3:21pm Feb 13 2011
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(My mom, then my brother. P:)
3:25pm Feb 13 2011
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 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:27pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 3:34pm Feb 13 2011)
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[LOL. Spam much guys? And for good measure my team on SS consists of a level 27 unevolved Totodile and a level 26 unevolved Mareep. But it's pretty good considering I'm on the fourth gym now. lD And I haven't even gotten there yet. 8U My diamond team, however, much more epic. ;D Infernape, Sneasel, Honchkrow, some other dudes...yeah. 8D] [And I'll edit this with an answer. :x No more posting sprees, kay.] Isae grinned at Mizu's statement. "We can't be near Goldenrod yet," she said simply. "Since I pa.ssed this clearing about thirty minutes out of town. If we had a Pokemon that could fly, then yeah, we'd be close. But I'm pretty positive we're beginner trainers, all of us." Sighing she stuck her hands in her pockets and kept up the same, medium walking pace, waiting for Nevermore to get bored, which she ultimately did, one way or the other. "And hi Rose," Isae said with a laugh as the girl ran off. The trainer didn't really have any ideas about what she was going to do here. Currently she was pretty happy with Nevermore, and besides, none of the Pokemon here suited her. Pursing her lips Isae wondered what she would catch next. "I definitely want a raichu," she said with a smile.

3:45pm Feb 13 2011
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Even though she was quiet, the girl could still hear the voices through the trees. It wasn't to loud to scare away her catch though, thank the heavens, and Rose grinned to herself as she heard Saphira's soft "Dratiii" come from only a little ways ahead. As the girl entered a small little patch of dense trees, she spotted her pokemon at the base of a pecha berry tree that was hollowed out to make a den. "Do it Saphira." Rose whispered and with a simple nod, the Dratini blew out, a fairly large Dragonbreath consuming and entering the den. Squells could be heared through the night, as one after another, vulpix rushed out of their home. Rose stood between them and the exit to the grove though, smiling. There were to many of them for her to catch each one, but there were enough to give her a good selection to choose her partner from. Saphira who had returned to Rose's side after the dragonbreath looked at each one in turn, eying them up. But then a soft little noise came from the den. It seemed like the Dratini hadn't managed to get all the vulpix out. Rose's eyes flicked over to the den, and widened in surprise as out stepped a pokemon that was almost camoflauged in the moonlight. It was a vulpix, yes, but not one of which she had ever seen before. In her confusion, some of the vulpix dashed around her, escaping out into the night. This was the one I will catch, Rose thought quickly. The moonlight and silver rain colored vulpix didn't attempt to run, just stood there, watching the trainer with wise eyes.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:33pm Feb 13 2011
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Mizu crept closer as to not disturbed Rose in whatever it was she was attempting. It wasn't long before she saw. She was attempting to catch a vulpix. as the pack of vox pokemon darted about one remained. "Well isn't that a beauty." She whispered to herself, focusing on the silver vulpix as she lay in a shrub having tied her har back with a band. The only other odd coloured pokemon she had ever seen was the red gyrados those many years ago when she had visited mahogany town with her father. This was a true sight to behold. Removing her note pad she turned to a clean page and started to sketch the vulpix, writing notes beside it consisting of it colour and its apparent personality. Scrambling backwards, she made sure not to make any loud noises that would trigger the vulpix to run, however it did not seemed fased by anything as it stood, watching rose and her dratini. Quickley being greeted by an energetic Dipsi, she looked to where he was indicating to. It was her egg, and it was glowing. "Well this is certianly been an eventful night."
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:00pm Feb 13 2011
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The first thing Rose did was to flip open her pokedex. It scanned the vulpix in a matter of seconds, recording its data. Rose didn't really need the info, but if she was to complete the dex, she would need it. Plus, just in case she failed at catching this vulpix, it would be good to be able to track it. Once she was done, she slid the electronic back into her pocket and looked at the pokemon once more. It had sat down, and was watching her as if the pokemon was looking at a tiny leaf that was somehow new to it. "Lets go Saphira, Shock wave." Rose said calmly, hand slashing the air in front of her. Between the two of them, Rose and Saphira had managed to work out a code for the way Saphira should use each move. And each movement of Rose's hands helped corrodiante it. Saphira nodded, and let out a short but sharp "Tiniii" And then built up the energy needed in less then a second. With a growl, she released the electrical energy from the tip of her tail, slashing it in a X shape. There was a quick hissing and static sounding noise as the world was lit up in a burst of light. The vulpix dodged to the right of the attack, but due to the closeness of the trees, smacked against one of the nearest ones. "Dragonbreath!" Rose called again and the world lit up once more from the flame of Saphira's breath. The move hit its target, and Rose smiled. Rolling the pokeball in her hands, she tossed it lightly at the dazed, and hurt Vulpix. Absorbing the pokemon, the pokeball knocked around, once, twice...... three times and done. Smiling, Rose watched as Saphira relaxed and crawled over to sniff at the pokeball. Following her, the girl stood over the pokeball for a second before bending down and picking it up. "You will be called Rain since your color reminds me of the night before I left, where the moon was out and the sun was nearly clear, yet it rained. The moonlight filtered straight through the rain, making it silver colored. " Nodding to herself, sure that the pokemon inside the ball could hear her, she beant down to the Dratini that was curled around her ankle. "I am sure you levelled up from that battle to Saphira. You were amazing. "
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:03pm Feb 13 2011
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[LAWL. Good thing this is based off the show. lD Otherwise there'd be no exp.]
