6:03pm May 15 2009
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"Nothing really." Daiki answered. "Just trying to stay away from all those girls." he said, pointing to Iris and Emily. Iliad started day dreaming again. Daiki elbowed him. "Those boys were Iliad and Daiki." Iris explained. "Daiki is my brother, and Iliad is his best friend."
6:25pm May 15 2009
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"Ohhh...." Emily said tapping her feet; Demitra spotted Demitrie talking to some of 'his' friends she guessed, She was bored so she padded off until she reached Demitrie and 'his' friends. "Who are they?" she said giving him a nuggy. "Do you always have to do that...?" Demitrie grinned with a raised eye brow;
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6:28pm May 15 2009
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"Who's she?" Daiki asked Demitrie.
6:29pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
Amber felt out of the mix, so she sighed. "Catch ya later..." Amber said with a sigh as she turned and started to walk away, she fightured Demetrie didn't hear her.
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6:32pm May 15 2009
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"My annoying yet human siser Demitra" Demitrie chuckled, Demitra rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. A strong gust of wind passed through the area causing Demitra's book falling out of her bookbag it landed just below Iliad;
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6:43pm May 15 2009
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Iliad bent down to pick it up. He held it out for Demitra. "Here." he said, blushing. Daiki rolled his eyes.
6:47pm May 15 2009
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Amber took one last glance back at her crush. A tear rolled down her face as she turned and ran to her dorm room.
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6:47pm May 15 2009
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Demitra shifted her hand towards the book taking it from him, "Thanks" she said blushing a little aswell. Demitrie rolled his eyes looking around all directions;
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6:49pm May 15 2009
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"Hold on" Demitrie said, He was going to text Amber the text said: ------------------------------------------------------ Amber Sorry I was caught into something Can i make it up to you persay lunch? -Demitrie ------------------------------------------------------
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6:54pm May 15 2009
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Amber sighed, she heard her phone ring, but didn't open it, she knew who it was from... She had a specail ringer for him... She threw her phone under her pillow, set the egg in a bundle of really warm blankets and made her way to the bathroom in her dorm. ((If any one wants to interact with Raven or Ash, they are just sitting around, doing nothing....))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
7:04pm May 15 2009 (last edited on 10:25am Aug 25 2009)
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Iliad elbowed Daiki back. "Come on." Iliad said. "Let's go to the dorms. I want to cram in some sleep before tomorrow's magic cl*censored*." Daiki groaned. "Good idea. Bye Demitrie, Demitra." Iliad and Daiki headed for the stairs. They shared the same dorm room.
Schedule for all-
7:30-8:35- Math Pre-Algerbra
8:50-9:55- Science Biology Chemistry
10:00-11:05 Geography World History
11:10-12:00 English 15 minutes- locker break 12:15-1:00- Lunch FreeTime 3:00-4:50- Magic Cl*censored* (Control powers/ learn powers) 4:55-6:45 Learn how to take care of eggs (some eggs wll hatch) 5 minutes in between each cl*censored* for locker breaks.
7:10pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 834
Demitrie waved goodbye "C'mon miss Mushroom" he chuckled then morphed into a griffin, Demitra urged to use magic but the rules were no magic that is unattended. She looked around first then grabbed out her black and gold wand, "Portalis dorlatmisus" she whispered suddenly she disapeared then reapered at Demitrie's dorm balcony she saw him coming and Demitrie her with her wand, uh oh, "Demitrus latus shortal" she chuckled. Demitrie, out of know where turned back into his human form but this time he was short as can be; "Don't worry it'll be gone by morning" Demitra chuckled some more, Demitrie shrugged.
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7:18pm May 15 2009
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~Skips to Tomorrow~ Daiki and Iliad woke up at the same time, the way they always did. The put on their clothes, and then walked down toward the girls dorm. "Room 108." Daiki mutered. He knocked on the door. "What?" someone said sleepely. "It's us!" Daiki and ilia d said together. Daiki took the key out of his back pocket. He opened the door. Iris sat up, and rubbed her eyes. She was wearing a tank top and shorts. Her pajamas. She realized that her brother and his friend had opened the door to her room. She threw her pillow at them. "Get out." she said grouchily. When Daiki and iliad closed the door, Iris got out of bed and went to her closet. She grabbed some skinny jeans and her normal shirt. She rushed to put them on, realizing she was late. She quickly brusheded her hair, and pulled it back into its normal look. She grabbed some books, her egg, and ran down the stairs to the cafeteria, hoping that she could get a quick meal before class started.
7:22pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
((I posted pics of my character!!! I'm still working on pics for the ggs though...)) Amber sighed, she was now all clean, but her brother was not back to the door yet. She sighed and wondered where he was. Darek wondered around the campus, some of the girls he passed by seemed to fall over as he walked. He simply shook his head in a no fashion as he made his way inside. ~~~ Raven sighed, she exited her balcony and went inside her dorm room... She wonderd who her dorm mate was, if any one was going to show up. ~~~ Ash sighed and made her way insde, some of the girls pointed at her, a few of them yelled Dyke!" She simply ignored them, besides she wasn't full lez... only 75% lez....
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
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7:25pm May 15 2009 (last edited on 7:28pm May 15 2009)
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Demitrie woke-up to the song of an annoying bird, "I'm still short!! Demitra" he said angerly he needed some back up so he texted Daiki it said: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dude I need help uhmm...you'll see when you get to my dorm (number 145) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demitra woke-up, She rubbed her eyes then got out of bed. She took a shower, blow dryed her hair then brushed it into a ponytail as usual then she put on her striped black tank top and a tie that looked like it was blood stained she also got on some black skinnys and her gray and black arm-warmers. She grabbed her bookbag and kept her egg in a incubator she found in a storage room; She raced out the door hoping not to be late for class;
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7:28pm May 15 2009
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Ash, Amber, Raven and Darek woke up in time to get ready for class. Each of them eft their doors and made their way to the room where their class will be held.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
7:36pm May 15 2009
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((wat i misseth)) Deomi had phased into her wolf again, she leapt and pranced, she still hadent been to her dorm, she liked outside better
7:43pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
((It's the next day, every one is going to class... And I posted pics of my characters. ^_^ ))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
7:51pm May 15 2009
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7:58pm May 15 2009
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deomi phased into a human and walked into class, she saw everyone there, she got lost in thought as she spotted her crush,((not saying)) she knew her powers were unstable so she sat in the back and began to draw pictures of her wolf form, rhen an eagle all her animal and human forms she had expiremented with