2:54pm Mar 5 2010
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ooc; bai :( Kai nodded. "Alright Aurora. Since we don't have a Medusa cabin, you're in the Hermes cabin." she said, putting her hand on the said cabin.
10:02pm Mar 5 2010
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Aurora groaned,"Figures." She looked over at the cabin,"Why do I have to stay...There?" She asked looking at all the other cabins around her. ((I AM BACK! The movie was so cool It was in 3D! XD))
4:24pm Mar 6 2010
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ooc; Awesome :D "Well....its because there wasn't a Medusa Cabin made. I don't know why really..." she trailed off. She looked around awkwardly for Ash. Why was he always gone when you needed him?
4:27pm Mar 6 2010
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"Oh...I see. Maybe it is because you don't have many people staying in the cabin or soemthing." She said deciding that must be what it was.
1:06pm Mar 7 2010
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"Well, yeah. You're the only Medusa camper since like....ever." she said glancing at Aurora to judge her reaction.
1:26pm Mar 7 2010
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Aurora shrugged,"I can't help it both my parents are crazy." She said. ((Hm...I think a monster should attack or something to add some excitment.XD))
1:28pm Mar 7 2010
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ooc: Definably :D Kai shrugged. "I guess, sorry but a human falling for a Snake-headed woman? Random and crazy." sher grinned, you're ok though. Atleast you don't want to turn us to stone." she said, laughing.
1:35pm Mar 7 2010
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Aurora laughed,"Well...The kept her hair covered around others most of the time unless they got on her bad side...At least that is what my dad told me." Aurora said. She heard a loud noise from outside,"What was that?" She asked hearing screams.
1:47pm Mar 7 2010
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"Oh my god!" yelled Kai. "Not again!! By Hades." she leapt up and ran out to be greeted by a snake-woman (What are they called again? Snake legs and woman's body?). The monster hissed gleefully. "Daughter of Athena, how nice to see you. Ahh..." she said as she turned to Aurora. "Daughter of Medusa, a relative in a way. Are you not pleased to see me?" she asked as she swiftly turned and grabbed a Son of Hermes. "I am not pleased with youDemi-gods." she hissed as she cracked the boy's back (To bloody?).
1:54pm Mar 7 2010
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((I think they are called Gorgons. No but if it gets any bloodier it might be.XD)) Aurora's snakes let out a deep hiss."I don't think I can turn her into stone." She said. Ash krept up behind the monster,"Kai, run." He whispered getting the monsters attention.
1:58pm Mar 7 2010
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ooc: Not gorgon, Dracenae or something :D Kai shook her head, battle tactics already forming in her mind."Alright, children of Artemis, I want you on the left of her, start shooting immedietly. Apollo's children, get ready for the injured and Everyone else, arm up. We have a bad battle ahead." she turned to Ash. "There are more of these monsters in the woods. We have to destroy them all." she hissed, her eyes flickering to the forbidding forest. "Aurora, you have to try though. It may be our ony chance."
2:01pm Mar 7 2010
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ooc: I must poof, see ya :o (This ish me mommeh's fault)
2:02pm Mar 7 2010
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Aurora sighed taking off her gl*censored*es,"Close your eyes." She said as she opened her's. She looked the monster in the eyes knowing where it is,"Did it work?" She asked hearing part of the monster turn to stone. "Kind of. She half stone. Oh well it will slow her down." Ash said.
12:36pm Mar 8 2010
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Kai grinned at the sight, the Dracenae was stone on her lower half, her upper body struggling to move. "NIce job." she said to Aurora before pulling out her bow. SHe grasped an arrow and placed it on the string and drew back. AIming carefully, she let loose the string and it hit the Dracenae right in the eye. She howled and disappeared, a grimace of pain on her face as she turned to dust.
12:40pm Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 12:42pm Mar 8 2010)
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ooc; Die double post >:D
1:10pm Mar 8 2010
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((Lol.)) "We should go find the other ones before someoen else gets hurt." Aurora said. She shook her head moving her head down towards the body of the camper. She couldn't see it but she knew it must be ugly.
1:36pm Mar 8 2010
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Kaia winced when she saw the dead Hermes child. "NO..." she whispered as she knelt next to him. He was a mangled mess, hardly recognizable. "No." she said again.
1:39pm Mar 8 2010
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Kaia winced when she saw the dead Hermes child. "NO..." she whispered as she knelt next to him. He was a mangled mess, hardly recognizable. "No." she said again.
1:40pm Mar 8 2010
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Ash looked down,"I could have saved him probably...If I didn't have to deal with that monter." He said water running down his face almost looking like tears.
1:46pm Mar 8 2010
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Kaia put her hand in his shoulder. "I don't know why this is happening but at least we saved the other campers Ash."