5:57pm Aug 24 2009
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(I know right? xD ... we havce to wait for Yummi to post...)
6:45pm Aug 24 2009
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"Ya' know you could of slowly get the tape off!!" Demitra said as she eagerdly rubbed her lips. She scratched her throat to feel two small wounds on her neck she rubbed them a few times and let her hand down on her lap she covered the wounds with her hair. "Well....I was just at of the dorm so I decided to go on my laptop then I saw this weird gargoil and then suddenly this weird guy popped up and I ended up her unprecautioned off wait he did to me...There all done". Demitrie's jaws dropped, "Seriously?.." "What do you think bonehead!" Demitra told her brother in a grief tone.
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10:26am Aug 25 2009
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"Wait... Slow down." Daiki said. "Didn't we see a strange gargoil before?" he asked Iris and Iliad. Iris tilted her head to the side. "When?" she asked. Iliad replied, "When we first came to this school. We saw a gargoil with glowing eyes. But instead of where Demitra must have seen it, in her room, it was on the railing of the stair case." Daiki's eyes widened. "But when we came back from the dance, it wasn't there anymore."
10:29am Aug 25 2009
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Schedule for all-
7:30-8:35- Math Pre-Algerbra
8:50-9:55- Science Biology Chemistry
10:00-11:05 Geography World History
11:10-12:00 English 15 minutes- locker break 12:15-1:00- Lunch FreeTime 3:00-4:50- Magic Cla-ss (Control powers/ learn powers) 4:55-6:45 Learn how to take care of eggs (some eggs wll hatch) 5 minutes in between each cla-ss for locker breaks.
7:42pm Aug 25 2009
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10:17pm Aug 25 2009
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Deomi opened her eyes, "gargoyles dont move!" she stated the obvious, "so whats up with the missing gargoyl?" she phased into a fox and sniffed around, her nose picked up some odd scents. What is that!? she screamed in her head, knowing only Daiki could hear. I have no clue what that is! It Smells like no animal. . . . she ran through all the scents in her head and came up blank.
10:17pm Aug 25 2009 (last edited on 10:19pm Aug 25 2009)
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((I eated mai double post ^^))
5:51pm Aug 27 2009
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Demitra thought of nothing, Knowing that Daiki would hear her thoughts if she thought about her wounds he would ask where they came from and she didn't want anyone to get supicious. "Demoni what are you doing?" She asked hoping it wouldn't lead to her. "I'm going to go now I feel sleepy..." She stood up and noticed that her bookbag was gone. "Hey that creep took my bookbag including my laptop and book!" She huffed in anger and she opened the door and went downstairs to her dorm ~ ((Time for new students!))
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7:25pm Aug 27 2009
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Iliad yelled down the stairs- "What about your egg? Was it in there?" Iris looked at Deomi. "Come on. Wanna go watch TV in my dorm? I got a flat screan installed. Courtesy of my parents." she stuck her tongue out at Daiki he grimaced back. "I didn't get one."
11:14pm Aug 27 2009
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Deomi huffed and phased human, "fine, ive got nothing better to do." she grumbled. she stretched her arms. She tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled at Daiki before walking away.
9:18am Aug 28 2009
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Daiki smiled back. Iris just skipped down the stair, hoping that Deomi was following her.
2:35pm Aug 28 2009
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4:35pm Aug 28 2009
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"No...it's in my dorm" Demitra said as she trailed off into her dorm.
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5:32pm Aug 28 2009
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(I have to wait for Snowy. :))
5:56pm Aug 28 2009
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Demitra felt drowz, She slowly walked to her dorm as she stepped in she quickly jumped on her bed. Without her noticing one of the wounds started to disapear and turn into a unknown red marking it this method took slow. As she looked up at the ceiling her veins felt like they were burning into ashes. She screamed and started to sweat she went under her bed to prevent anyone from hearing her she covered her mouth and screamed. Her blockage muted the scream and she started to sweat harder. The pain started to slowly go away and the marking halve was complete the other half started to slowly grow on. Her canine teeth started to feel painful her memories started to flashback quickly one after the other. She didn't see anything it was just blank and when it went all back the marking halve was complete and she didn't remeber anything. All she knew that she was a bloodsucking vampire.. ((Done! :) ))
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6:37pm Aug 28 2009
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6:47pm Aug 28 2009
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Iliad couldn't push down the feeling that something was wrong. "Daiki, I gotta go." He grabbed his bag and huried to his room. He quickly grabbed a bag of pet food that he had claimed from the basement. He poured it into a bowl that said "Chomper." Chomper raced over and started munching on the fould p*censored*ionatly. "I'll be back." Iliad put down his bag on a chair and climbed up the stairs that led to the girls dorm. He knocked on Demitra's dorm room door.
6:53pm Aug 28 2009
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Demitra heard a noise, She hid her fangs and went for the door, She opened it. "Hello Iliad" she told him. Demitra's look was slightly different. Her skin was pale as ever and her tone was irresistable. She smelt very appealing and somewhat berryish.
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6:58pm Aug 28 2009
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((Every vampire has a max. of strengh and speed Strengh of Demitra: Mild, Strong to human Speed of Demitra: Real fast))
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7:16pm Aug 28 2009
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"You seem different." he said, smiling. (I g2g.)