8:25pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
Darek stepped infront of Daiki. "Unhand my sister." He said as he looked at Amber. "Who is this?" He asked as he looked from Amber to Daiki. "A firend... Sorry, we'll be late to class." She said, grabbing Daika's hand and running away from Darek.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
8:29pm May 15 2009
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Deomi sat in the back, she didnt want to make friends, it was dangerous, but being alone was too much, she began to draw herself as a wolf, then she wrote a note to Iris. who are the guys sitting by you? she flungit effortlessly and it landed on iris's desk
8:30pm May 15 2009
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"I'm Daiki." Daiki said quickly before Amber pulled him away. "See ya!"
8:32pm May 15 2009
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Iris snatched the note. She read it and then quickly wrote down: ________________________________________________________ Daiki, to my left, Iliad, to my right. Daiki- brother Iliad- brother's best friend P.S. Nice wolf drawing ________________________________________________________
8:33pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 834
Demitra noticed Daiki coming she ran off because she didn't want him to keep bugging her about what she did to Demitrie ((G2g))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
8:34pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Enkai had already made it to his class, and had seated himself in the back of the room, his egg on his lap. He spoke softly to it, smiling lightly.
8:35pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
Amber got to the class, let go of Daiki's arm and made her way to her seat.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
8:40pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi laughed, too late, she realized, outloud, she quickly turned the laugh into a cough but she knew no one was fooled you werent supposed to see the drawing and tell your brother and his friend i say hi
8:41pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Mr.William motioned for everyone to sit down. "Miss Demitra! Sit down this instant! There is a seat next to...?" He pointed to Daiki, who scowled. "Daiki." he answered. "Next to Mr.Daiki." Mr.William hollered. "Now that that's settled. Do you guys know why you're here?" he asked the students. Iris nodded, and raised her hand. Mr.William pointed to her. "Name?" he asked. "Iris." Iris answered. "Carry on." Mr.Willaim crossed his arms. Iris started talking. "Because here at Oxford academy, we are here for challenges, surprises, and magic." She didn't include the part about romance, because that was just her opinion. This is magic class, where we learn to controll our magic, and learn whatour magic is." Mr.William blinked. "Excellent! That is exactly what I was looking for. And now, may I ask, how do you know that?" Iris blinked. "Because you wroe it down in huge letters on the white board, Mr.William sir."
8:43pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Enkai glanced over at the group who seemed to be pretty comfortable around eachother and fidgeted before looking back up at Mr. William, holding his egg a little tighter. He felt like an outcas again...though he hadn't really talked to anyone besides the girl who could morph into a wolf..but all he had said was his name...
8:45pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
Amber held back a snicker as she watched, her brother elbowed her, making sure she didn't get in trouble.
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
8:45pm May 15 2009
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Daiki turned around to stare at Enkai. He could hear his thoughts, along with everyone elses' in the room.
8:49pm May 15 2009
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deomi looked at Enkai hi again Enkai. wat a lame teacher! and by the way, sorry for almost mauling you yesterday, im still trying to figure my powers out she wrote and handed him the note when Mr. Williams looked away
8:52pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Enkai blinked, then read the note and smiled, reaching into his back, making sure the egg stayed where he had put it, and puled out a pencil and wrote a reply. ___________________ I've had worse. And it's alright. Mine go crazy sometimes, too. P.S. Sorry if I don't talk much. I'm not a very talkative person. __________________ He handed it back to her.
8:52pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Mr.William red off of a list. "Raven Rose Kortzlyn! Come forward along with Amber Heranz."
8:55pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 1,966
(Will some people click the number nine in my siggy?)
8:57pm May 15 2009
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Deomi smiled and lost herself in thought, she was thinking of her crush, and how she needed his number, and how he seemed so relaxed, and why was he looking around? she wondered what his powers were, NO STOP! she told herself, she couldnt get close, she was unstable, she was wild your not alone on that, but its not like you CAN'T make friends, it would be dangerous. im beyond unstable she thought of what she had done to her friend Cassie back home, how they made up the story she was attacked by a wild dog, when they both knew that was a lie. she passed the note to Enkai
8:58pm May 15 2009
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(I think I have a pretty good idea of who her crush is. xD)
8:59pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 58
The two girls stepped forowrd. "Yes sir?" The asked in unisen. ((I have to go, please don't do to much without me...))
http://saikasohma.proboards81.com/index.cgi ~High school RP site~
http://shikyoenzeru.proboards40.com/index.cgi ~Wolf RP site~
9:01pm May 15 2009
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Posts: 5,512
((i said it'd be obvious and i clicked XD))