Pokemon Role-play

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6:40pm Feb 11 2011

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Posts: 1,586

Name:Rose Wagner


Gender: Female

Pokémon: Dratini at the moment but will eventually have a vulpix and a riolu for sure.

Appearance:One sec on this.

Personality: She is a self charrie. Rose loves the out doors, prefering to sleep outside below the stars then under a roof. She has a bright smile, though it rarely shows because calmness is usually a mask on her face. The female is a fiery one if mad, and has a sharp tongue. She can debate with the best of them. (the rest is me but tbpo)

History: She was born in Sinoh and was raised there till she was 7. Her dad got a job very quickly though in Kanto to be a gym leader. He took of the Cerulean Gym. There she grew up, and at the age of 15, she was finally allowed to go out on a journey. Her parents had let her raise their pokemon, but not have her own till she reached that age.



Name: Saphira


Personality: Quiet, but incredibly smart.

Species: Dratini

Gender: Female


 DragonBreath(Egg move)


ShockWave (TM)


Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

6:43pm Feb 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Accepted. 8D Now. POSTPOSTPOST <3]


6:45pm Feb 11 2011 (last edited on 7:23pm Feb 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Name: Shay

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Pokémon: Siri, the cyndaquil.  She wants more than one pokemon, but for now she's sticking with her starter.


Personality: Shay's a bit of a tomboy.  But she can be a girl, too.  She is very smart, and is also quite nice.  Unless, of course, she is angry.  Then she can be verbally and sometimes - ONLY IF NEEDED - physically.  Towards new people, sometimes she can be a bit shy, but it'll be ok after a while.  The only drawback to her is that she is "sensitive and angry" to put it plainly.  She can burst into tears for seemingly small reasons, yet she can yell so hard when she's angry it'll kill your ears.  Her father says she can't be both and that she should "pick one", but that hasn't happened yet, and Shay doesn't really know if it will at all.

History: Shay is from New Bark.  Her family has been with her for her whole life, and she has been educated well.  Ever since she was young, Shay had been very interested in Pokemon.  "Mommy, can I please have a Pokemon?"  had been said so much, it was like how you ate food.  Yup, that repetitive.  Every day, almost twice a day, Shay would bring up the subject of Pokemon.  Then she would say all the good qualities of them and of owning one.  Finally she'd pop the question.  Always, the answer would be a firm "No."  But one time, her mother eventually broke down and gave up.  "I'll think about it," was the answer that day.  And that night, mother and father talked and Shay soon got her first Pokemon.

Other: Uhm... not really. o3o


Name: Siri

Level: 5

Personality: Siri is quite adventurous and from time to time gets stuck in "situations" that can make someone giggle.  But towards newcomers, Siri completely changes and tries to hide.  But once the little Pokemon is comforable with who he's with, he's perfectly fine.

Species: Cyndaquil

Gender: Male


Tackle [Starter Move]

Leer [Starter Move]

Smokescreen [Starter Move]

Fire Blast [TM38]


- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

6:48pm Feb 11 2011

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Posts: 1,586
The mist was surrounding the girl in its embrace, wrapping its white folds around her as if to whisper secrets that no one else could here. She was hidden from the world, but not to herself. She still had her thoughts to accompany her as she walked down the path. Her journey was really yet to begin. She hadn't even met any other trainers. Yet Saphira already seemed stronger. The little dragon pokemon walked next to her, illuminating the path for the next two feet or so with her dragon breath. It was just enough light that she could see the ground below her. Yet noise wasn't covered by the mist either. With her finely tuned ears, the girl could just make out the sounds of voices. Shifting her backpack onto her other shoulder carefully, since it still contained the pokemon egg her father had given her, Rose headed towards the noise, attempting to peer through the mist, though only to obtain failure.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

6:51pm Feb 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Accepted Ice.]


7:05pm Feb 11 2011 (last edited on 7:30pm Feb 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(I edited and got Siri's moves in. C:  -shall post in a bit..- Posted. :3 )

Shay wandered through the terrible fog.  Clutching Siri in her arms, she squinted to see.  Sadly, it was to no avail.  Her cyndaquil gleefully chirped, "Cyndaquiiill!"  Siri looked up at her with a happy ex
pression.  "It's not working. I can't really be happy in this terrible weather, Siri,"  Shay told her Pokemon.  "I can hardly see anything.  If there was a tree right in front of me, I bet I wouldn't see it."

