6:22am Mar 10 2010
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"Yes, but we can't have seven year olds running around screaming about snakes. Not good for morale." said Kai, glaring at the snakes as if daring them to do something about it.
10:28am Mar 10 2010
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"Are there really seven year olds here? I don't think they would be too worried seeing that a minotaur and whatever that snake lady was just attacked the camp." Aurora laughed. She petted on of the snakes head,"Plus they really are friendly."
12:47pm Mar 10 2010
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"There are all ages. Besides, some of the kids are in traumatic shock right now." she said irritably. pointing to some kids that were being led away by the older campers. "I guess if they are friendly they are ok, but be careful. Don't freak them out by pretending you're Medusa or something."
1:37pm Mar 10 2010
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Aurora giggled,"Like I would ever do that...Even though it does sound a little like me." Ash growled,"You do kind of remind me of Medusa...Not that I have met her but if I did I think she would be a lot like you."
1:42pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai rolled her eyes. "Uh, Ash? Medusa happens to be her mom. I would be surprised if they wrern't like each other." she finished with a giggle, her eyes straying to Aurora's snakes,who seemed to be quite happy with themselves.
5:11pm Mar 10 2010
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Ash laughed,"I know that...But hey, I am NOTHING like my father! At least I don't think." Ash said. "Okay lets go." Aurora said her patients boiling away.
5:18pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai nodded. "That's a great idea." she muttered, walking off to the border, some campers following her. ooc; Who is his 'rent again?
5:26pm Mar 10 2010
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((poseiden.XD)) Aurora followed listened to the forest and other campers around her. Her snakes became quiet only letting out a few hisses every few minutes.
5:28pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai jumped as a hellhound burst through the bush. "What in Hades!" she yelped, pulling her dagger out.
5:34pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 5:34pm Mar 10 2010)
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Aurora snapped her galsses off and turned to face the hellhoud. The heelhoud whimpered as it was turned into stone. Aurora put her gl*censored*es back on and listened to see if any more animals were coming,"As long as Medusa herself doesn't attack I will be fine.' She whispered to herself not caring if anyone else heard her or not,"Unless Hades or someone attacks then I won't be fine." She added.
5:43pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai grinned. "The thought of Hades attacking is wierd." she said, just as the forest turned dark. "Or...maybe not!" she yelled. ooc; Plot Twist! XD
5:46pm Mar 10 2010
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((Cool!)) "What are you talking about?" Aurora asked. She had a creepy feelign in the pit of her stomach that something horrible was about to happen.
5:48pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai was about to open her mouth when Hades appeared in a flash of black flame. "Oh, my, God!" she whispered, her eyes wide.
5:53pm Mar 10 2010
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Aurora took a step back,"Hades is here isn't he? I should have made Ash go on the second patrol." She said turning towards Hades. Her snakes hissed at once covering her face to look at Hades.
5:55pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai just stood there, her mouth open in shock. "Wha....." just then, she was grabbed by Hades.
6:02pm Mar 10 2010
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Aurora let out a horrible scream for no reason. She heard some of the campers fall to the knees plugging their ears and smiled. She screamed again. Ash heard a scream,"What is going on?" He asked looking around. He grabbed his sword and ran into the forest looking for the second patrol.
6:05pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai struggled in Hades hand but it was too hard to get free. She gasped, "Let me go!" as she bit his hand. Hades just smiled cruelly, "You're coming with me!" he hissed. ooc; Persephone all over again?XD
6:39pm Mar 10 2010
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Aurora leaped into action. She leaped at Hades knocking him to the ground. He laughed smacking Aurora into a tree. Ash snuck up from behind Hades. He stuck the sword straight through the middle of him and was surprised when Hades turned around and grabbed him too,"What are you doing here?" He asked.
6:43pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai screamed loudly, her throat raw from fear as Hades hit Aurora. "No!" she yelled as Ash stuck the sword in Hades. "He can't.....*gasp/choke*.....Die!"
6:46pm Mar 10 2010
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((Lol.)) Aurora hissed getting up. She limped forward and 'looked' at Hades. It was quiet creepy actually,having someone who is blind look right inot your eyes as if she could see you. Her snakes snapped and spat at Hades. Hades laughed. ((What does Hades want with them?))