked out her window, this night was dramatic, she hated drame, what was the point? "didnt your sister ride with us?" deomi asked
5:43pm May 28 2009
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daiki shrugged. "she was, but now she's using her own car." he sighed.
5:55pm May 28 2009
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Deomi was confused, "so what is merideth's problem?"
6:07pm May 28 2009
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"she's just stuck up." diaki answered. "just like her sister leslie. They both love money, being rich, and being in charge. Raven often hangs out with them." he added.
8:55pm May 28 2009
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi sighed, rich girls, they were everywhere. "i just hope they dont chose me to be a subject of torture" then she smiled, thinking of what could happen, they were malicious thoughts but strangley, she didnt regret them at all
2:57am May 29 2009
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Posts: 58
((i can't really do any thing.....))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
2:00pm May 29 2009 (last edited on 4:05pm May 29 2009)
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"are you sure you would've gone that far?" daiki pointed a finger at deomi's brain.
9:50pm May 29 2009
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi shrugged "not like she wouldnt deserve it" she grimanced, ok, that was harsh, nobody deserved the torture deomi could dish out