1:54pm Mar 5 2010
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"So...you can turn people to stone?" she said warily. She didn't really want to turn to stone. She pulled a pair of reflective contacts out of her bag. "Better to be safe than sorry." she muttered as she put them on.
1:56pm Mar 5 2010
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"Yes. My hair isn't the only thing I got from...Her." Aurora said her voice guarded and prickly. I guess not. I alays imagined Medusa having a temper..." He said. Aurora ignored the comment and walked forward,"I will be back in a few minutes." She said before stopping again.
1:58pm Mar 5 2010
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Kaia hurried forwards. "No." she said angrily. "I am not letting you out of my sight till we show you to Chiron. i don't care if you are a Demi-god or whatever, I will personaly kick you out if you harm a single camper on purpose." she hissed.
2:10pm Mar 5 2010
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"Relax! You could be stone right now...I mean I keep my eyes closed most of the time anyways." Aurora laughed,"And I would never turn someone into stone on purpose."
2:11pm Mar 5 2010
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Kai smiled. "Unfortunatly, you couldn't even if you wanted to. But anyways, you need to see Chiron now." she pulled on Ash's arm. "Help me!" she hissed.
2:14pm Mar 5 2010
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Aurora laughed,"Who knows. I have never tried my powers on purpose." She said turning back around. She lifted her shaded sungl*censored*es and put them on hiding her eyes,"Now who is this Chiron?" She asked walking towards them.
2:15pm Mar 5 2010
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"Chiron helps to run this camp. He's a centaur." she said as she walked to the Main House.
2:18pm Mar 5 2010
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Ash kept a close eye on Aurora. He didn't know if Aurora knew that Kai's god parent, Athena, had made her what she is(That is right, right? At least that is what it said in the movie.
2:21pm Mar 5 2010
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ooc; yesh, it's true >.< Don't hate meh charrie for that *glares*
2:23pm Mar 5 2010
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((Lol. Aurora doesn't even know...Yet. Plus she doesn't mind it. She likes her snake hair and stuff. Well not really but she is use to it.XD))
2:24pm Mar 5 2010
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ooc; well then...Xd
2:27pm Mar 5 2010
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Aurora followed curious. She turned back,"So why are you all so scared about me getting killed? Is everything okay around here?" She asked.
2:31pm Mar 5 2010
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"Why we are scared is because Demi-gods are so damn rare!" said Kai angrily, though she didn't know why she was.
2:33pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 2:41pm Mar 5 2010)
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"And also because something happened a few days ago..." Ash added. He didn't really want to talk about it. Aurora looked at him curious,"What happened?" She asked.
2:36pm Mar 5 2010
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Kai looked down gloomily. "You tell her Ash." she muttered as she walked off. She hated talking about (Name goes here). It depressed her since they had been close. She now nursed a vengence to destroy that Hellhound ever since.
2:41pm Mar 5 2010
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((Lol.)) "Well...Someone was found dead. They were killed by a hellhound. More monsters and stuff have been apearing so we have all been a little jumpy." Ash said his voice quiet. "Oh...I am sorry." Aurora said her voice sad. She could imagine walking through the forest and finding on of your friends dead. She shook off the thought.
2:42pm Mar 5 2010
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Ooc; I'll name him/her.....>.< Kai opened the door to the Main house and plodded in. "Chiron, new kid needs to see you. She's a daughter of Medusa." she called out to the centaur. Chiron nodded and hurried out.
2:49pm Mar 5 2010
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Aurora's snakes hissed when Kai said the name. Aurora had tought them to not like the name. Aurora smiled,"Good snakes." She said patting one on the head. Ash looked at the snakes,"Wow. They are like your pets...have you named them?" He asked. "This one is called Venom, and this one is Fang..." Aurora said starting to tell Ash all of their names and pointing at the snake it belong to.
2:51pm Mar 5 2010
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Kai sighed as she saw the girl name her snakes. How wierd she thought. "I didn't get your name." she said as she neared the two.
2:52pm Mar 5 2010
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"Oh. I am Aurora." Aurora said smiling. ((G2G))