9:01pm May 15 2009
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(Don't worry.) "Does any of you girls know your powers?" Mr.William asked them.
9:08pm May 15 2009
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Mr.William decided to leave the girls some time to think about it. He decided to call another couple of students up. "Deomi and Enkai! Come forward please." he said.
9:08pm May 15 2009
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Enkai cocked his head slightly, writing back quickly. ___________ What is your power, by the way? Is it transformation? I have liquid-based..like water and such... ___________ He passed it back to her then looked towards the front of the class. ((Poor Enkai. *petpet* He's too odd for anyone to be crushing on, with his dyed hair and seemingly anti-social nature, XD))
9:09pm May 15 2009
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Enkai nodded, then gently set his egg in his bag and walked to the front of the class, turning to face the students. His stance said he had a bit of pride in himself, but the way he shifed said he didn't have very much.
9:12pm May 15 2009
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"Power." Mr.William pointed to Enkai. "What's your power?" (Can Iris be crushing on Enkai?)
9:13pm May 15 2009
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Deomi stood and walked to the front of the room, trying her best to keep calm, bad things could happen if she was nervous
9:14pm May 15 2009
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((nope haha u lose! XD))
9:15pm May 15 2009
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Iris put two thumbs up for Deomi, and blew a kiss toward Enkai.
9:17pm May 15 2009
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"I have control over liquid, and solids such as ice." Enkai stated, then smiled as a thin string of water began to flot around him before taking on different shapes, such as a flower, a cat, a dog, and a rabbit.
9:18pm May 15 2009
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((Sad thing is, Enkai's also a pretty oblivious guy...but he'll catch on to Iris eventually. :D))
9:19pm May 15 2009 (last edited on 9:19pm May 15 2009)
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(lol) Iris's eyes widened. "And you, Miss Deomi?" Mr.William asked.
9:20pm May 15 2009
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Deomi rolled her eyes at Iris and looked at Enkai, then back at Iris and made a face she winked and made herself sprout a tail and small little fox ears. the tail swished back and forth.
9:23pm May 15 2009
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" i can do this" deomi phased into her wolf form she quickly phased back then turned into an eagle, then back
9:30pm May 15 2009
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"Shapeshifter?" Mr.William asked. He wrote down Enkai and Deomi's powers down. "Next... Daiki and Iris. The twins." Iris grabbed Daiki's hand, and together they made it to the front of the room. "Power?" Mr.William pointed to Daiki. "Physic. The power of thought." He looked at Mr.William. "You're thinking of throwing your wife out the window of your apartment because she touched your cheesburger." Iris burst ou laughing. Mr.William blushed. "Iris? Power?" he pointed to Iris. Iris bit her lip. "Shapeshifting." she answered, turning into a rose, and then into an elegent looking horse, with a black mane and a black body. She turned back to human. "And... something else. I have the power of death, shadows, destruction, and darkness. They all fall under the same category, I believe." Mr.William pointed his pen at Iris. "Demonstrate please." "Daiki? Get a fish from the lake." Daiki nodded. He put two fingers on each of his temples. A fish in a block of water floated into the room.Iris waved her hand over it, and the fish turned black, andbecame a skellaton.
9:30pm May 15 2009
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9:33pm May 15 2009
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Deomi was shocked, the fish, it desintagrated! sweet, she winked at her new friend and looked at her brother OH NO! HE COULD READ HER THOUGHTS! she would have to be careful about what she thought about around him
9:34pm May 15 2009
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7:21am May 16 2009
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"Mr.Iliad?" Mr.William motioned for Daiki and Iris to sit back down. Iliad walked up. "Hypnosis. Putting people to sleep... and making them do what I want thm to do." "Demonstrate" Mr.William sighed. Iliad noddedhe pointed two fingers at Iris, who fell alseep while she was walking back to her chair. Daiki had to catch her. "Sorry, Iris!" Iliad laughed. Iris awoken. She walked up to Iliad, and slapped him across the face. She walked back to her desk, and heard that Daiki was laughing. "Okay." Mr.William started talking about a boring lecture about useing your powers for good. Bla bla bla. Four and a half hours later: "Next.... you guys go to lunch? Right?" Iris nodded. She picked up her egg, and her bookbag. "Come on Daiki, Iliad." Iris said motioning for them to follow her to the cafeteria. "Ouch. Your slaps hurt." Iliad rubbed his cheek. "Lunch." Daiki drooled. "I can't wait." his stomach growled. When they entered the cafeteria, Daiki went straight toward the hotdogs with Iliad. Iris blinke. She walked over more slowly.
8:18am May 16 2009
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Enkai gathered his stuff, then lifted his egg, heading towards the cafeteria where he sat down to wait for a while. He had made himself a big breakfast, anyways, and it stayed with him.
8:55am May 16 2009
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Iris looked over her shoulder at Enkai. She sighed. hy did he always have to sit alone? She felt bad for him.