3:06am Mar 4 2010
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PLOT: At Camp Half-blood, things are getting tense. Monsters are appearing more and more often in the forest and a camper was recently found dead, savaged by a Hellhound. No one can explain these mysterious occurences and as time progresses, the are getting more frequent. Life at Camp Half-Blood is harder than ever, every camper being trained harder than ever before. What is happening? RULES >.< No more Charries than you can RP You can be any demigod you want This is after Percy Jackson's time and there are NO descendents from anyone in those books Just be polite in general :D BIO Name: Age: Gender: God Parent: Looks: Personality: Other:
2:06pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Mar 4 2010)
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Name:Aurora Hawk/ Ash Griffin Age:15 almost 16/ 16
Gender:female/ male
God Parent:Medusa/poseiden Looks: / Personality:Aurora is very tomboyish and hates girly girls. She likes loyal close friends not a whole bunch of friends she barely knows. She is a lot like Toph from Avatar Last Airbender if you know who I am talking about. Her parents were rich and they protected her from the real world for most of her life./ Ash is very clever and likes to joke around. He teases a lot...But mostly only girl. He is always smiling and making good friends and almost can always cheer you up. Other:She is blind./none
2:16pm Mar 4 2010
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BIO Name: Kamaina Windwalker (Kai) Age: 15 Gender: Female God Parent: Athena Looks: She has light brown-gold hair that reaches her lower back. She prefers to wear it in a braid or down. She has light gray eyes flecked with green and gold that are slightly almond shaped. She is around 5.8" and has dark, but not too dark, skin. She has greek origins. (Duh XD) She likes wearing skinny jeans and tank-tops or t-shirts, depending on the weather. Personality: She is shy and quiet. She only truly opens up to real friends and mostly spends her time reading or with the Pegasi. She enjoys watching nature at its best, preferably in the forest. She is shy around boys but not so so much with girls. Other: Nao :D
2:16pm Mar 4 2010
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ooc; Accepted ssather :D
2:19pm Mar 4 2010
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((Can her parent be Medusa? If not it will be Athena or someone else. I am still deciding.XD))
2:20pm Mar 4 2010
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ooc; ...Well medusa is a human turned immortal, not a god. You know what? Sure ^.^
2:23pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Cool! I looked it up and it says that Medusa is a god...Or it says she is the queen of the Gorgons.XD))
2:24pm Mar 4 2010
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ooc; I guess that's true ^.^ You wanna start?
2:29pm Mar 4 2010
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((Sure!XD)) Aurora sighed,"Why do I have to go here?" She asked as they arived at the camp. Her father grumbled something under his breathe not answering. He opened the door and helped Aurora out. Aurora made sure her hair wasn't able to be seen and put on her sun gl*censored*es. She didn't really need them since her eyes were closed half the time anyways, but she still didn't want anything to go wrong. Ash looked as the new girl arived. He walked over to her,"Hi, I am Ash. You must be one of the new people." He said in a friendly voice. "Whatever." Aurora grumbled walking into the camp. She was in a bad mood today for a few reasons.
6:20pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hrrhrr. Join as Sons of Aphrodite? :D I...won't be on for a while after today. It all depends on when my uncle is off of work neext. D:))
8:57am Mar 5 2010
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ooc; Alright Rika ^^ Kai struggled through the forest, the branches lashing at her face. Ugh, the weathers horrible now she thought as she broke through and was standing near the camp. The rain was pouring down, the thunderclouds rumbling. She groaned as she walked to the Main House, stopping to look at a newcomer. At least there aren't any monsters this time she thought as she remembered when she came.
12:04pm Mar 5 2010
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Aurora dug her fingers under the scarf that had been covering her hair and unrapped it showing a mess of tangled snakes. She ignored as people shouted and someone almost screamed. One of the snake rapped itself around her neck not tight but still firm,"Hello, my little venom. Sorry you had to stay under the dreadful scarf for so long." She said petting the snake. She had grown to love her snakes and she always cared for them. "Nice to meat you then...", Ash said shocked that she would show her hair when she didn't even no anyone. Good luck making friends. He thought walking over to Kia,"Is everything okay? You seem like you are in a hury." ((Writers block))
12:59pm Mar 5 2010
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ooc; KAI not KIA XD "Ugh," she replied, "The weathers horrible, I'm just trying to get out of the forest." she looked at the newcomer. "Woah, looks like a daughter of Medusa. Never seen one of them before." She bent down to rub her leg where a branch had whipped it. "I'm going to get some Ambrosia, my leg hurts like Hades."
1:01pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 1:03pm Mar 5 2010)
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Ash laughed,"Yes. Her father must be crazy!" He looked down at the whipped leg and let the rain drip onto his hands,"No need. I can fix it no prolem." He said touching the wound.
1:05pm Mar 5 2010
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Kai smiled. "Thanks, good thing it was raining." she laughed. "And I agree, Medusa must have hidden her snakes very well considering they're snakes." She poked her leg, as good as new. She stretched her arms out and started towards the Main House.
1:08pm Mar 5 2010
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"No problem." Ash said smiling,"We should ask the new kid someday." He laughed. He heard a loud his and saw someone standing outside the enterance. A suspicious look came over his face as he watched Aurora leave the camp and walk into the forest,"Speaking of her look. I wonder what she is doing?"
1:10pm Mar 5 2010
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Kaia ran towards the new girl. "What are you doing!" she cried out loudly. "You can't go there! You'll get attacked." she watched helplessly as the girl continued walking. *censored* she thought.
1:14pm Mar 5 2010
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Aurora ignored the girl,"I just want to explore, make sure everything is alright." She yelled back. Her snakes turned their head towards Kai letting out loud hisses. Ash groaned,"Sure go get lost, then we will be blamed for it!" He whispered starting to follow her. ((BRB))
1:19pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kai glared at the girl. "If you get lost, we get in trouble. Besides that, its not your job to keep things safe and if you die, I doubt anyone's going to mourn for you. Being stupid is not high in the to-do list for a Demigod." she hissed balefully.
1:52pm Mar 5 2010
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"So. I don't really care if any one mourns over me. I would watch your tongue." Aurora snapped back turning around to face Kai. She her snakes hissed now all of them were facing the others. She smiled turning back around and taking off her gl*censored*es,"Plus I think that I can take care of myself." "Can you turn Medusa into stone?" Ash asked curious,"What if you meet her in the woods. "Never really tried it but I wouldn't be too worried. If I can't turn her into stone she probably can't turn me into it." Aurora answered.