3:47pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Sheno dropped Shayde on the ground on purpose before flying away. " humpft." he said as he tried to syand up. "where is she...?" he asked himself as he walked around the camp. he sighed and sat on a dead tree stump.
3:49pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily heard shayde's voice and releaxed immediatly and burrowed out of the whole. He still couldnt see ehr though sicne the whole was inside the shelter she'd made. She spread her wings and spiraled out of the whole i the top of the shelter, unfurling her wings and flapping them, so she wouldnt fall. She landed on the ground behind Shayde.

Click please<3
3:51pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((...Holy crayep D; A bit too many legendaries, hrmm, they're supposed to be EXTREMELY rare, and I hardly use all caps, so I mean EXTREMELY rare. I think Ace will take a vacation since I'm at a loss as to what's going on. You guys just keep going, and I'll straighten out what's happening as far as new characters~))
I\'m back.
3:53pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Shayde jumped. he turned around to see Lily. he smiled and hugged her. he noticed what he was doing and reteived his hands. he blushed and turned away " umm...sorry for rushing off....i guess i was a little...jealos.." he smirked.
3:53pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( m'kay :D ))
3:55pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((i was trying to explain that kate :3 also one person wanted to be a Shadow lugia but we already have a normal lugia. so i dont think they should.)) Lily blushed at the sudden contact. "n-no its fine!" she smiled an pulled him back ino he hug. "i was worried you'd gotten caught...so I'd made a shelter to stake out the facility so I could get you..." she said tears escaping her eyes.

Click please<3
3:57pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Shayde hugged her tight and smiled. " are you alright..?" he asked . " i was just about to get caught but the palkia that i saved..well saved me." he laughed. he whiped away her tears. " im ok..your ok.." he smiled.
4:00pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily smiled back and nodded. "P-palkia!" she shivered. "Thats one scary hybrid." Lily said. Then giggled "Well I guess she returned the favor then.." Lily stated. ((I got to go and I dont think i'll be online tomorrow. please dont go to far ahead without me. And if you do when i come back just summarize i for me~))

Click please<3
4:01pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((No Shadow Lugias, sorry D; I did however change the story a bit, making the legendary Pokemon hybrids the more common ones.))
I\'m back.
4:02pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( bai :D )) "well shes nice.." he said. " well lets get back to the otrhers." he added.
4:24pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((nevermind im back -.-*)) Lily nodded. "Alright.." she said following.

Click please<3
5:26pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 354
Wow you miss a day you miss a lot O.o Should I just quit or can I jump in with you guys?
5:27pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((Feel free to jump in anywhere. trust me even though you see pages the most thats happened is a bunch of pokemon escaped and were all just hanging out XD))

Click please<3
5:30pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 354
Well where I started is Lucien and Riolu where looking for food, and training. Aasir is bored an looking for trouble xD Lol I'm going to read back some more.
9:29pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
after a few minutes Shayde arrived at the base. Calyx greeted them and asked. " dang...where were you?" Reno just smirked as he watched Shayde and Lily walk by. Ebenos easedropped on them by hiding in a tree.
9:48pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Okay, then nevermind, guys. Thanks anyways!!))
10:04pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( bumpo ))
11:58am Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( o3o; Um... Sorry to bother you, Kate, but I just wanted you to check over my bios before I started roleplaying. They're on page 10, I believe. Xatu, Kirlia, Roselia, and Duskull. Thanks. )) (( This post is now a bump 8D ))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:46pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((How to pop back in...?))
3:46pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( umm..... i guess u could interact with Ebenos ^^))