4:16am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Eh, it's rubbish. Don't excite yourselves, you'll just end up being bitterly disappointed. xD Oh NOES. D8> Nias, I... I... Imma sorry. ),8. Eh, what can I say? Get well soon, my honies~ Ohyas, and I don't know whether this'll cheer you up or not, but I told Angus why you went home and he was all, "Oh, no, man! Migraines are the worst!" But he actually looked generally gutted for you.
5:12am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Eh, it's not. I can bet on that, cause yer arts is always epic c: And if you don't believe so, compare it to mine ._. He looked generally gutted, for me? |D I feel all fuzzy and warm inside suddenly. Yus anyways, if it doesn't develope into tonsilitis then I shall be coiming to school on mondays. Right now my head is still a little fuzzy so can't be to s*censored* ._. We shall have to sort out some other time for you to come over though. Also I found out that listening to Slipknot- Snuff cures my headache slightly o_o I have a feeling everyone who's joined has just sorta forgotten about this and decided to leave. I'm thinking this is gonna die CX
7:51am Mar 20 2010
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~(Nope, not if someone starts it xD I'm still here~ *waves*)~
8:18am Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 8:50am Mar 20 2010)
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OOC: Dewd, I like this idea. :D And I've always wanted to roleplay a fairy~ My arts are not epic. ._. My Photoshop phails, anyway. And don't you dare say your artz is rubbish, cuz' it's not. And I say so. Because I am a 22 EXP Spartan and officialy a Spartan Sergeant! 8D He didn't look back at me after I told him what happened, but he did look... genuinely gutted for you. xD Really. I can't think of another way to say it, but his ex pression really said that he was thinking the worst of your situation...I hopes you get well soon. D: I've never had tonsilitis - heck, I can't recall the last time I actually had a proper fever - but it sounds awful. Imidge of Lily done!
9:17am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 305
Fig hasth not left (:
7:49pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: eek. |3 Sorreh for the wait. Forgot about this XD
1:35pm Mar 22 2010
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OoC: ahaha x3 I think I shall begins soon as I'm done with my Textiles whcih should be a half hour or so :3 Also i'm thinking that my charecter could have a dog or omething that becomes human upon entering Pandora's box... o 3o If anyone else want's their charecter to have some sort of pet they seem to take everywhere yer welcoem to add 'em in if you like c:
3:10pm Mar 22 2010
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OOC: Why, thank'ee, Hetitch. c: I'm really tempted to give Lily a hyperative little rat of a dog... But, eh. I'll make a decision sometime. x
9:35am Mar 23 2010
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12:25pm Mar 24 2010
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OoC: YArr I'm thinking we should start now :3 BiC: Alex called out to the shelter. "I'm gonna walk the dog!" He yelled. He didn't expect a reply, no one in the shelter cared. Everyone there was too caught up in their own worries about their house and what was going to happen to it. Through out the night there was constant chatter, people saying things like: "I wonder if the cat has enough food", "Oh, Mr Tibbles has gone missing" and "It's terrible. My lovely roses, they'll be all wilted." Alex rolled his eyes, that mindless chatter was still going on, constantly. It became no more of a background murmer after a few days. Alex rolled his eyes, he'd become used to this already, that probably meant he'd been here a while now. Sluggishly, he shrugged on his coat. Alex took hold of the dog's leash and pulling her out through the door with him. He hadn't exactly intended on walking the dog, what he really wanted to do was visit Pandora's Box. It was about a six mile walk from the shelter, it would only take him around twenty six minutes if he ran all the way. Alex looked down at the shelter's dog. It looked rather fat, mostly because no one had walked it before he came along. Right, that decided it, he would run. "C'mon" he told the dog, tugging on it's leash. Slowly he began to pick up his pace. About ten minuites into his run, the rain had began to fall. It dampened his