7:14pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( * covers shadows eyes* you dont need to see naked pokemon-people xD ))
7:15pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Aroki shook his head. " what ever" he scofed. Allyana growled. " Because, they were just about to operate when we rescued them!' she snapped.Aroki slapped his forehead. ' Whay didn't you get their clothes?" he growled. Marina cried on Calyx. " I don't like being.. naked" she whisperd.
7:16pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( yes)
7:19pm Apr 28 2010
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" i dont either.." she hissed. " but you have a dress of hair shielding your...parts" she re*censored*ured her. " me? i got nothen." she laughed.
7:21pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Marina sighed, then lightened up. " Oh, I forgot!" she used Vine Whip on Calyx, wrpping her in a Vine dress, and her too. " There, problem solved" she giggled.
7:22pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" oh thanks!" she said. " better than being naked." she smirked.
7:24pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace wandered through the forest. His mouth was dry, and he was starting to feel light headed; he couldn't remember the last time the scientists had fed him. He looked at the plant life around him, feeling stupid because he had no clue what was edible and what wasn't. He tripped over a rock, and tumbled across the ground until he skidded to a halt in front of a cave. His fall had torn the shoulder of his jacket, and sliced the fabric across his chest, revealing pale, marbled skin, but he ignored the shallow cuts there. He could live. Taking a tentitive step forewards, he called gently into the cave mouth, "H-hello?" His eyes were wide with fright. ______ Poppy blinked, looking over the scientists that had been killed by the girl. She stumbled upon one, who's throat was sliced wide open, but he was breathing. Hardly. More like he was drowning in his own blood, left there to thrash around until he died. She waved her hand over his face, using her psychic ability to stop all his working organs, so he would die without having to drown in his own blood. Despite what this man had done to her, she still could not watch him, or anyone, die a death like that. Poppy continued walking, coming to a small body of water. A lake. She crouched down and cupped the cold water in her hands, splashing it over her face. she stood back up, breeze tugging at her long, flowing ginger hair, and continued to walk. ( Thar. o3o )
wuss poppin jimbo
7:25pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Marina blushed, she had used most of the vine on Calyx, and all she had was a kerchif. " Urm, youre welcome?" she said, still embarras.sed.
7:25pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen ))
7:27pm Apr 28 2010
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Allyana looked down at Jace. " How did you find this place?" she asked. Aroki stepped in front of her." Why are you here?" he snarled. Allyana pushed him aside slowly. " Aroki, stop being a worry wart, if he tries to hurt our guests, we'll kill him" she said, smiling happily,
7:28pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((What ever.)) A random character comes out of the dark and shanks all of shadowrider's charries. ((See-ya))

Click please<3
7:28pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" why are we still here?" she asked as she tried to get up, but pain shot at her like a bullet. she looked at her hand, it was burned horribly, and so was her leg.
7:30pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace paled, and his hands started to shake. "I-I s-s-stumbled," he said, swallowing. Stuttering had been a problem with him since he was young. His eyes were round like disks with fright, and he gripped the roses in his hands tighter. "I e-escaped from the p-place they were holding me, and I was walking in the forest, w-when I t-tripped and stumbled across this c-cave." He gulped and added in a small voice, "Please don't hurt me." He was quivering.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:33pm Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Apr 28 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx growled. she limped over to the scared hybrid. " its ok." she said reasurring him. " those are pretty." she smiled looking at the flowers he was holding. " there not att that bad." she smirked. " but the male ...humpht he is so a perv." she giggled.
7:34pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Allyana helped him up. " I won't go in one of the caverns and make yourself at home. Aroki will treat your wounds if you have any.I have to take care of our... erm.. special guests." she said.Allyana burst into the room, looking at marina, who was still nude and Calyx , who was covered. She looked at Calyx's burns. " I know how I can treat that' she said, wrapping a leaf around it, then pouring oran juice on it.
7:38pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen ))
7:38pm Apr 28 2010
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Jace nodded at them both, shuffling his feet in silence. He stared at the ground. His mouth burned for water; he blinked at Calyx when she mentioned his roses. "Thank you," he murmured. "I carry them everywhere with me now." He shook out his greenish hair, but the three spikes in his hair remained. He was actually craving to cut them off; but he didn't know what would happen if he did.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:40pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" water?" she asked as she ran over to where she was sitting by marina. she picked up what had looked like some kind of water bottle and handed it to Jace. " i was saving it for lader...ut you can have it." she smiled.
7:43pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace flushed, feeling the warmth in his cheeks. "O-Okay, thanks." he said quietly as he took the waterbottle and eyed it over. Seemed harmless enough. He took a swig of it, coolness flooding through his over-heated body like a sweet wave. "W-what's your name?" he asked quietly, focusing his eyes on hers. "My name's Jason. But I go by Jace."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:46pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" im Calyx." she smiled. " rarely, im called by cal." she smirked. " well nice to meet you jace." she smiled.