3:51pm Apr 26 2010
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Ozone was about to answer when Sheno sped off. A low growl escaped his throat before he turned his attention back on the small group before him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:55pm Apr 26 2010
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Marina shivered in fear. " I-i-i-M Marina...." she whispered. She wanted to fly away as quick as she could, but that would be rude.When Sheno acused her of being a stalker, she got mad. " I'M NO Stalker" She yelled, but her voice still sounded angelic.She looked up at Sheno, for she was tiny, just a small ten year old Shaymin Girl.
4:00pm Apr 26 2010
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" hey hey calm dont." she smiled. " im not mad at you...stalker.." she teased. " just joking."she turned to Ozone. " sorry heh....well whats you name...need help?" she asked.
4:01pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Fay sighed and and lumbered off. She was exhausted from healing the lugia hybrid and couldn't deal with his anger. Lily sighed as well her patience ebbing. "im sorry they clipped your wing. It'll grow back" she said before taking flight and heading back to camp with Seth following by darting from tree to tree, struggling to keep up.

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4:03pm Apr 26 2010
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Marina growled and transformed into her Sky shaymin form, flying through the sky. She smiled and landed ona tree stump.
4:03pm Apr 26 2010
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" oh thats just great..." he sighed. " i bet she thinks im a jerk...well i am." he laughed. " i diddent get to thank her..." he frowned. " what was i going to say...hrmm...-" he aske dhimself, " MY WING!!!! " he screamed.
4:05pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Ozone turned back to Sheno. "My name is Ozone," he growled. "And my only friend is still locked up inside that place." Using his head, he gestured over to the lab where Scythe was being held.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:10pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Marina looked dopwn, there were the scientists. They grabbed her and hauled her in.Marina let out a piercing scream andcried. " Help!!!" she yelled.The scientists threw her in the cell and locked it. The cell wasn't made of wood, so Marina couldn't break it.
4:14pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Ebenos turned to the screams. he growled low and darted to the lab.he tried to fly but his wings were still clipped. (( fail xD ))
4:16pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,440
lily landed and touched down into the field where all the pokemon had been before almost hitting shawn. Shawn quickly stood back afraid to get hit and sat on the ground dazed.

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4:19pm Apr 26 2010
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Marina felt movement coming towards her. " Help!" she cried. She used leaf blae, but it only harmed her.
4:22pm Apr 26 2010
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Shayde spotted Ebenos runnignt to the lab. " oh crap...better go warn him.." and he flew over to him. " its Cloud!" the scientists yelled scattering . he made a confused face and continued to follow him. sddenly he tripped by a net and fell into a cage. it locked and he was trapped. " oh no...crap..." he said. " i cant let Lily know im here....i cant let her get captured..."
4:27pm Apr 26 2010
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Marina glanced at Shayde, letting out a small chuckled, she used Razor leaf once more.A scientist grabbed her and ( ca't say this part, because, well they ur... peeled her of her clothes, because they do that when they examine you, i should know * shivers*) and did so . They closed a curtain around her and set her on a table.
4:29pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Ebenos hissed. he tackled the scientist and started biting an scratching him..soon he was dead....((O.O )) he picked up Marina, and her clothes and bolted out of the lab leaving Shayde.he jumped along trees still holding her.(( xD .....naked pokemon hybrid here xD ))
4:32pm Apr 26 2010
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( XD) Marina quickly put her clothes back on.She looked at Ebenoes, then she transformed to her Sky form.She flew along side him, pretty embarras.sed about what happened at the lab. ( I'm serious, they strip you and examine you in err.. parts that can be explained))
4:33pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( lolz xD )) Ebenos skidded into a small lake to refresh. (( and to wash his hands xD )) he walked out. " well....erm you ok...?" he asked.
4:41pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Marina nodded, and sat beneath a tree. She looked over to a small patch of flowers, Gracedia Flowers. marina skipped merrily over to them and smiled, picking a few. She smiled, happily, and flounced around in her silk white dress. She giggled in her voice which was echoy like a legendary.
4:44pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Ebenos sighed. " am i forgeting something...?" he asked himself as shayde rotted in his cell, then a scientist showed up and got ready to do what the other scientist did to Marina...(( lolz brainfart...))
4:48pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Marina giggled. "Yep, your friend" she giggled.She kept twirling around, holding a bunch of Gracedia flowers.
4:51pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily saw shayde and other hybrids bolt into the lab and immediatly got worried. She dove through the door flying and slammed into a giant net which quickly closed on her. "Looks like we got out legendary articuno back" her old scientist said happily. "but we'll have to examine you to make sure those other hybrids didnt effect you sweetheart" using that sick voice lily loathed. They strapped her to a tabel after removing her clothes and she hisses trying to flap her wings to no use and struggling widly snapping one strip of leather, reaching for her clothes.

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