hair making it cling to his face. Alex frowned at it. He'd probably have to tie his hair back at some point if he wanted to see anything. Though, doing that would probably make people think he was gay or something. He thought better of it. He'd just tie it back once he reached Pandora's box. It would be highly unlikely that there would be anyone else there so he wouldn't need to care about what he looked like. About twenty minuites into his run now Alex had slowed. The rain was seeping through his coat and adding weight to his clothes. The cold and the wet made his body ache slightly, like the burn you get from lactic acid if you haven't warmed up before doing exercise. Then the thought occured to him. Did you need to warm up before you went running? Never mind. It was too late now. The Dog seemd to want to carry on going at the same pace though. By this time, Alex was about three miles in to the five mile radius around Pandora's Box, the streets were empty. There wasn't even any litter about. The houses looked brand new and un-lived in, though all the curtains were drawn. Looking around him he finally caught sight of the hill on which pandora's box lay. "Ha-ah." He said rather triumpant. He wasn't that far away and nothing bad had happened to him yet. OoC: Pfft fail. I'll leave it at that for now :3

1:10pm Mar 24 2010
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"Dangit, Trinity, are you even listning to me?" Trinity's gaze snapped away from the window. She had been staring at the cloudy sky while sitting on a chair. She had not been paying attention to her mother's lecture, however. Her mother sighed and threw her car keys on the wooden coffee table that was nearby. "Never mind," she said, "but understand that it's okay for you to be interested in pandora's box... Just don't do anything extreme, okay?" Trinity was tracing designs in the dust that had gathered on the window sill with her hand. "Yes, mom," she murmured reluctantly. Ugh. I wish I could do what I want without her breathing down my neck she thought irratiably. Really, she didn't hate her mother at all... But right now she was angry at her. Just because she was curious about pandora's box. She stood up and walked to her room. Her room's walls were colourfuly painted with blues and greens. Trinity flopped onto her bed. Just then, somebody knocked on her door. Trinity stuffed her face into her pillow. "What?" she asked, her voice muffled. She knew who it was on the outside of that door. Sure enough, Shane, her older brother, walked into her room. "So... Mom talked to you?" he asked her. Trinity sat up on her bed. "Because you told her how concerned you were," she said bitterly. Her brother sighed. He looked down at her in almost a condescending way, as if saying you're too young, you don't get it. Trinity hated it when he did that. She wasn't too young. Just because he was nearly twenty. He had been acting that way ever since he turned 18. Probably even before that, but now it was more apparent. "Listen, Trin, you know what they say about pandora's box-" Shane started. "What do they know about it," Trinity said, almost yelling now. "They haven't even seen it... Touched it...How can they know?" Suddenly Trinity got an idea. She wouldn't let anybody get in her way. She would go and see pandora's box herself. She stood up abruptly. She would show her family. The trip wouldn't take long. Without stopping to get anything, she walked towards the door of her room. "Where are you going?" her brother asked her, his voice suddenly sharp. Trinity scowled at him. "I'm going out to get some fresh air before it rains and I'm couped up in this household for eternity," she lied. Shane hesitated. Then he let her p*censored*. Trinity walked out of the front door. It was barely drizzling. It was probably going to rain, but she couldn't go back into her house to get a coat or anything, so she just ran towards where it was... Soon, though, the rain was falling in buckets and Trinity's clothes were absolutely drenched. The rain, however, didn't dampen her spirits. Her extremely light blonde hair was dripping wet, as if she had just taken a shower. After a while (she was walking by now) she finally reached where she knew it was. An abandoned place. It was as if there was a clear line in between pandora's box and the rest of civilization. It was just as she imagined it. And yet... Through all the rain she could see another figure. She was not alone.
