Chaos pricked his ears and looked into the direction his names was called, he growled and ran in that direction as fast as he could. Shadow, who hadn't gotten very far heard and responded instantly.
Shadow came up behind Mastodian and rammed his body into Dusks, throwing him off. "Mastodian!" Chaos barked, "Are you alright?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
Taq hears the deperate howl and pelts towards it, sees the huge wolf that was on our side of the border "DUSK! LET GO OF HIM!" Knocks mastodian out of the way
Shadow watched them as they left and Chaos came up to him. "You ok?" He asked, he seemed fine but he wanted to be sure of his brother. "Yeah, go check n the pup." Shadow answered.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
Taq looks confused "Sister? What?" He growls then shakes his head and looks at the border "Always looking for a fight." Turns and heads back to the dens