1:48pm Mar 8 2010
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"No one is safe yet." Ash whispered,"Others will probably come." Aurora looked around,"How did it get in? Is there a gap in the border or soemthing?" She asked.
1:50pm Mar 8 2010
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Kai shook her head. "I don't know but we have to be carefull. I want full patrols of the forest and border each day. If any monster enters, annhialate it." she hissed, her eyes flashing with fury.
1:57pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I can go on the first one." Ash said,"Aurora should stay here though...She doesn't know how to use her powers yet. "I have had to deal with my powers ALL my life! It isn't like just because I just got here that i have no idea what I can do or how to use control." She snapped.
2:00pm Mar 8 2010
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Kai just shook her head. "Alright, cool it guys. Ash is on the first patrol and Aurora on the second with me. I'm not putting you two together, no way." she said calmly.
2:07pm Mar 8 2010
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"Fine." Aurora grumbled. She put her gl*censored*es back on forgetting that she had taken them off. "I don't know with the temper of yours you may loose control." Ash hissed.
2:08pm Mar 8 2010
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Kai stepped inbetween them and pushed them away. "NO fighting. We hav worse matters to deal with." she hissed.
2:13pm Mar 8 2010
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"I have to leave." Ash said turning away and going with the rest of the patrols.
8:44am Mar 9 2010
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Kai nodded and pointed to the Hermes Cabin, which was near the end of the half-circle that made up the cabins. "You're staying there." she said.
1:01pm Mar 9 2010
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ooc; Bump
1:12pm Mar 9 2010
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Aurora mumbled something to herself before walking towards the Hermes Cabin. Ash looked around,"Here monster.'He whispered. He heard a loud rumble come from behind him and saw a tree come flying towards them. He dogded just in time and squinted his eyes tryign to see what threw the tree at them.
1:14pm Mar 9 2010
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Kai looked up. "Holy Hades!" she yelled as she whipped her bow out, fitting an arrow into the string. "What in Zeus was that?"
1:24pm Mar 9 2010
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"Is what?" Aurora asked. Ash screamed and started to run away as the...Minotaur ran towards him. The Minotaurs horns where the size of half of Ash's hole body.
1:25pm Mar 9 2010
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ooc; Agh! Minotaurs haunt my RP's XD Kai shot the arrow but the Minotaur kept coming, the small dart meaning nothing to it. It bellowed loudly, trying to pick her up. She dodged and yelled in its face, making it stop in surprise.
1:28pm Mar 9 2010
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((Lol. I couldn't think of anything else big enough to throw a tree.XD)) Ash ran towards her stapping his sword into it foot. The minotaur yelped pulling what looked like a toothpick to it out of its foot. He laughed hard turning to Ash and started to charge.
1:32pm Mar 9 2010
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Kai snarled, her mouth a grim line as she grabbed the nearest weapon, a spear. Flinging it with all her might, it pierced the tough hide of the Minotaur, stabbing its black heart. THe Minotaur bellowed and moaned, its body flopping as it fell to the ground. It twitched and dissapated, turning to dust.
1:39pm Mar 9 2010
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Ash breathed heavily. He looked over at Kai,"Okay my patrol is over your turn." He said. "What just happened?" Aurora asked. She felt panick flowing off of everyone but didn't knwo what was wrong.
1:41pm Mar 9 2010
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Kai nodded at Ash and turned to Aurora. "Minotaur attack. Hopefully he won't reappear soon." she said shortly before turning and rallying the campers. "Alright, second patrol ready!" she yelled.
1:53pm Mar 9 2010
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Aurora smiled and walked over,"I am in this patrol right?" She asked wanting to make sure. She heard a kid move uncomfortably as one of her snakes hissed at him.
1:54pm Mar 9 2010
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Kai nodded in affirmation. "Yep. We should get going now." she said, glaring at Aurora's snakes. "And put those away, no need to scare the younger campers."
2:15pm Mar 9 2010
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Aurora giggled,"But they don't like it under my scarf." She said. Her snakes all turned to face Kai and let out a loud hiss.