5:56pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,020
The shelter's dog suddenly began barking. It usualy only barked when some strange dillusional drunkard was messing around outside the shelter. That could only mean he wasn't alone. "Damn it." He muttered, brushing his soaked hair form his face. If it was a girl, or another guy for that matter, he couldn't let himself be seen looking like a girl. Though having long hair didn't help that, Alex couldn't bare the thought of cutting his hair short. It was long because he liked it that way. He began to run his fingers through his hair before shaking his head to get rid of most of the rain that had seeped into it, then he turned to the direction the dog was looking. "What's there?" He asked the dog, not expecting a reply, dogs can't talk. Though it would be pretty cool if they did. The dog barked, tugging on it's leash. That's when Alex realised, he didn't know the dog's name, or it's gender for that matter. Never mind, he wasn't all to attatched to the dog at this moment. He'd probably adopt it and name it later on. He looked down at the dog again. It was no pedegree, some mix breed. A strange one at that, god knows what breeds were mixed in with this one. Alex was halfway up the hill now when he made out the other figure walking twoards him in the rain. "He-ey!" He called out, waving, trying to catch this person's attention. Even though he had origionally planned on going alone, it was probably a good idea to have an eye witness if something horrid happened, or if something so epic that it just had to be talked about, it would be nice to be able to share it with someone and discuss it. Alex decided to wait in the rain for a while so this person could catch up with him. Right now it really didn't matter who it was, so long as they were laive and human it was all just fine.

6:27pm Mar 24 2010 (last edited on 6:37pm Mar 24 2010)
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Tienna Shry listened, bored, as her parents talked to her once again about how bad it was to go to where Pandora's Box was. Whatever, Tienna thought to herself. Why should she stay here, with her mother and father? She wanted adventure. Besides, she wanted to go back to the five-mile radius where she had once lived. Tienna narrowed her mud-brown eyes at the two overprotective parents who were looking at her, expecting her to say that she promised that she would never go near Pandora's Box. Tienna folded her arms over her chest, and glared coldly at them. Couldn't they see that there was nothing that they could do to stop her from going? Tienna ground her teeth. Her mother asked in a loud, annoying voice,"Well?" Tienna made her eyes into almost slits, and she frowned at the two parents. How would she break it to them that she wouldn't follow their rules? Tienna's father stared at Tienna with piercing blue eyes. "Come on, girl. Spit the answer out already!" Now that really made Tienna mad. Her father had never acted like that before! Now Tienna's eyes flashed angrily. "I don't care what you two say. I'm going and that's final!" Tienna spat. "But Tienny," her mother spluttered weakly. "Don't Tienny me!" Tienna yelled. "I am going!" Tienna sprang up out of her chair, and ran to the door. She swung it open with force, and dashed outside. Just before the door completely closed, Tienna thought she heard her father yelling at Tienna, telling her to never come back. Her face hot with rage, Tienna ran down the dimly lit street. Tienna ran until her legs were sore. Panting, she halted to catch her breath, placing her hands on her knees. Tienna gratefully gulped in breaths of air, then looked to see how far she was from the five-mile radius. A few more miles, was what she saw. Tienna decided to finish the way there as soon as she was not so exhausted.
7:27pm Mar 24 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Mar 24 2010)
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Trinity instantly wished her appearance were better than it was now. She had run outside in nothing but a shirt, a skirt, and some leggings. Plus they were soaked. And now she realized she wasn’t alone. Great… “Hey!” a voice called out to her. It was a guy. Definitely a guy. Suddenly she felt even more aware of the fact that her hair probably looked absolutely horrid now. Don’t think about it. What’s he doing here, anyway? She thought to herself. She finally caught up with him. He had long hair, for a guy, but otherwise he looked easy-going… Hopefully. Also a cute dog was next to him, but she ignored it.“ Hi,” she said, breathless, although that was kind of an awkward way to introduce herself here of all places. “So… What are you doing here?” she asked curiously. She wanted to know; why would he be here? Was he looking for people such as herself who were too curious? Or was he also like her?
7:44pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Kayla rushed through the woods, smiling to herself. "They won't mind. They won't worry. They know I'll be back." She had a cat clinging to her backpack, a black siamese named Chesterfield, or Chester for short. The reason she was running, in the rain, in the forest, was to get to the Pandora's Box. Later, with the cat still holding on to her backpack, she stopped. She grabbed the cat and held it. "Bingo!" She whispered softly. But, she now knew she wasn't alone. A few other teens, only one being male, were standing, staring at eachother.
