4:35pm Apr 28 2010
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a scientist snuck up behind him and got out a tazer. before he knew it pain was moving throught his body. mad, he turned around ignoring the pain and killed him.
4:39pm Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 4:40pm Apr 28 2010)
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Posts: 2,440
Fay closed her eyes and concentrated. Since she was able to teleport she teleported out of the bonds while they shocked her continuously. The bonds fell off and she fell to the ground panting from the electricity her body quivering. Her head hung she stood up a totaly of 6'5 feet. And roared titlting her head back. Suddenly discs of pyscic energy came from her body and killed all of the scientists. This combined with the pain from the electricity pushed her over the edge and she collapsed on the ground panting. (i love spacial Rend X3 and the elctricity hurt her so bad because palkia are dragon and Water. so its her weakness)

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4:47pm Apr 28 2010
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Ebenos ran to her side. " are you ok?" he asked, also panting. ( fail xD ))
4:48pm Apr 28 2010
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Ooc; Can I join?
4:49pm Apr 28 2010
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Fay looked up at him the pain mirrored in her eyes from all the electric shocks. "W-why..W-why.." she asked before closing her eyes wondering why he'd bothered to save her.

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4:51pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"no need to thank me..." he paused. " you can later...right now i gotta get you oughta here." with that he picked her up and ran away from the gory sight of the dead scientists.
4:56pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((im extremely surpsied her can pick her up being how heavy palkia's are XD)) Fay looked up at him before laying her head on his cheast and p*censored*ing out. ((braindead))

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4:58pm Apr 28 2010
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(( lolz he's strong xD )) Ebenos looked down at her before stopping and placing her down on a patch of moss.
5:04pm Apr 28 2010
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Fay woke up noticing she was on a bed of moss. She groaned and blinked her eyes open. She stiffled a yawn and looked up questioningly.

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5:05pm Apr 28 2010
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" you awake?" Ebenos asked. " are you hungry..?while you were out i got a few berries..." he said.
5:24pm Apr 28 2010
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"U-uhm.. Y-yes.. thanks." She stuttered still infanantly confused. She bit into one of the berries automatically feeling better. She tried to sit up holding her self up weakly.

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5:30pm Apr 28 2010
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Marina flew until she saw huge berry. She flew down to get it, when she finally grabbed it, men in labcoats surrounded her. They had other hybrids, like Charizard, Blastoise, Venasaur, meganuim, Crocanaw, and one more she couldn't figure out. The trapped her in a metal box and went to the lab, where they threw her in an unbreakable cell.
5:37pm Apr 28 2010
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" yupp no prob." he said taking a berry for himself. " oran berries are my favorite." he added ad he took a bite.
5:41pm Apr 28 2010
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The scientist paced back and forth. " Thought you could escape, did you?" he said, grinning evily.Marina sniffled as she looked through the steel bars." No, but," she said. " I am NOW!" Her voice was echoy and loud. She used Razor leaf on the scientist through the bars, then Vine Whip the get the keys.But something stopped her.A Chimchar boy burned her Vine Whip with his Flamethrower. " Thought you were smart?" he snickered.Marina shivered in fear.
5:43pm Apr 28 2010
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Calyx walked on all fours when she heard yelling. she peered throw a bush and saw a captive pokemon. she sent out a flare into the sky making everyone distracted. she bolted to the cage and did her best to unlock it.
5:46pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Fay finally managed to sit up. "Really?" she was glad he was opening up even if it was only hsi favorite berry. She took another one swallowing it and wiping the juices off. She smiled feeling refreshed.

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5:47pm Apr 28 2010
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The Chimchar boy revealed his family. Monfeno girl, and an Infernape father. The used Flamethrower on Calyx and then Flame wheel. Marina cried.The Chimchar boy growled and used Flamethrower on her, making her scream.Marina tried to fight it back, but he had the advantage.
5:55pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( bump)
6:02pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx was knocked to the ground. she clutched her arm screaming.she used confusion and ran over to Marina. and opened her cage to be flung into the air from a trap. " run!!" she screamed. " go!!"
6:04pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((Uhm... could you please respond to my charrie Zozane =.= i feel kinda left out..))

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