6:17pm Apr 23 2010
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" Flora..." she muttered. " no its ok...im full" she smiled. " i do feel alittle better.." she added. Nyght layed down. " oww look at the pretty sunset..." he giggled. he turned on his back and started to giggle loudly. " lalalalalalalaaaa...." he said. (( i think he had to many berries..xD)) " umm... whats wrong with him...?" Calyx asked.
6:19pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Lily giggled. "The berries are intoxicating!" she exploded into a giggle fit sitting on the gr*censored* and letting her wings trail behind her.
Seth sat near her and cloud sat next to him quietly.

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6:22pm Apr 23 2010
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Nyght jumped on Shaydes back. " ahhh get this freak off me!" he yelled running everywhere, tossing him back and forth, but he still wont budge. " giddie up ponyta!!! " he giggled as he kicked Shaydes side. he yelped and jumped everywhere. "ahhhhhh!!" she screamed. Calyx was on the ground laughing so hard she couldent stop.
6:26pm Apr 23 2010
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((im neutering killing my charries Seth and Cloud. I fail at controlling to many charries. Might just might introduce another later o-o)) Lily also burst into giggles covering her mouth with her hand. The sight amused her and she yelled "Yeehaw!" and giggled some more.

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6:29pm Apr 23 2010
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Shayde stopped to pant, but Nyght made him jump some more. finnaly he tossed Nyght off, he was still yelling " giddy up ponyta!" he then fell asleep. tears were streaming from Calyxs eyes because she laughed so hard.
6:29pm Apr 23 2010
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(( lolz neutering ? xD ))
6:30pm Apr 23 2010
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(( oh yes <3)) ((he fell asleep after just being bucked off a hybrid? weird pokemon XD" Lily still giggled not being able to control herself.

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6:32pm Apr 23 2010
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(( yupp xD -ish braindead-))
6:32pm Apr 23 2010
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6:35pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 6:38pm Apr 23 2010)
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Name: Shawn (( i like my S names if you cant tell yet)) Age:18 Gender: Male Pokemon Mixed With:Zangoose Looks *Picture or Deion: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> History *Optional: Personality *Optional: Fighting Technique/ Abilities *Optional: Those claws man *shiver* Other: He's still in captivity. He has been for 2 years now.

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6:38pm Apr 23 2010
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Shawn wrapped his huge thick claws around the poles of his cage and shook them feebly a rattling sound the only thing happening. He sighed and banged his head on the wall again. He opened his mouth revileving sharp fangs and continued trying to knaw the bars. He had made it about a quarter through the bar metal shavings piling up on the floor before he got a m*censored*ive toothake. He curled up into a tight ball and squeezes his eyes shut hearing the drip drip of a leaking faucet nearby.

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6:41pm Apr 23 2010
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(( im looking for a new charry 2 for some reason xD cant seem to find 1...))
6:44pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,440
((x3. you has so many charries its confusing))
Lily hummed bored. "Well im going to go back to the facility...I think theres a few last pokemon in captivity...and they'll have them harshly guarded." Lily said flapping her large wings heading towards the facility at top speed.

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6:57pm Apr 23 2010
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" im comming!" Shayde chirped as he ran as fast as he could to keep her pace. he jumped up a tree to get a good view of the facility.
7:02pm Apr 23 2010
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Lily broke in the front door all the guards surprised and trying to grab her at the same time. She quickly found Shawn's cage and unlocked it using her beak. She grabbed him with her hands a shocked ex pression frozen on his face. Guards encircled them. Lily flaped her wings super hard and sent billowing gusts of wind that knocked most of the guards over. As lily flew forward Seth knocked out any remaining guards with his huge claws. They exited the door and lily flew back to the carrying signalying to Shayde on her way just wanting to get away from that place. She dropped Shawn carefully and watched as he stretched and worked his stiff muscles. "oh gosh thank you miss...? anyway! how can I repay you?" asked the greatful zangoose. Lily smiled thinking fo what Shayde had said when she asked that same exact thing. " well my name is Lily and I don't require you to make it up to me" her smile grew wider.

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7:08pm Apr 23 2010
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Shayde smiled also. he looked at Shawn, " ive never seen one of you before..." he murmered.
7:10pm Apr 23 2010
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"Well is that good?" he asked his tail twitching. He wasn't used to getting attention. "I've seen lots of pokemon. I've been in that scientists lab for a long time" he smiled weakily invoulantarily shivering at thinking of that place.

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7:12pm Apr 23 2010
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" i have to.. i was one of the first." he growled. he changed his attitude,well... are like...hungry or something?" he asked.
7:14pm Apr 23 2010
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Shawn blushed meekly wondering what he'd done to upset the pokemon but shook it off. "uhm yeah... he said following the absol. "That girl who rescued me is very pretty" he said blushing again and smiling.

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7:14pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 7:14pm Apr 23 2010)
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