Gloomily, Siri nestled herself back into Shay's arms.  "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.." Shay said.  Siri didn't mind her much, for he was already half-asleep.  Sighing, Shay walked onwards.  She almost tripped over a large tree root on the side of the dirt pathway, but she quickly returned to the middle of the path to stay out of the way of those pesky tree roots.  Nobody wanted to fall and hurt themselves, and an added terror was if she fell on Siri.  The poor cyndaquil would be crushed!

Still trying to peer through the fog, Shay walked onwards.  She hoped to meet some other trainer and become friends.  Possibly even go on this Pokemon expedition together, as a duo.  But that probably wasn't going to happen soon..

(Uhmmmm, here's a map, Det.  It's not wonderful, but so far it's the best I can find.. The reason I found it for you was because I am bored. o.o


- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:40pm Feb 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[adfghjkl <3 Thank you. I'm pretty sure I tried to load that one and I got stuck with a broken link. Dx]


7:42pm Feb 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
(You're welcome. C: )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

6:14am Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,805

Mizu looked up with a jolt when another trainer came into veiw. She was holding the murkrow in her arms. "Ahh that makes sense." She muttered to herself before answering. "Huh? Oh, yea." She shoved the pen and pad into her back pocket. "He's my companion. Dipsi." She knelt down and tapped him on the shoulder causing him to spin round ready to pounce, not that he could jump very far, but he was determind. When he saw it was his trainer, he toddled up to her, ready to be picked up and resume his post on her head. 

"He has alway be bold, right from when he hatched. " She smiled, picking up the egg and clutching it tightly. "So what brings you to Ilex forest?" She asked in return.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:49am Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Jeremiah strode down the route, his Riolu tucked safely within his arms. He looked down at the little dog-like Pokemon and smiled, tilting his head slightly. "Don't worry, Reno. Nothing will hurt you," he murmured, petting the small Pokemon until he growled, sensing unfamiliar auras. Jeremiah held Riolu closer, eyes narrowing as he moved through the mist, searching for others. "Hello?" he called softly, listening as it echoed through the forest.


1:41pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 9,641

"What makes sense?" Isae asked in confusion, before shaking her head, a rueful smile appearing on her face. "Never mind that. Your togepi is cute though." Nevermore just made a disgruntled noise, since the togepi was quite a bit like an opposite of her kind and the little Pokemon's sunny nature was getting her nerves. Sighing in a consternated tone Isae poked Nevermore teasingly. "I'm here...starting my journey I guess. My parents finally decided I was mature enough to leave home. But I've had Nevermore for a while. I found her when I was little but I never got to participate in battles. Even still I have yet to fight another Pokemon with her."

Nevermore nodded her head, glaring accusingly at her trainer.

Turning Isae shrugged, tilting her head to catch a faint noise she had heard. "You know, I don't think we're the only trainers out here," she said faintly. 


1:51pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

The girl finally stepped out of the mist, only now realizing how close the other two trainers were. She stood silent for a minute just watching them before hearing one of them mention that they were the only ones out there. It was a small mistake, and with one word, Rose corrected it. "Hello." The girl said, brushing a stray curly bang out of her jade and hazel eyes. Saphira squirmed up to wrap around her shoulders, hugging her thin body against the girls next. With her sensitve ears, Rose could still hear other trainers walking about. Many seemed to have the same mindset as her. They didn't want to give in to the dank weather. Trainers never gave up, and Rose even more than that wouldn't surrender to just to a little bit of humidity and a lack of vision.


Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:39pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,805
"I have grown up with pokemon." She raised her eyebrow as she continued. "My dad is a breeder, totodile to be precise, so I was always around pokemon and around Prof. Elm." She looked to the side as she heared muffled footsteps. " I had an Eevee when I was ten, Then after a while, dad and Elm thought it would be a good idea to send him to my Mom in Sinnoh... She's a resercher. Then I got this little guy, and now I have an egg too." She stopped.
"You know, I don't think we're the only trainers out here," Mizu looked back to the stranger. "I think your right." She replied, refocusing on on the noise. "Hello." 
"Come to join the party have you? Beautiful night for a stroll, don'cha think?"

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:27pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Shay, being herself, reached into her bag and pulled out some crackers.  Yup.  Crackers, in this weather and at this time.  Eating them, a few crumbs fell on Siri's sleeping body.  Oops.  Shay lightly blew on Siri, cleaning off the crumbs.  Haha, that was sorta funny.  Finishing her crackers and making sure not to get any more on Siri, she walked on.  Seeing the dark outline of shapes up ahead, she thought they might have been more trainers.  But from where she was, they were a long ways away.

