5:42pm Jun 5 2011
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6:04pm Jun 5 2011
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((I did it doesn't work. :c)) Shiloh tilted her head to one side, this confused her quite a bit. "Why did it stop moving?" She asked, sniffing at the creature and then taking a bite out of it. She smiled when she tasted it, it was like the rabbit, but it had its own special flavor. She finished it quickly, then looked back up. "I don't think I will ever be able to do that.." ((She asked why it stopped moving because she doesn't really get the concept of death. Be prepared for a very confused fox~))
6:09pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh wow she's stupid. XD Not stupid but... you know what I mean.))
Fennick blinked. She didn't even know about death? He shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Well, uhmm...." Fennick didn't know how to explain it. "it's gone. It's dead. Like, it sort of doesn't exist anymore, but it's body is still here......" he said lamely. "the rabbit was the same way. Eat this, then you try. Sneak up to it, and then pounce on top of it as hard asyou can."
6:18pm Jun 5 2011
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((She's kinda just.. Slow. o3o)) Shiloh tilted her head to one side. "I think I get it." She turned her head to look in the bushes, noticing a mouse that had decided it didn't feel like running from the commotion. It was a fat little thing, and a brownish color to blend into the forest, even though Shiloh could see it pretty good. She turned her whole body towards it and crouched down on the ground, lifting her tail up so it didn't brush against the leaves and took a few slow steps over to it, smiling smugly to herself. I can do this! She thought, then bunched up her legs and tried to leap at it. However, she had misjudged the distance, and landed awkwardly on the ground near the mouse, who squeaked and tried to run. Shiloh tried to swipe at it, and chased after it for a while, trying to jump on it a few times again, giving up when it darted into a hole. She shook her head to get rid of the dirt that had gotten on her and sadly walked back to Fennick. "I couldn't do it.." She said sadly, hanging her head. Miles would have face palmed himself if he could. This fox was not normal. She wasn't right in the head even! When he had first escaped from the humans he couldn't catch mice perfectly, but he had a much better form. Plus at least he knew what happened to them. An animal who doesn't know what death is? No. Not possible. Not right. He started to feel uncomfortable and his fur started to rise up, but he was quick to hide it. He took a few steps away from her and closer to Fennick. Please Fennick, Please, don't fall for this.. He silently pleaded, even know he knew that whatever he said would probably make no difference..

6:23pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Fennick watched Shiloh carefully. "That actualy was a really good first try," he praised. "my first try wasn't as good as yours." Because of the noise Shiloh had made trying to catch that mouse, Fennick knew there would be no prey in this part of this forest anymore, because they would have been scared away. He glared at Miles, hoping the suspicious cat wouldn't say anything in front of Shiloh. "Do you remember anything of where you came from?" He asked, changing the subject.
6:27pm Jun 5 2011
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Miles clenched his teeth frustratedly as he sensed Fennick's glare, but he stayed silent. "Thanks." Shiloh replied, becoming happy again. She thought about Fennick's question carefully, racking her brain for any memory whatsoever. "No.." She replied, shaking her head. "Bits and pieces when something reminds me of it, but I loose them quickly." She sighed, "All I clearly remember is waking up in your den." Miles eyes narrowed, but he still kept silent, although it killed him to do so.
6:36pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Hmm... maybe the human injection destroyed your memory..." Fennick murmured. "do you know anything about the forest?"He quizzed.
6:54pm Jun 15 2011
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((Bump. Can you yet? >:D Oh, yah, I'm no longer on the account I stated, I'm with labbies. :3 Account 124 now. ))
2:40pm Jun 17 2011
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((SOOOO close to 123. XDDD *Trollface*)) Shiloh stared at her legs, lifting each of them up and looking closely at them. "I don't think I see any cuts from where they could have injected me, but they could be really small." She thought for a few moments about Fennick's question. "Well.. I know those are trees, and that on the ground is dirt, gras.s, and leaves, and that other animals live in the forest.. But not much else.."
6:18pm Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 6:18pm Jun 17 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((wait, correction: I had it backwards. XD 421.))
"Okay...." Fennick thought for a moment. "We're going to find my mom," Fennick said suddenly, after a stretch of silence. "Miles, you've met her before, right?" Fennick's mother, Penn, was a friendly red fox that knew practically everymammal in the forest. She was quick to give advise. ((CAN YOU??!!))
7:00pm Jun 17 2011
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((HA. Failfail. ... USER NOT FOUND. >:)) Miles thought for a few moments. "Yeah, you introduced me once when we first became friends." He replied. "I bet she'll know something for sure."
7:40pm Jun 17 2011
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((NO. D:))
"Let's go," Fennick said.
7:23pm Jun 18 2011
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((Sure thang.)) Shiloh poked her head into the den that belonged to Fennick's mother. "Is she here?" She asked shyly, for some reason nervous to meet his mother.
9:46pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Fennick peeked in the nest and called out. "Penn? Moooom?" Penn bustled in suddenly. "Ooh! Miles, so good to see you. Fenny-boy!" she gushed. "And who is this she-fox with you?" she peered interestedly at her. "This is Shiloh,' Fennick answered.
10:02pm Jun 20 2011
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"H- How do you do?" Shiloh tried to keep herself well mannered. Penn seemed very nice, and she didn't know why she felt so shy. "Good to see you too." Miles said, dipping his head to the she-fox.
10:10pm Jun 20 2011
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"you're awlays so polite, Miles," Penn smiled, then turned to Shiloh. "Where are you from, dear?" she asked.
10:20pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 4,848
"That's kinda the problem.." Shiloh replied sheepishly, kicking up a bit of dirt with her paw. "I don't have any memory of where I'm from.."
10:28pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Aw, poor thing..." Penn sighed. ((I don't know what to post now. XD))
10:39pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Uh, what about Penn once knew someone else like that a long time ago or something, and the result was something bad? o_o XDD'))