((Thanks ^^))
Name: Ribunny
Age: 13
Gender: female
Looks: She has brownish blonde hair and clear blue eyes. She always wears a camouflage baseball cap because she says its lucky.
Pokemon (List species): Charizard, Quilava, Ditto,
Persona: Ribunny really doesn't like taking orders and is very free spirited. She is a bit weird and hyper at times and can scare people away, but if you become her friend, it will be the best choice you could make, become her enimy, however, and you better watch your back.
History: Unknown
Other: Can understand what pokemon are saying,
Name: Char
Gender: male
Species: Charizard
Persona: even though he is very big and powerfull, he is still very shy and timid
History(?): When he was a charmander he was unable to use his fire, he learned it when he evolved, but is still afraid he could loose it
Other: Ribunny's first pokemon
Name: Flower
Gender: female
Species: Quilava
(The quilava XD)
Persona: Very hyper and crazy, its hard to get her to sit still for a secound.
History(?): unknown
Other: no.
Name: Changey
Gender: genderless
Species: Ditto
Persona: Very lazy, it doesn't really like to move much, but still can battle very well
History(?): unknown
Other: no