((my computer has been breaking down A LOT and I am not always able to get on my dad's laptop so I'll be delaying a lot))
"Next up is Graci!" Namina announced. Graci stepped onto stage. "Twin Evees Elico and Lanni GO!" She threw to pokeballs out each one gracefully released two perfect eevees. "Elico, Lanni Shadow Ball!"
The two eevees jumped int the air spinning around and then a little purple ball formed in each of their mouths which gracefully joined together to create a wonderful purlpe light show of Shadow Ball. "Now Elico use WISH, Lanni use adapt then use quick attack!"
Elico the male eevee spun around using wish gracefully. Lanni used adapt which made her next attack much more powerfull. She then used wquick attack and jumped at Elico. They both spun around in cirles, Lanni was glowing which made them glow with the soarkles from Elico's wish all around them.
"Now evolve!" cried Graci throwing teo element stopnes in the air. Lanni evolved into a flareon at the same time as Elico evolved into a vaporeon. "Lanni use flame wheel! Elico jump!" Lanni used flame wheel into the air above her. Elico ran and jumped hight up into the flame wheel and started to land in the center. "Now Elico use wave!" Elico stopped at a spash of water rose into the flame wheel but did not yet touch the flame wheel. Elico landed while the wonderful show was in action.
"Now Lanni, Elico Jump! Elico use whirlpool!" Graci called. Elico used whirlpool. Then the both of them jumped on top. "Lanno use fire spin!" Lanni put some fire into the mixture by outlining the waterpool with fire. The finish pose was a fire coated whirlpool with two spinning eevee evolutions on the top. Their paws were basically running on eachothers.
"Lastly Lanni blow yourself with fire!" Lanni made her body into one big ball of fire while Elico made himself into one big ball of water. Now there was a ball of fire, and a ball or water running around on circles. How amazing!
Namina held up a three to the profesionall co-ordinator and clapped. "Wonderful! Noone can make water and fire shine like you did!! And at the end when you made your pokemon of opposite elements colide like that I did not know it was possible!" Namina cried then turned to the other judges and waited for a response.
After they replied she announced "Roselia is next!"