2:36pm Mar 25 2010
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OOC: I'm gonna have a go at posting... The park was close to being completely empty. Not only did the depressing weather emphasise the playground's greyness, but the lack of children racing about the metal monkey bars and chain-linked swings also lessened the area's usual cheer. Sitting inside the bus stop, legs stretched out lazily in front of her, Lily glared at the concrete ground stretched out before her. She was taking a a particular interest in a faded-pink swab of gum that had been compressed there a while beforehand. It was a thing she'd come to familiarize herself with after she'd begun taking frequent trips to the park a while from her house. After Pandora's Box was created, and the five-mile evacuation radius had been initiated, this part of her neighbourhood was close to being... barren. Even though the sunshine would often soften the gloomy air the place had taken on, it would still feel like a ghost town. Lily, face expressioless, with her square glas-ses peeking over the tall, navy collar of her raincoat, tapped the gum with her shoe, before looking upwards. Raindrops flickered into being here and there over the domed roof of the bus stop, irritating the circular globules of tansparent liquid that had already landed. The repetitive hissing and tapping of the rainfall soothed her thoughts greatly. She preferred the sun's presence rather than the more gothic choice of weather, but she had to admit - rain was wonderful. Sighing, she slugged to her feet, almost reluctant. Lily stood there, head hanging, hands encased in the pockets of her raincoat, and simply lingered, like a horse that had lost its herd. Then she turned and began to stride out of the bus stop towards the playpark, ignoring the swings in which she had originally enjoyed sitting on. She didn't always like the actually swing about on it - as much as she adored the idea of flying, she quickly felt vertigo if she tried too hard to gain height. Besides, the black leather seats of the obstacles were sopping wet. Wet jeans were awful, and were a pain to dry. She crossed the park swiftly but patiently, not bothering to examine the new startlingly rude graffiti inside a small wooden construct that housed several park benches. Nobody was around. The park was close to being completely empty, except for Lily. Perfect. Her curiosity was getting the better of her - she wanted to investigate Pandora's Box.

6:20am Mar 26 2010
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OoC: neh just for the hell of it I'll probably add another male charecter in sometime soon ._. Alex smiled to himself, the figure walking in the rain seemed to have heard him and was making her way twoards him. At least the thought it was a girl. He didn't know of any guys who would wear a mini skirt... though his friends probably would just for a laugh. The figure in the rain became suddenly more clear the closer she got. Alex didn't recognise her, he knew no one with the same hair colour as her, neither anyone with the same sort of eyes. So he probably didn't know her borther, if she had one. This girl didn't resemble anyone he knew, so she was a complete stranger, thank god. She wouldn't go reporting back to his parents that he was here, because she didn't know them. Alex hadn't moved back home wiht his parents and siblings, mostly because they'd never let him out of their line of sight if he did. They seemed rather fixed on the idea that he would be going out and doing things they wouldn't approve of. Alex wasn't like that, shame his parents couldn't see that. The girl then spoke, she seemed nice. Alex looked at her, examining her ex pression as she spoke. She looked slightly concerned about something, probably about how she looked right now, girls seemed to be concerned about that a lot. He only knew this because he had two sisters. Alex decided he would be able to get along with this girl and so replied with an honest answer. "Well, I'm guessing the same thing you're doing." He said with a grin. "Checking out what this Pandora's Box is all about." He had probably guessed right that this girl was going to check out Pandora's Box, what else would she be doing here? "By the way. The name's Alex." Alex said introducing himself and offering the girl his hand. "Most people call me Andy, so take your pick." He waited for the girl to take his hand. That exact moment the dog decided she'd had enough waiting around in the rain and began to bark in protest. She tungged furiously on her leash, Alex thought she wanted to go inside but she wasn't facing the building where pandora's Box resided. The dog was barking at something, or someone in the distance. Alex narrowed his eyes and put his hand to his head to keep the rain off them. He was trying to see who or what was standing in the distance. Whoever it was, they had apparently come out of the small forest which ran around the south side of the abandoned town.

