5:07pm Apr 23 2010
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Shayde turned to Calyx. " can you heal?" he asked. " a little..." he answered. she walked up to Lily. and held her hand and it stared to shine. " there.. its not fully healed... but its something." she smiled.
5:13pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily smiled and stroked her hand softly. "The pain is gone. Thank you much" she said smiling at Calyx. ((i have such a bad headache its blocking my train of thought =.=*))

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5:15pm Apr 23 2010
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" its ok." she smiled. her stomach growled. " umm.. where is the food...?" she asked.
5:17pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily waved her hands around in a flurried gesture "oh dont worry! its the least i can do!" she said bounding off towards the oran berry trees. She gathered as many as she could in her hands. Seth bounded forwards to help her taking as much as he could carry as well. Lily picked a few more and laid them onto her wings. She walked back carefully balancing all the berries. She laid them onto the ground as did Seth. Minus a few they both kept for them selves eating them hungrily, oran berry juice dripping down their faces.

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5:20pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" yummy! " Calyx said as she picked one up. she took a bite and smiled. " this is good!" she said. Reno took a few as did Sheno. they ate hungirly, then nyght had some. suddenly a earpiercing screamed reached them. " what was that?!" she said uncovering her ears. there was the sound again.
5:23pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily shrieked covering her sensitive ears as did Seth and cloud. "Ugh! make it stop please!

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5:29pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm Apr 23 2010)
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" its over there " Shayde growled and darted for the sound. the sound pierced the air again. whimperings could be heard in a small, but very deep hole. Flora screamed again. " hello?!" Shayde said. " H-help!" Flora said. " im stuck! i cant move... and i think my leg is broken! " she said scared.
5:31pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily peered into the whole and exteneded her blue hand. "take hold.." she said loud enough for the leafeon girl to here her.

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5:32pm Apr 23 2010
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" i cant reach ..." she whimpered. " everytime i move my leg hurts..." she whimpered.
5:34pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily scowled and turned to Shayde. "Hold my feet please." And slowly started to climb into the whole. When she was about waist deep she grabbed hold gently of the leafeon girl and flapped her wings powerfully slowly dragging her up. She placed her gently on the gr*censored*. "What happened" Lily asked greatly concerned.

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5:36pm Apr 23 2010
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Flora whimpered loudly from the pain in her leg. it was twisted at a awkward agnle. " I-i was chased by those scientist and i fell down into that hole.." she whimpered.
5:38pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily frowned and turned to the espeon hybrid. ((i fail at names so hard X3)) "Could you maybe try healing her?" Lily asked.

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5:43pm Apr 23 2010
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" im afraid not. i can only heal cuts and scratches.. not broken bones... im still new" Calyx said sadly.
5:50pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily said. "this si going to hurt a little but i promise it will feel much better once i do this." Lily took hold of her leg gently and snapped the bone back into place. Then she handed her soem oran berries "here these will heal you aslwell.."

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5:59pm Apr 23 2010
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Flora screamed from the pain. Shayde covered his ears and fell to the floor.she backed away from the oran berries, afraid of them.
6:02pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily sighed. "Please stop screaming. your obviously not used to this pain. Please just eat the oran berry you'll feel better.."

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6:04pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" my ears hurt." Shayde complained. " im sorry.." Flora said. " you promise...? that ill feel better?" she asked.
6:07pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily nodded. "they heal 10 hp points!" Lily exlcaimed. "so if you eat alot you'll be fine in no time" she smiled. Then she walked over to shayde and wrapped her arms around him in a shy hug. "im sorry"

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6:08pm Apr 23 2010
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Shayde smiled secretly. " aw its ok " he said. " ok..." she said as she took one. she ate it hungirly, then went onto the next until she had eaten 3 of them.
6:12pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily smiled and pulled back somewhat reluctuntly. Then she turned. "So whats your name young hybrid? and do you feel a little better? If not I can go find a Sitrus berry, they heal more then an oran berry.."

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