7:13pm Feb 13 2011
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[That is what I figured. I remember that in the shows that Ash could battle pokemon and learn new moves (Hence levelling up) and still catch the pokemon. ^^ ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:41pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Hnn. I think I'll make Jeremiah catch a Shinx. ouo; Here in a bit, of course.))
3:15am Feb 14 2011
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((o.o my post just deleted its self)) Watching the egg cross legged, Mizu had the pokemoball and pokedex ready to scan the totodile when it hatched. glowing, it morphed into the small crocodile like pokemon she knew of so well. Scanning it she found out two rather interesting things, firat that it was female, and second, that it knew hydro pump and Crunch. "Woah dad, you really wanted me to have a head start didn't cha?" she whistled, hearing the ping of a pokeball from rose's direction. Looking back to where she had left the prancing totodile, she found it stuck to a tree, its jaw firmly into the wood. "Well thats a bit silly don't cha think?" She informed her knewly hatched totodile. "I think I shall call you Di. Even though you are mischievous, I still think you are divine." She started pulling at her Totodile to try and get it off the tree, failing miserably. She stopped an rummaged round in her pocket, removing a think biscuit and wavered it to the Totodile, having smelt the snack, lept of the tree and started hopping infront of Mizu. Dipsi meanwhile, had lifted up Di's pokeball and started to trot to where Mizu was standing.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:39pm Feb 14 2011
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Scowling Isae crossed her arms and marched over to Rose with a furious ex pression on her face. "I'm glad you caught your dream Pokemon," she said huffily, "but honestly, did you need to attack all of the vulpix?" Turning on her heel she walked towards a baby vulpix, who was struggling to catch up to the rest of it's family, who were dashing through the forest. "Shhh," Isae murmured softly, kneeling down by the soft-furred fox Pokemon and patting it's head gently. Pulling out a potion with her other hand she spritzed the burn on the vulpix's side, smiling as the wound slowly healed. "Off you go," she said, giving the vulpix a push. Chirping it's thanks it trotted off to what seemed to be its mother, and disappeared into the fog. "That kind of wasn't necessary," she called out behind her shoulder, heading over to Mizu and her newly hatched Totodile.
8:49pm Feb 14 2011
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"And how do you expect for me to get them out of there." Rose asked with one raised eyebrow, showing the girl just how much she really cared about her opinion. It was worth nothing. "Saphira's Dragonbreath was toned down to low that time that it could barely burn a leaf, let alone a vulpix when she used it in the den. It wasn't the fire that got them, it was all of them sprinting for the door. Didn't you know that if a vulpix tail can cause a reaction with another vulpix's fur?" She shook her head. "My mother experimented with the subject for a while. If I had to get them out, I did it the most humane way possible. If I had tried to extract one by itself, it would have tried to attack me from inside the den and probably killed all its family with the attack." With that, Rose turned and jogged towards camp, pas.sing out of sight into the shadows in a matter of seconds.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:57pm Feb 14 2011
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[D8 Oops...tsk tsk Isae. >:C]
9:04pm Feb 14 2011
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[:3 Rose thinks things through first. :3 I actually had that whole thing planned out in case something like this happens xD ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:03am Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:10pm Feb 16 2011
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1:17pm Feb 16 2011
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"Oh...well, fine then," Isae muttered to herself at Rose's explanation, not even bothering to turn around when the girl ran off into the darkness. Shaking her head she sighed. Frankly, the girl wasn't too bothered about making an enemy out of someone she barely knew. Chances were Isae was going to split off from the group anyways and when would she ever see these kids again? Flicking her bangs behind her ears she clicked her fingers, calling out for Nevermore. The murkrow croaked and jumped onto Isae's shoulder. startling her. "Heck," she groaned as the bird Pokemon pecked at her head affectionately. "Didn't we talk about this, birdbrain?"
7:12pm Feb 16 2011
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The girl looked around and down at the pokeball, throwing it up into the air once, releasing the vulpix inside. The little vixen pokemon came out, a small "Pixxx" coming from it. Bending down, she scrutinized the pokemon, nodding happily. "You will make a good addition to our team rain. Welcome aboard." Slipping the pokemon a full restore for any burns or damage it was delt in the battle, the girl turned and began to walk towards came. Both Saphira and Rain followed, both seeming to get along nicely.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:25am Feb 17 2011
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Dipsi handed Mizu the pokeball. He trodded over to Di, holding his stubb of a hand in greeting. "Prii." He chimed, smiling. Di munched on her new found snack. The crocodile pokemon turned its head and looked down to the small egg like pokemon. "Toto-diiile!" She screeched, grasping Dipsi's hand. ((Both a fail in mind and body.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:08pm Feb 22 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Hurr. When can Jeremiah catch his Shinx? ouo; -curious-
And fff. I caught Bolt at around level 7. He's at least 60 something now and a full-grown Luxray. :D)