6:48pm Mar 10 2010
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ooc; I dunno, let him steal Kai and Aurora ^^
6:54pm Mar 10 2010
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((Lol. And then Ash will try to find them and stuff.XD)) Hades dropped Ash and reached his hand towards Aurora,"Yes...The daughter of Medusa. Never really like the girl." He said grabbing her. He didn't seem to even notice the snakes biting into his hand. There was a poof of smoke and he was gone. ((Hehe. The was quick.XD))
6:58pm Mar 10 2010
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ooc; XD, like persephone o.O Kai struggled and screamed in Hades hand as he appeared in his castle, the walls and floors pitch black.
7:02pm Mar 10 2010
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"You won't get away with this! Someone will come and they will...They will make you wish you were dead if not kill you." Aurora spat. "No one is coming to save you little snaky. So get the out of your mind." Hades snapped back.
7:10pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai stopped struggling and glared at Hades. "I swear, by the river Styx, I will kill you and all that helped you. I will not rest until you are DEAD." she hissed furiously, her eyes dark and filled with anger.
7:20pm Mar 10 2010
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Hades laughed,"I had a little help from someone inside. And also...You can't kill me remember? Maybe you should learn a little more about me before you say such things." Aurora snakes hissed,"Ah, yes. And someone needs a hair cut." He added. Aurora snarled,"You are not touching my hair." She spat calming her snake's down. ((I like playing snakes.XD))
7:24pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai grinned. "So you say." she said, her smile growing even bigger. "So you say."
7:31pm Mar 10 2010
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Hades looked at her,"I will have you under the guard of the hellhounds at all time...And just to be safe I will also put some...better gl*censored*es on Snaky." He said,"And you better not open your eyes...Or else you will turn it to stone and it will be on you forever." He said,"I will make sure you have no weapons around you to help you get free." He added.
7:33pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai laughed, stunning Hades. "Ah, but I have a weapon that can't be taken!" she hissed, her eyes nearly black. ooc; Another plot twist coming up next!
7:37pm Mar 10 2010
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Hades looked at her,"Then I might just have to kill you to make sure you don't use it. Of course that would ruin everything so I won't do that...I will keep you alive...But just barely." He said.
7:40pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai hissed and her eyes turned completely black. "Kill me? NO, you can't do that. It's...far to HARD." she said, grinning like a madwoman.
7:41pm Mar 10 2010
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Hades looked at her,"I am sure it isn't in my power since I am the god of the UnderWorld." He said. He snapped his fingers and two hellhoud ran up growling and barking at Kai and Aurora.
7:43pm Mar 10 2010
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"That may be so Hades, but I am not controlled by the laws of the UNderworld. I live and die as I please." she snarled, scaring the hellhounds away. They yipped and turned tail, running baack into the depths of the Underworld.
7:46pm Mar 10 2010
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Hades laughed,"I guess I will have to kill you then." He said. Fire surrounded him as he turned into a giant beast. A loud roar came from him knocking Aurora back wards.
7:48pm Mar 10 2010
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Kai glared at the beast/Hades and embraced the flames, swallowing them. She flicked her wrist and a ball of fire appeared in her hand, glowing blue. "Are you so sure?" she taunted Hades.
9:06am Mar 11 2010
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((Gah. What is she?))
11:28am Mar 11 2010
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ooc; Hehehe, I guess Athena had no idea what her dad was >:D
11:43am Mar 11 2010
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12:53pm Mar 11 2010
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(Daddy ish a......dragon!! XD))
12:59pm Mar 11 2010
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((WOW. Lol. That is...WEIRD. I guess it is cool as long as it isn't liek she can't die or has pwerful powers or something.XD))