3:31pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Reno grabbed Shenos arm and flung her into the air.As he let go of her hand she flew high into the air. Reno looked around, looking if any one else needed help. Calyx whimpered, her eyes met with Renos and he flew over to help. He let her out of her cage, she thanked him and scurried away.
3:34pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Cloud saw the group of hybrids and quickly glided over to them swooping and landing near them. She was to shy to just walk right up o she just kind of wandered in the backround ~~~~~~~ Seth was on his haunches stil in his bush. He watches as his friend cloud swooped down. Always quick to trust that girl..He sighed and walked out as well standing next to her and taking his friends hand for comfort..

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3:36pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily's eyes brimmed full with tears as she watched as the place nearly emptied of hybrids and she was completely out of luck. An As.sitant walked over to her kneeling down so he was eye level with her and spoke in a cooing voice as if talking to a baby or a child "Hi there sweetheart~ looks like your not gettign out are you? Teehee~" the stupid scientist said. Lily just hissed the most menacing sound a human mixed with a bird could make and her tears splattered to the metal floor.

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3:38pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 3:39pm Apr 23 2010)
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Shayde smiled. he had waited for the perfect moment to escape. He sawed the bars of his cage with his claws.It diddent take long for him to escape. He ran on all fours away from his cage outside. He shielded his eyes with his arm from the sun.After his eyes had settled he turned ready to run away. when he saw Lily he changed his direction and tackled the scientist and clawed her cage making a small enough hole for her to get out..
3:42pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily's eyes snapped open in wide shock as everything happened so fast she dashed out of her cage and scurried outside making sure Shayde was behind her. She stretched her wings to their giant fulll length and welcomed the warming sun turning in a slow circle. She turned to the male behind her. "T-thank you! so much! if theres anything i could do to repay you..?"

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3:45pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 3:46pm Apr 23 2010)
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" no problem." he aswered. " you dont need to repay me....lets just say you owe me one." he smiled. " now.. lets get out of here!" he said as he bolted from his spot on all fours.
3:47pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily made a chirping noice in agreement and broke into a run before lifting into a glide before flapping her wings and becoming airborn, making sure to stay right aboove shayde.

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3:49pm Apr 23 2010
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Sheno giggled. she swooped down and grabbed Shayde and lifting him into the air still giggling. " what the-" he said. he looked up to see Sheno. " nice to see ya again Shayde!" she chirped. Shayde smiled and calmed down. " next time warn me before you do that." he said.
3:55pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Seth sat on his haunches in the field to itch his ear with his foot. He looked up only to see a latios and latias flying around and an Articuno landing in the gr*censored*. His ear stopped in mid scratch while he just sit there and stared. ~~~~~~~ Cloud turned to Seth . Curious she asked, "What are you staring-" until he pointed and she looked to see a latios and latias and an articuno all in the same area. "wow so many legendaries.." she whispered in a soft voice her own cloud like wings hovering behind her

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3:59pm Apr 23 2010
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Sheno dropped Shayde to the ground. he landed on all fours, then stood up. Reno landed in a tree staring at everyone, Sheno landed under the tree reno was. Calyx walked out of the brush panting. she looked up to see everyone. she tilted her head and sat down.
4:01pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((... Um. Join as Cresselia hybrid and a Zigzagoon hybrid? oUo))
4:02pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( awww rika u beat mehh to cresselia xD ))
4:05pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Cloud continued to stare at the legendaries with her piercing blue eyes amazed at the sight of so many in such a small area.((so braindead right now X3)) ~~~~~ Lily stared back at the Altaria hybrid but mainly at those wings. They looked just like clouds... She walked towards Cloud her long tail swaying out behind her. Her hand gently ran across the soft wings. They also felt like wings. ~~~~~~~~~ Cloud gulped nervously as the articuno ran her hands over her wings. But she didnt mind. Her own wing grasped the Articuno's wings and gasped as they were as cold as ice even in this nice weather. And they felt just like silk. ~~~~~ seth growled as the Articuno aproached the altaria but stopped short watching the weird exchange of wing petting. He tilted his head to the side confused. His ears lowered to his head as he tried to figure out what they were doing

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4:06pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((FFF. Ad Zozane, I tend to use the name Reno a lot. ono ... For Lucarios and Lucario hybrids, anyways. But since Lucario is taken....lul.))
4:07pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i just watched final fatasy and i got Reno off tat xD ))
4:11pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Nyght walked up to Calyx. he growled at the others saying: * stay away from her *. Calyx made a annoyed face at Nyght and he backed away. " i can take care of myself." she said turning away. " well hello.." Shayde said ignoring Nyght. he walked up to her just to make Nyght mad. Nyght growled and Calyx made another annoyed look at him.
4:13pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Pffft. That's where I got it. |D I named my very first Riolu on my Platinum game, the one you get from Riley, Reno, which is why I only use that name on Riolu and Lucario. P: .... Reno's a level 48 Lucario now, though. xD))
4:15pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Cloud finally backed away from the articunos touch. She recieved a sad look before a smile spread onto Lily's face. "I'm lily" she said in her melodic voice reaching for Cloud's hand. Before cloud could react Seth was up and seperating them. "Well shes cloud and im seth" he said grabbing the articuno's hand and shaking it roughly. Lily gasped and pulled back her hand blood dripping down from it. Cloud smacked seth. "Seth! thats enough thank you" cloud grumbled looking at lilly and wrapping the bleeding wound. "im so sorry..." she murmured.

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4:16pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i want a umbreon espeon absol rayquaza and lugia..... but i cant get any xD my diamond had all those and lvl 100... but i lost the game xD ))
4:17pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I have all of those except Lugia. |D))