4:33pm May 3 2010
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" well if i saved some one id at least get there clothes...." she hissed to herself. she turned to Marina. " nah who cares about parents...were free to do what ever we want." she smiled. " my parents diddent like me either."
4:35pm May 3 2010
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Allyana growled louder. She grabbed Calyx, opened the cave andreveiled her to the scientists. " one more complin from you, and I throw you to them" she hissed. marina sat and cried.
4:47pm May 3 2010
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"thanks for giving them out location ! " Calyx growled pushing Allyana, out of her grasp. " leave me alone." she hissed. " i appreciate you saving me and all but im not your captive!" with that she jumped on a tree, and ran away, leading the scientists away also.
4:32pm May 4 2010
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Allyana hissed. She rolled her eyes." Okay, just let her die" she growled. She turned to Marina. " Your a legendary, right?" mshe asked. Marina looked up. " Yes..." she whispered." i hope you don't run away like Calyx.." Allyana said. Marina's eyes filled with tears. " I want... jace" she whispered.Allyana sighed. At the lab. The scientists grabbed Calyx and knocked her out. They dragged her to the lab and stripped her of the tight vine dress. One set her on a table, and locked her in metal bars.They pulled the cover off of her, reveling the nude body.One grabbed a needle and poijnted it at her stomach.
4:40pm May 4 2010
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(( oh gawd ...xD )) Shayde was looking throw the window. when he saw Calyx he gasped and jumped into the lab, glas.s shards shot at the scientists that was holding the needle, into his head.He quickly picked Calyx up, and grabbed her clothes and left.
4:43pm May 4 2010
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The scientists pulled oout guns, and shot him, taking him down too. They grabbed them both and threw them in unbreakable, unlockable, cells.They put them to sleep, making sure they could'n't - and they couldn't - get away.
4:56pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm May 4 2010)
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(( *growls* ...*gos to get ebenos* let dem out. xD: )) Ebenos unlocked the cages and ran away with Calyx and Shayde., far away. ((xD)) (( the end xD -fail-))
4:56pm May 4 2010
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Jace narrowed his eyes angrily. "Let me out," he complained at Aroki. "Just because I'm not some super-powered freakish legendary does not mean you can shove me in a room!" His hands tightened around his roses, and their petals gained a light glow. His eyes flashed agrily.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:59pm May 4 2010
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Ebenos set Calyx and Shayde down in a cave, and put Calyxs clothes on ((xD).Shayde woke up and looekd around. " thanks." Shayde said. "i failed ." he said embaresed.
5:01pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Aroki sighed. " Okay, but Marina wants you" he said, leading him to Marina's room. She ugged his leg. " I wanna leave..' she whisperd. ( can Marina be like, Jace's little sis?))
5:04pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx woke up,sore. " what am i...?" she asked looking away. she looked closer to the cave they were in. they were in the same cave...but came in a different way.she heard Marina and Jace.she crawled over to them, but blended in with the wall. she layed on her stomach and peered over the side. she tryed to get there attention.
5:11pm May 4 2010
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Marina looked around. " Did you hear that?" she asked. Aroki didn't answer, he just used Flamethrower like crazy, almost hitting Calyx. Allyana spotted her. " You again." she hissed. Aroki looked puzzled. " Ally, what the he** are you talking to?" he snapped.
5:14pm May 4 2010
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Calyx crawled back to Shayde and Ebenos. " what the heck were you doing?!" they both snapped. " oh nothing i just need you two to shut up- i mean shhhhh." she said. both of them rolled there eyes before Calyx hid behind them.
5:15pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 9,944
( Jace's bio reads that he's an only child. xD ) Jace looked down at Marina for a moment, puzzled, until he saw Calyx. He peered up at her, lossening his grip on the flowers so they lost their glow, and a slow smile spread across his face. His eyes were cautious, but welcoming.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:17pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx crawled back to her spot. she smiledd at Jace more than she did to Marina. she whispered:" come on..."no one had noticed her until Shayde walked in.....((xD)) " heyo." he said and looked around.
5:21pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Allyana growled harshly. " OUT! ALL OF YOU!" he voice sounded echo-y and mad. She teleported them tto a forest and sighed. Marina still held on to Jace.
5:29pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" well...i officaly have no home now..." Ebenos hissed. " who are your friends Calyx?" he said looking and Jace and Marina.
5:36pm May 4 2010
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Marina held closer to Jace.
5:46pm May 4 2010
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{ How old is Marina... ? xD } Jace narrowed his eyes at Shayde and Ebenos. "My name is Jason," he muttered. "But you can call me Jace." He set his gaze on Marina for a moment, who was clinging to him like a sloth on a branch. He frowned a little, and considered prying her off. But he didn't, and simply held onto his roses in silence.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:48pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( 7) marina let go of Jace. " i wanna go home.." she said, rubbing a tear from her eye. She looked around, hoping to see Gracedia flowers.She spotted some and ran over to them.Canging into her Sky Shaymin form.