10:54am Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Darn. Sometimes the forums won't let me change my font D; Aaahh, he's curious about Pandora's Box too Trinity thought. She really shouldn't have been too surprised; she had felt that he wasn't the type to go and tell somebody what she was doing. The rain backed away a little, so that Trinity wasn't being constantly poured on. She felt more at ease about her appearance when Andy started talking. She pushed her appearance aside. There were more things to do now. "My name's Trinity," she said in reply. She reached out to accept his hand when the dog at Andy's side started going wild. Trinity was used to dogs and liked them so she didn't freak out, but she wondered what was the matter. She looked around until she spotted a figure... Was it two figures?- it was hard to tell- walking towards them.
11:58am Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 12:26pm Mar 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Arf. I think I'll make Lily run into Alex and the gang... I dunno. And where are your charas, guise? In the town, or what? I spotted some mentions of a forest, but I'm still unsure. Lily continued onwards, hands in pockets, head bowed. The rain was falling neither harder nor lighter than before, yet it still succeeded to dampen her jeans - something Lily was anticipating. Although not really being a fashion freak, it was the sensation of wet clothes that she despised, rather than their outlook. Her trousers felt coarse yet soggy as a sponge at the same time; a feeling she was despising. And it made her legs feel cold. She blew roughly through her nostrils in agitation, and moved her legs a little faster in an attempt to warm them. They helped decrease the unpleasant wet feeling, but didn't completely eradicate it. She followed the path that slugged alongside a tall wooden fence sodden and darkened by the rain, gaps and cracks utterly nonexistent in the perfect formation of slightly overlapping planks of vertical wood. Gras-s that glistened with unshed beads of transparent liquid jumped and flickered each time a new droplet of water disturbed their lazy-looking leaves, and a greyish, faded haze hung over the houses opposite the giant football field Lily was slinking beside. Soon she came to a small copse of tidily-planted birches that sentried the path she traversed upon, providing a small but imperfect sense of shelter and concealment. She felt gratified for the trees - she wasn't one to enjoy open spaces - but still felt oddly alone. Even though they, too, were living things, they weren't sentient ones. Even though Lily wasn't often fond of being confronted with strangers, she disliked the immense sense of aloneness that the trees seemed to help emphasise. Although she felt oddly comforted by their presence, they felt more like witnesses to a crime scene rather than good-natured pas-sers-by or content, observant neighbours. And she felt like someone present at a crime scene, too. With no people around, with the place being evacuated of all its residents - drained of all its busy life - she felt like she was the only survivor in a mas-s exterination incident, or something. The only one remaining fit to tell the tale. Her blue eyes switched and flickered to a fro, keeping an eager eye out for the police - or the army, for all that was happening - that would most likely send her back the way she'd come. She wanted to see Pandora's Box, but Lily was not rebellious at heart - well-behaved, mature, sensible. She did her cho-res, always did her best at school, never acted badly or shamefully. But what she was doing felt bad, wrong even. She was practically going against the law, possibly endangering her life. She'd never pondered over what it had felt like to be a criminal or an underdog, but now she did. Lily's curiosity was masking her fear with a personally-constructed illusion that Pandora's Box was something mythical, fantastical. What made this worse was that Lily actually saw that. Quickening her walk to a speedier pace, Lily half-jogged, half-strode away from the gras-s of the football field and the natural cover of the birches, and scurried across a street towards the opposite pavement like a deer abandoning the promised shelter of the woods and daring the vast, open space of the meadows. The police could be waiting for her, or worse - if the situation of the alien anomaly was truly severe - members of the army that might not shoot her on sight, but defnietely won't greet her with smiles and soft words of caution. More like with the emotionless stares of soldiers undaunted by the prospect of terrifying a thirteen-year-old girl, and unsupressed confidence in the fact that they held guns.

1:23pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Wolfeh: Currently, Alex and Trinity are halfway up the hil to the building where Pandora's box is found and Kayla has ran off through a forest which lines the town Pandora's box is found in, she's currently standing at the edge of the forest I think ._. I'll post in a bit XD