1:06am May 8 2010
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"Poof?" Ace questioned, then remembering. "Oh right, teleport. I think we can just walk." He gestured to a sunny field west of where they currently stood. "I think that looks like a decent place." He smiked his usual smirk, beggining to trot off. ((That's good, Kink. I think Angel was actually taken by you, a while back~))
I\'m back.
1:09am May 8 2010
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((Oh jeez.... o-o It was. -head desk- I feel so lame for even forgetting I joined. D: Can I just like delete them? xD))
1:13am May 8 2010
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((Sure you can~))
I\'m back.
8:00am May 8 2010
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8:12am May 8 2010
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Hey Kate)) I am changing my character, can my character be your charries partner and be a lunatone?))
 <-- Click me
10:00am May 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte bobbed her head, green curls bouncing, as a shy smile played on her face. She glanced at the field, eyes tracing over it carefully. It was perfect; but was it too perfect? She shook off her worries and doubts, scrambling to catch up with Ace. She matched her strides with his so she could keep up. "Where are you from?" she mumbled still watching her feet. "I'm from Newfoundland. I lived there with my sister."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:13pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Sorry Feyth, there's already a Lunatone who likes Zade~)) "I'm from... Hmm... I can't even remeber. But it was cold." Ace paused, try to think of his home place. "And you have a sister? I had an older brother. His name was Zade, but we were seperated when the scientists captured me." He wore a somber ex pression, though it only lasted a moment before it was replaced with a broad grin. "Here we are." He moitioned his hand around the field out before him. "It's even better up close." He scuttled up to a Pecha tree, ramming into it in an attempt to make the berries fall. When it didn't work, he gave an embarrased little smile.
I\'m back.
2:03pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte chuckled, hair falling in front of her face. "I had a twin sister," she explained, letting her fingers trail across the tips of the tall gr*censored*. "She was home when I was captured, so she's still in Newfoundland. Somewhere." She grinned, walking up to Ace with an amused ex pression. "Wouldn't it just be easier to climb the tree and pick them? You're going to give yourself a concussion or something ramming into it like that." She smirked, looking up at the closest branch. Charlotte jumped and tried to reach it, but her fingers just brushed the underside of it. She frowned. "Give me a lift...?"
wuss poppin jimbo
2:06pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Sheno flew over to Shayde. Shayde looked up at the young latias. "what are you doing?" Shayde asked. " i just was bored...and i found you!" she chirped. She spotted another hybrid in the distance. "who is that?' She asked.
4:06pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Alrighty.... Uh... Where are you guys? xD I'm too lazy to read... o-o))
4:07pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((umm...im ia forest ^^))
4:13pm May 8 2010
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((Alrighty then. xD Thank you ZoZo. :3)) Sierra slowly walked through the forest. She had 'escaped' her prison a while back, just sort of living on her own. Her sight was better in the night, which is why she only went on walks at that time. Stepping over branch by branch, voices seemed to get louder and louder. Then, about a few moments later, Sierra saw people... Well, hybrids like her. Keeping a cautious eye, she walked over to them, staying hidden. Since she had no idea who they were, she didn't want to get too close.
4:14pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen xD ))
4:16pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Me niether. xD I don't really know what to say.... o-o Oh yeah, Fail post up there. xD))
4:17pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( lolz xD ))
4:23pm May 8 2010
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((Alright... o-o I'll make contact. xD)) Sierra couldn't stand not saying anything and just watching. She stepped out of the trees annd sighed. Noticing two hybirds that were somewhat close (Shayde and Sheno), she calmly walked towards them. "Hello?" She said in a quiet, yet powerful, voice. "I'm Sierra...."
4:33pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"Uh, sure." Ace nervously lifted Charlotte off the ground, holding her closer to the branches. It made him feel strong, being able to lift her so easily. Had it been from becoming a hybrid? Had the Skuntank DNA improved his strength? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Zade glared at the Latias who'd just entered the scene. "Pleasure to meet you." A Latias?! Jackpot... He hid a smirk. And then a Lunatone came as well. Another one? His smirk grew larger "Pleaese, you three, skate with me." He gestured to the ice with a joyful grin. That was Zade's manuever, form a friendship, and decieve them when they least expect it. ((Sorry for the short posts, guys
I\'m back.
4:42pm May 8 2010
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Seirra glanced at Zade, not trusting him. He did intruige her though. "I'm not much of an ice person..." Seirra muttered to him. She crossed her arms and walked towards the ice, not getting within 5 feet of it though. She rocked her body left and right, watching how the light reflected back as she did so. Such small things like this always interested Seirra, even before her 'mutation'.
4:47pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"Well, that's okay." He turned away, showing an annoyed look. There's always gotta be a difficult one His ex pression quickly faded back to that false jolly grin as he danced and pranced about the ice. "You'd have a lot of fun if you did come out here." He as.sured, giving it a second try.
I\'m back.
4:51pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Sierra smiled but shook her head. "I'm having fun just watching..." She said to him as she continued at watch the ice. It shimmered with an unknowing truth to it. It made her want to not trust the Solrock-infused hybrid. Sierra could almost sense he wasn't to be trusted, but she had that feeling towards everyone. "So..." She started. "How did you escape?" She asked Zade curiously.