Siri, meanwhile, had been awake for the past few seconds.  Noticing the crumb remains on Shay's arm, he licked them up.  Yum.  It was crackers.  Shay, noticing her little Pokemon friend, smiled.  "Siri!" she said happily.  "You crack me up."  The cyndaquil, noticing his trainer's happiness, perked up in return.  "Cyndaa!"  he chirped.  "What a cute companion you are," Shay said, cuddling Siri.  She then continued walking along the dirt path, towards the dark silhouttes.  Could she have found friends..?  Or perhaps just people to talk to for the moment..?  If she got to them, then she'd find out.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:53pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Jeremiah smiled gently, petting his little Riolu's head as he stepped out of the cover of the mist in order to find a few female Trainers talking amongst themselves. A couple of them turned to include him in the conversation, his little canine Pokemon pricking his ears to focus on their voices. "Ah, I thought my Riolu had caught some unfamiliar auras," he said, tilting his head slightly. "My name is Jeremiah, and this little Pokemon is my Riolu, Reno," he said, introducing himself. When he heard a female trainer speak of being the daughter of a breeder, he chuckled softly. "I'm the son of a Lucario breeder in New Bark..." he said, smiling.


7:57pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 9,641

"I feel kind of left out," Isae complained. "You guys are both breeders and my parents were business people in Goldenrod." Of course, her slightly whiny tone got Isae a quick peck to the head from Nevermore, who shunned all forms of complaint.

"What was that for?" Isae exclaimed angrily, shrugging her shoulder so the murkrow would have to find a new place to perch. Landing on the ground Nevermore croaked and pecked about on the ground, ignoring her trainer fastidiously.

"Oh, and hi," she said in afterthought, grinning. "I'm Isae." 


8:17pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
Shay looked to her Pokemon for advice.  "Siri, should I get to those people up ahead?" she asked.  Siri looked up and happily said, "Cyndaaa!"  That meant yes.  Shay started to break into a slight jog, until she was close by.  Trying to look through the fog, she still saw the dark outlines of people.  Walking even closer, she looked at the people who were now standing in front of her.  Siri just stared at the new Pokemon and the new people.  Shay finally got the nerve to speak, "Hello.."

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:31pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

Rose nodded at the girl who had spoken to her. It wasn't exactly a beautiful night since she couldn't really see the sky, but in a way, it did have its charms. Saphira blinked once and uncurled herself from around Rose's neck, winding her way down onto the ground and over to the Murkrow. "My father is the leader of the Cerulean gym. Though its been.... Well altered a bit since he took over. Its no longer a plain water gym." She spoke after a moment, hearing all of the others explain what their fathers were. "But I am not determined by my father so I don't think it matters much." What caught her attention most was one of the boys Riolu's. In truth, that was her favorite pokemon of them all. Well, not a Riolu persay but a Lucario. Long ago, her Mother had one. Ray. Before setting out, Rose had decided to one day get a Lucario for herself. Maybe one day she and this trainer could battle it out.

Finally, the girl had finished looking over each trainer and decided that maybe one of them could end up being a strong. It would be fun to test it out though. But not tonight. "I suggest we all find someplace to camp. Tomorrow is a new day, and perhaps we can battle then, but right now...... I can guess we all need a rest."

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

8:35pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

"That's definitely a good idea," Isae said with a grin, just as a loud rumble of thunder sounded across the sky. "Oh joy," she muttered. "Thunder and fog. Isn't this weather simply beautiful?" Making sure the pouch on her waist was secure the girl waved her hand in a pathetic attempt to clear the fog, looking for a path. "I pas.sed a clearing some while back," she said hopefully, though with all the turning and twisting and greeting other people she wasn't really sure from which direction she had arrived at this spot.

"Sorry I can't be of more help. Nevermore could probably help but she's not that kind of type."  


8:58pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

Rose listened to the girl for a second before putting her own knowledge out there. "I pas.sed through the same clearing a second ago. Follow me." With that, she bent down and held out her hand that was covered in her fingerless gloves. She was rarely seen without them. Saphira let out a happy "Drati!" and slithered up her trainers arm, only to worm her way into Rose's backpack. The Dratini wrapped herself around the light green egg and let out a happy sigh, only sticking her small head out of Rose's bag to watch were they were going.

Rose laughed at the small pokemon before starting into a steady jog towards the east, where she remember the clearing to be.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
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